It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 79 The killings gradually begin, and sharp arrows fly across the sky (please subscribe)

The moon and stars are sparse.

There were shadows of people moving along all the roads leading to Linjiabao.

It was the third quarter of Xushi.

Su Chen and others were placed on a mountain trail in the northwest, less than a mile away from Linjiabao.

As expected, everyone would arrive at Linjiabao in half an hour at most.

In this team, there are not only people from the Hong family martial arts school, but also other martial arts schools, including the Huang family and the Jiang family.

Led by more than a dozen soldiers, the crowd slowly approached Linjiabao. In about half an hour, they arrived outside the Linjiabao city wall.

More than a dozen soldiers did not continue to act, but signaled everyone to wait.

Such a situation naturally makes everyone doubtful.

Su Chen looked around. Except for the chirping of insects, the surroundings were eerily quiet.

You can vaguely see light in the distance, as well as the figures of the defenders of Lianyun Village.

Master, didn't you start taking action when you said it was late? Why did you let us set off at midnight, and now we are still waiting here for a long time?

There was more than one person who had the same idea as Qin Hao. Faced with Qin Hao's question, one of the soldiers said impatiently: Just wait when I tell you to wait. What nonsense!

You... Qin Hao's face suddenly turned red when he heard this, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Hong Ming stopped him in time, shook his head and said nothing.

Just wait, it won't take long. At this time, another soldier said calmly.

Some people's faces changed slightly when they heard this, as if they had guessed something.

Su Chen looked at the Lin Family Fort in front of him thoughtfully. If he guessed correctly, the so-called attack at midnight was just a cover.

When you take action later, be careful of people from other martial arts schools!

Not only did he guess it, but Hong Ming also guessed it and reminded Su Chen and others.

Qin Hao was about to speak, but was held down by Wei Ping. He shook his head, and then whispered a few words in Qin Hao's ear.

The signal is coming, take action!

As soon as Hong Ming finished instructing everyone, bursts of fire appeared not far away. The fire flickered three times to the left and four times to the right in the darkness, and then was extinguished.

But these soldiers got the signal, turned around and said to Hong Ming and others behind them.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious, obviously they did not expect to take action so quickly.

Let's go!

Hong Ming whispered something, then followed the soldiers and walked around towards the side door of Linjiabao.

When I arrived at the side door, I found that it had been opened and everyone walked in unimpeded.

The bandits of Lianyun Village guarding the side entrance have been killed, and their corpses are lying on both sides of the road. The red color is everywhere, making them look particularly hideous.

Follow up quickly!

The soldier shouted in a low voice, not daring to waste any time and planning to join the large team as soon as possible.

After arriving on the street and running for ten minutes, everyone finally joined the large group.

Tao Dingfang was wearing a suit of armor, walking like a dragon and a tiger, leading a group of soldiers, followed by many warriors from Baishi City.

Hong Ming and others joined the team like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea.

The inner city of Linjiabao is ahead!

Su Chen looked at the building at the end of the street that was obviously different from the outer city, and a strange feeling flashed in his heart.


It’s so quiet!

It's as quiet as an abandoned city.

Even if the people in Lian Yunzhai didn't know about their sneak attack in advance, they wouldn't be so quiet.

Moreover, what made Su Chen even more suspicious was that this operation seemed to go too smoothly. It was so smooth that he broke into Lianyun Village without any loss.

Master, let's slow down and walk at the end. Su Chen came to Hong Ming's side and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

Hong Ming nodded and slowed down, while Su Chen reminded the others. With everyone deliberately slowing down, they quickly reached the rear of the team.


Tao Dingfang, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped.

What's wrong? Someone panicked and looked around, full of vigilance.

After a while.


Hahaha, he is indeed Hong Yue's most valued general!

Suddenly, bright torches lit up all around, and a group of people emerged from the buildings on both sides of the street like ants.

On top of the building, there are archers dormant, waiting for the opportunity.

I didn't expect it, Tao Dingfang. In the end, it's not you guys taking advantage of the situation, but us sitting back and waiting to catch the turtle in the urn!

Zhu Hu strode out and stood in front of everyone, with a smile in his eyes and said lightly.

Haha, I really didn't expect that I deliberately set off two hours early, but I didn't expect that you would still notice it. Tao Dingfang said with a condensed expression.

Hmph, do you think your plan is clever? I'm afraid you already knew that we were in White Rock City, and deliberately wanted to release fog bombs to mislead us. Unfortunately, we used our plan to trap us. Zhu Bao snorted coldly, said contemptuously.

Tao Dingfang said calmly: The plan is not a clever one, but you guys still want to trap us?

Then let's try it! Archers, shoot the arrows! Zhu Hu ordered.


Following Zhu Hu's order, the archers lurking on both sides of the street immediately took action. Bows and arrows as dense as a forest pierced the night sky and fell from the sky.

Don't panic, follow me and fight out! Tao Dingfang said, taking the lead and diving forward.

When Zhu Hu saw this, he did not take action, but turned his gaze to Sun Yun who was aside. Sun Yun rushed out without hesitation.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Sharp arrows flew across the sky.

Completely disrupting the team of Tao Dingfang and others.

Be careful and stay together!

Hong Ming reached out and grabbed an arrow that was about to hit Qin Hao, and then shouted. Su Chen and others quickly moved closer to each other after hearing this.

Haha, Junior Brother Su, I never thought we would have time to fight side by side!

Li Mo, who was leaning behind Su Chen, was enjoying himself and said with a smile.

Senior brother, be careful! Su Chen smiled after hearing this, then suddenly flashed a cold light and grabbed a sharp arrow.

Thank you, junior brother! When Li Mo saw this, his eyes narrowed, and he said gratefully with lingering fear in his heart.

If it hadn't been for Su Chen, I'm afraid this arrow would have hit him, and he would have been injured even if he wasn't dead.

Su Chen shook his head and said nothing. These arrows did little harm to him.

Thanks to the turtle shell skill and iron cloth shirt, although his body is not invulnerable now, his defense is definitely not low. An arrow of this level, as long as he is not careless, will not be able to penetrate his skin even if it hits him.

While Su Chen and everyone were fighting against the sharp arrow attacks from Lianyun Village, Tao Dingfang and Sun Yun had already fought for several rounds. With a fierce collision, they each took a few steps back.

Sun Yun, the Protector of the Rebirth Cult! Tao Dingfang recognized the other party's identity and chuckled, Sure enough, there are two brushes.

You're not bad either! Sun Yun said lightly, shaking his arms secretly to relieve Tao Dingfang's strength.

It's a pity that I am destined to die here tonight.

If you are here to talk nonsense, I don't think it is necessary. The current situation is really disadvantageous to you. It won't be long before you are the only one left.

not necessarily!

Tao Dingfang's words stunned Sun Yun.

Before he could think about the meaning of his words, screams suddenly erupted on the battlefield where Hong Ming was.

One after another.

Along with the screams, the number of robbers in Lianyun Village dropped at an alarming rate.

Seeing this scene, both Sun Yun and Zhu Hu and others were shocked, and the expressions on their faces were almost frozen.

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