It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 77 Settled in the Lin Mansion, the domineering government (please subscribe)

Hong Ming didn't tell the specific details, because it didn't take long for others to arrive.

Others were obviously at a loss when faced with Hong Ming's call.

Everyone is here! At this time, Hong Ming saw that everyone was here, so he said.

Liu Fang stood up and reminded her carefully: Master, Junior Sister Fang Rou hasn't come yet.

Hong Ming shook his head and said nonchalantly: I didn't call her this time.

When everyone heard this, their expressions varied, and their curiosity became even more intense.

Hong Ming wasted no time and told everyone the purpose of coming here: From today on, you will go to the Lin Mansion with me and wait until the government orders.



Everyone thought that Hong Ming summoned them this time to say goodbye, but what Hong Ming said next made everyone slightly startled.

Go to Lin Mansion and wait for orders from the government?

Hong Ming looked a little helpless, but he still nodded and said: Well, you heard me right, not only us, but all the forces with warriors in Baishi City have basically been recruited by the government!

Later, Hong Ming explained what happened.

It turns out that Hong Ming received an invitation from the county magistrate Tao Wenxuan yesterday, asking him to go to the county government office this morning.

Among those who accepted the invitation like him were the owners of other martial arts schools, two major families, two major gangs, and more than a dozen other forces, large and small.

After they arrived at the county government, Tao Wenxuan revealed his purpose and planned to unite all the warrior forces in the city to fight against Lianyun Village.

The rich were asked to contribute money, and the poor were asked to contribute. The corresponding amount was determined for each force, and the number of warriors was fixed at the same time.

Such a move naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of many forces. Why should they be asked to empty out their families and money in just one sentence?

So Ning Yuan, the head of the Ning family, took the lead in politely refusing, but the Han family jumped out and opposed everyone at this time.

Fortunately, most of them support the Ning family.

This situation did not last long before a man named Tao Dingfang came out.

He didn't talk nonsense and his attitude was very arrogant. He just said that as long as someone can defeat him, he can leave the county government.

The head of the Ning family, Ning Yuan, fought against him, but was defeated by him within three moves.

Even Ning Yuan was defeated, and the others were no match for him. In the end, he had no choice but to agree to the other party's request.

Immediately, Tao Dingfang replaced Tao Wenxuan and issued the first order for all the warriors on the list to move into the Lin family mansion.

That means we are all on the list?

Wei Ping quickly realized after hearing this. Even he had never heard of this news, but he vaguely heard the news, but he was not sure. Now after Hong Ming said this, it was confirmed by his guess.

Hong Ming nodded: That's right.

Who is this Tao Dingfang? The name seems to be related to Magistrate Tao? Zhou Tao asked.

He is the nephew of Magistrate Tao! Liu Fang, who had heard of this name, replied.

Master, to deal with a Lianyun Village, do we need all the warrior forces in Baishi City to be dispatched? This... is looking too high on the Lianyun Village! Qin Hao asked, somewhat puzzled.

If I'm not wrong, Lianyun Village is most likely colluding with the Rebirth Cult. Wei Ping said solemnly.


Those who know are thoughtful, while those who don’t know are chewing carefully. Regarding the Rebirth Religion, Hong Ming only briefly introduced a few sentences without saying much.

The plan was disrupted. Although Hong Ming had no choice but to accept it, he knew the seriousness of this matter better than everyone else.

If it was just Lianyun Village, things would not be troublesome. No matter how strong Lianyun Village was, it would only cause harm to a city.

But if the Rebirth Cult is involved, things are not that simple. The influence of the rebellion in Yellowstone City has not been eliminated yet.

The rumors alone revealed the cruelty of this rebellion, and the city's population dropped by almost 30%.

Many innocent people suffered heavy losses due to this rebellion and had to go to other cities to survive.

In recent times, in addition to the villagers in the villages and towns who were harmed, most of the refugees in Baishi City came from Huangshi City.

Now that the Rebirth Cult is colluding with Lianyun Village, there is no reason why Baishi City does not pay attention to it.

It's just that they take it seriously, but the government's overbearing behavior still makes everyone feel slightly dissatisfied.

Tap tap tap!

While everyone was silent, Hong Ming was thinking of telling everyone some important points to pay attention to in battle, when there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

Master Hong, it's time to go!

There were people from the government, not many, only two of them, but what they were wearing made Hong Ming's eyes dazzle.

These people were definitely not county government servants. They were most likely members of the army. The faint evil aura on their bodies was enough to show that they had seen blood.

After finishing speaking, the two looked at everyone in the martial arts hall.

Hong Ming stood up and asked helplessly: Can you give us some time to clean up?

One of them said coldly: There is no need to clean up. When you arrive at the Lin Mansion, someone will prepare everything. It's getting late and it's time to set off.

In that case, let's set off.

Hong Ming sighed softly, looked at the disciple behind him, and said helplessly.

Ignoring the attitudes of Hong Ming and others, after receiving the reply, the two of them led the way one after another, as if they were escorting a prisoner.

Su Chen stood at the back of the team without saying a word. This time he came out without bringing anything.

The steel knives and short knives were hidden at home, and there was only a small amount of ecstasy on his body.

Looking at this situation, it seems that the government will not let him go back easily. He will probably live in Lin Mansion for a long time.

He cursed, if that was really the case, he would have to see if there was a chance to go back so that he could take more of the ecstasy.

After a stick of incense, everyone with their own thoughts came to Lin Mansion. Now Lin Mansion has become a temporary residence of the government.

There were ten government officials standing on the left and right sides of the gate, guarding them tightly.

Two soldiers brought Hong Ming and others to a courtyard, and then arranged a room for each person. What made everyone look ugly was that these rooms all had names written on them.

During this period, I would like to trouble you all to stay here. If nothing happens, don't move around. Someone will deliver three meals a day. When the operation starts, we will send someone to notify... After the other party warned, Then he turned and left.

Everyone did not enter the room, but watched in the yard for a while.

Outside the courtyard, there are soldiers patrolling, and at the arch, there are soldiers guarding, prohibiting anyone from entering or exiting.

Currently, only people from the Hong Family Martial Arts School live in the entire courtyard, and the others may be in other side courtyards.

This left everyone helpless, but fortunately they did not restrict them from leaving the room.

When the soldiers were bringing the warriors to the Lin Mansion one after another, Tao Wenxuan and Tao Dingfang were discussing matters in the main hall.

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