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Chapter 82: Diverting troubles to the east, violent killings (please subscribe)

The armored army rolled forward like wheels, and their slow and heavy steps put great pressure on everyone.

The addition of more than a dozen warriors from the Rebirth Cult made the atmosphere on the battlefield even more chilling. These warriors were all extraordinary in strength. At the very least, they were warriors with only a small amount of training, and there were also warriors who had practiced strength!

Well done, follow me and kill this beast! Zhu Bao was having a difficult fight with Han Baichuan. Han Baichuan was a highly trained warrior, and his swordsmanship was so fierce that it was difficult for him to display his strength.

His sword skills are distinguished by speed and strength. Although he is not worse than Han Baichuan, his level is only a small amount of practice. The gap in this aspect cannot be made up by moves alone.

Now a warrior from the Rebirth Cult came to help. The opponent's strength was not weaker than his at all, and could even vaguely compete with Han Baichuan. This made his pressure suddenly reduce. After laughing wildly, he quickly joined forces with him.

There were also warriors from the Rebirth Cult on Hong Ming's side, but they were blocked by Su Chen. The two warriors who had perfected their skills, even Hong Ming, who was not injured, were quite reluctant, but were easily blocked by Su Chen. This made everyone more clearly aware of Su Chen's power.

Damn it!

Han Baichuan was suppressed by the two men, and his flaw was exposed. He was quickly caught by Zhu Bao, hit with a palm, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

not good!

His injury instantly attracted the attention of other Purana Cult warriors. After another Purana Cult warrior shot a martial arts disciple to death, his eyes suddenly looked at him, which made him feel nervous.

Sure enough, three martial arts practitioners spotted him and ran towards him.


A thought flashed then. Needless to say, he couldn't stop Zhu Bao and a Rebirth Cult warrior, let alone three.

Get away!

As he was running, he suddenly saw a figure rushing out in front of him. Han Baichuan roared and struck out with a palm.

Ah! A shout sounded out, and Liu Fang, who was fighting with someone, was suddenly hit by Han Baichuan, staggering and almost falling.

Fortunately, Wei Ping caught it in time, but his face turned pale and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


When Su Chen saw this, anger surged in his eyes. This battle gave him a very bad feeling. It was all his own people who were trying to trick his own people!

Get out of my way!

Han Baichuan, who was running for his life, obviously didn't notice Su Chen's gaze. When he saw Su Chen standing motionless in front, he roared.

Don’t you see labor and management running for their lives? !

A flash of madness flashed in his eyes, and the movement of his hand was not slow at all. His five fingers were concentrated in the palm, and the palm came out like the wind, and he hit the head and face with a palm.

Xiao Chen, get out of the way!

Junior brother, be careful!

When Hong Ming, Li Mo and others saw this, their faces were horrified, and they all started to remind them.

Hide? Hide the hammer!

Su Chen sneered in his heart, he likes to attack his own people, right? Then don't blame me for being rude!

His palms danced, and the whole body's strength was concentrated on the front of his palms. Su Chen's face turned stern, he stepped forward with an arrow, and blasted out with a palm, and bursts of whistling sounds suddenly resounded.

court death!

Seeing that Su Chen dared to fight back, Han Baichuan sneered, and with all the strength in his body, he concentrated on his palms and struck without reservation.


The two figures collided violently, and the moment their palms touched, a deafening sound erupted. Under the worried eyes of Hong Ming and others, an embarrassed figure flew backwards like a sandbag.


To everyone's surprise, the figure who fell heavily to the ground was not Su Chen, but Han Baichuan. On the other hand, Su Chen only took a few symbolic steps back and was not injured at all.


Hong Ming and others who witnessed this scene were all stunned on the spot, and the same thought popped up in their minds: Is Su Chen really excited?


Han Baichuan's expression changed again and again as he fell to the ground. He snorted to suppress the fishy smell in his throat, then covered his chest and said angrily: You were careless!

Hearing this, Zhu Bao and the other two men who were chasing after them looked at each other, then turned back and turned to Han Baichuan. During the rush, three figures suddenly came towards them.


Zhu Bao smiled ferociously, moved violently, and slashed at Han Baichuan with a knife. That cold light was engraved in the depths of Han Baichuan's soul.

Bang bang bang!

Not far away, Tao Dingfang was fighting one against two with ease. The three figures intertwined and a violent collision broke out.

Suddenly, a sneer appeared on Tao Dingfang's face. He seized the opportunity in a microsecond, raised his fist and punched Zhu Hu.

When Zhu Hu saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a great sense of crisis enveloped his whole body, making his hair stand on end and his heart getting cold.

Caught off guard, Zhu Hu clenched his hands into claws. His claws moved like thunder and lightning, and he suddenly grabbed Tao Dingfang's fist.

However, at the moment when the two parties came into contact, a smile of successful conspiracy appeared on Tao Dingfang's face, and he whispered: The barbarian bull will wipe out the desolation!

What? Zhu Hu's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt a surge of tyrannical power, hitting his heart. He mobilized all the power in his body to try to resist, but the power was too violent, like dozens of heads. The barbarian bulls collided and came like a tide, which was impossible to resist.


After receiving a punch, blood spurted out from the corner of Zhu Hu's mouth. Tao Dingfang took advantage of the victory and pursued it, striking out fatally with one palm and one punch, making Zhu Hu tremble all over and unable to resist anymore.

Sun Yun on the side saw this, his eyes narrowed, and he wanted to take action, but was blocked by Zhu Hu's flying figure. He caught Zhu Hu's body and took several steps back before he stabilized himself. After a little exploration, his expression suddenly changed. Shen, Zhu Hu's heart pulses were all severed, and he was about to die soon.

Haha, next, it's your turn! After killing Zhu Hu, Tao Dingfang showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face and rushed out like a bull.

No! This guy is hiding his strength!

Sun Yun immediately woke up. Tao Dingfang's strength was by no means as simple as it appeared. He could kill Zhu Hu with one blow, so he had obviously already mastered the dirty skills!

Members of the Resurrection Cult must obey orders and withdraw!

Without hesitation, Sun Yun stood up and shouted while retreating. This operation was a complete failure. Tao Dingfang had too many trump cards.

If the stalemate continued, not only would the men he brought with him be killed by the armored army, but he himself would also be killed at the hands of Tao Dingfang.


Hearing Sun Yun's voice, the people fighting not far away were obviously shocked.

Zhu Bao, who had just killed Han Baichuan, saw the smile on his face suddenly changed when he saw Zhu Hu's body: Brother!

At this time, no one cared. Not long after Sun Yun finished speaking, the members of the Rebirth Cult all retreated.

Want to run away? Leave your head!! Tao Dingfang was naturally dissatisfied when he saw that Sun Yun wanted to leave without leaving anything behind, so he ducked and came to Sun Yun.

Sun Yun's face was solemn, and he struck out with a palm, mobilizing almost all the strength in his body, and collided with Tao Dingfang's palm. Holding back the violent strength in his body, Sun Yun dodged, and in a few jumps, he jumped at an astonishing speed. Disappeared from Tao Dingfang's sight.

Damn it! Tao Dingfang was furious. The killing move he had just unleashed to kill Zhu Hu had consumed too much energy. Otherwise, even if he could not kill Sun Yun, he would have been seriously injured with that palm strike alone.

The rest will be killed without mercy!

Tao Dingfang roared angrily, venting all the anger of Sun Yun's escape on the other enemies. Following his order, the armored army that surrounded everyone launched a violent storm of attacks.

The spear is like a dragon, and if you don't take action, it will be dead. Once you take action, it will bring a few lives with blood. In a short time, the warriors of the Rebirth Cult and the robbers of Lianyun Village suffered heavy losses!

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