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Chapter 78 Passed through Baishi City three times without entering (please subscribe)

Dingfang, what are your plans to gather all these people together but prevent them from going out without permission? Tao Wenxuan looked at his nephew and asked curiously.

Tao Dingfang smiled after hearing this: Uncle, don't you think Baishi City is too chaotic now?

you mean?

We must first stabilize the internal situation before fighting against the outside world. Without the obstruction of these warrior forces, it won't take long for us to stabilize Baishi City first. By then, we will be able to free up our hands to deal with Lianyun Village.

It's just... After learning Tao Dingfang's idea, Tao Wenxuan had no objection, but he thought more, If there are no such warrior forces in the city to suppress it, we may not be able to take care of both the front and rear with our strength alone.

It doesn't matter. With the help of the Han family and the three hundred soldiers I brought, it's enough! Tao Wenxuan was not worried, And...

And what? Tao Wenxuan asked.

Tao Dingfang put away his smile and looked a little deeper: And I suspect that among these warriors, there may be some collusion with the Rebirth Cult, but I'm not sure yet.

What do you think?

Not yet, let's talk about it then.

Okay, you just have to make the decision.

The silver moon is like a disk, hanging in the sky, and the cool moonlight pours down, covering the earth.


Like an earthquake, there was a deafening sound ahead, which instantly alerted the city guards who were keeping watch.

No, enemy attacks enemy attacks!

When the city guards saw the bandits attacking not far away, they were immediately frightened and blew their horns, alarming countless people.

Where is the enemy?

A general who heard the movement rushed over and asked in a deep voice.

Just outside the city! said the city guard.

After saying that, he led the generals up to the city wall. As soon as they climbed up the city wall, other city guards said: Sir, I'm sure they are from Lianyun Village, but...

but what?

But they just left.

Hearing this, the general was stunned for a moment, and then looked into the distance. At the end of his sight, he indeed found traces of the people in Lianyun Village, and they soon disappeared into the forest.

Seeing this scene, he wondered what the gangsters in Lianyun Village were planning.

Without hesitation, he reported the matter quickly. After Tao Dingfang learned about it, he just asked them to send more people to keep an eye on it to prevent Lianyun Village from attacking the city.

Three days in a row.

This is the case every night.

The people from Lianyun Village seemed to just go through the motions. After walking around Baishi City, they turned around and left without waiting for the guards of Baishi City to react.

At the beginning, the city guards were still on standby, but as time went by, they gradually got used to it, but reports would still be made.

After Tao Dingfang learned about it, he roughly guessed what Lianyun Village was thinking, warned the city guards not to relax, and sent some more people to strengthen defenses.

Both Tao Wenxuan and Tao Dingfang have been very busy these days. Fortunately, their busy work has been quite effective.

Three days passed, and the chaotic Baishi City gradually stabilized under the forcible intervention of the government.

Although the tranquility before the rebellion has not been restored, the fighting and fighting on the streets have decreased a lot, and some vendors have begun to sell things one after another.

While the order in Baishi City gradually became orderly, Zhu Hu and others in Linjiabao were discussing matters.

This Tao Dingfang is really calm. There has been no movement for so long! Zhu Bao groaned.

Above it, besides Zhu Hu, Sun Yun was also there.

After hearing Zhu Bao's words, Zhu Hu looked at Sun Yun and said, Tao Dingfang is currently rectifying the forces in the city. Once the rectification is completed, he will definitely take action against us. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to capture Baishi City in one fell swoop?

No rush! Sun Yun shook his head indifferently, Tao Dingfang is not simple, he has already guessed our plan. In this way, starting from tomorrow, you will send people to spread the news that Lianyun Village is going to attack Baishi City and let them do it. Be prepared.

Huh? What does this mean? Zhu Bao was stunned for a moment and asked.

Sun Yun smiled and said: Just do as you are told, and then send some people to cause trouble during the day. In short, remember, if they really send troops, you will retreat.


Another three days passed.

The defenders of Baishi City were exhausted both physically and mentally.

Even the people from Lian Yunzhai launched a surprise attack at night, and deliberately looked for trouble during the day.

Since the news was released in Lianyun Village, there have been many more guards at the city gate during the day.

Although they did wait for the people from Lianyun Village, they were like mice, they could only scream but not take action.

It was like this for three days in a row.

A general was really angry, so he reported the matter to Tao Dingfang. He thought that Tao Dingfang would take the opportunity to take action, but unexpectedly he just said lightly, asking everyone to wait and see what happens and not to take action.

This made the people guarding the city feel helpless.

But he did not disobey the order. He could only watch helplessly as the people from Lianyun Village called for formation, and then left after calling.

Repeatedly, although I was still angry every time, I was getting used to it.

On this day, Tao Dingfang found Tao Wenxuan and said straight to the point: It's time to start.

Tonight? Tao Wenxuan was a little surprised, so anxious?

Tao Dingfang nodded: Yes, during this period, the soldiers are probably holding their breath. It just gives them a chance to vent, and even the people in Yunzhai probably would not have thought that we would take action tonight.

Are those warriors also going to follow? Tao Wenxuan asked after thinking.

Yes, this time I'm going to wipe out Lianyun Village in one fell swoop!

But didn't you say that there are thieves among these people? Tao Wenxuan asked doubtfully.

Hahaha, it is precisely because there is a traitor that we have to take action tonight. Uncle, just watch as I wipe out Lianyun Village.

Tao Dingfang laughed and did not explain.

What, do it this evening?

Hong Ming and others were shocked when they received the news. This was too sudden.

The soldiers did not explain too much, but asked everyone to prepare and would gather in advance when the time came.

After the soldiers left, Hong Ming looked at everyone and said solemnly: I don't need to say more about the danger of this behavior. In short, remember one sentence, be careful.

Su Chen and others nodded solemnly, knowing the seriousness of this matter.

Soon after Hong Ming and others got the news, Lian Yunzhai also got the news.

In the lobby.

Sun Yun and the others looked at the news coming back from the city, which read: Do it tonight at midnight, and burn it after reading it!

Do you want to take action? It seems that Tao Dingfang can't wait any longer and wants to catch us off guard! Zhu Bao chuckled and said scornfully, It's a pity that he doesn't know that we have already seen through his plan!

However, Sun Yun and Zhu Hu on the side did not have too many smiles on their faces.

Something is wrong. This news seems to be deliberately released by him. Zhu Hu said in a deep voice.

If so, we'll find out in the evening! Sun Yun said after thinking, his eyes becoming deeper.

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