It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 76 Improved version of Ecstasy, planning to leave (please subscribe)

The Lin family and Duandaomen went on this trip to suppress the bandits and were almost completely wiped out.

Except for Lin Shou and Yan Que, who escaped with serious injuries, the others all died in the bandit suppression operation.

Lin Shou had one arm cut off, Yan Que was seriously injured, and the others were also half-dead.

News like this reached the city and quickly spread throughout Baishi City with thunderous force.

Such a result shocked countless people who had previously been optimistic about the Lin family. They considered that there might be casualties in this bandit suppression, but they did not expect that the casualties would be so heavy.

So much so that some people couldn't believe it when they heard the news.

However, as the returning people regained consciousness, the full picture of the matter was revealed like a treasure trove.

The Lin family's team was attacked by Lianyun Village in the mountains and forests leading to Linjiabao. Although there was some damage, it was not serious.

Later, the two sides officially fought.

Zhu Hu fought with Lin Fu, showing his perfect strength, and killed Lin Fu.

At the same time, there was a mysterious master who fought with Yan Zheng and killed Yan Zheng in less than ten moves.

Because of the deaths of Lin Fu and Yan Zheng, the morale of the Lin family and Duandaomen was weakened. In addition, two masters who had perfected their strength appeared in Lianyun Village, and the Lin family's team was suddenly defeated.

Unfortunately, Lianyun Village had already made full preparations and set up many ambushes. In the end, if Lin Shou hadn't sacrificed an arm and fought his way out, there would have been no chance of survival.

Even so, almost all those who escaped were seriously injured.

Such a complete picture shocked everyone, and at the same time, they also felt their scalps numb.

Two warriors who have perfected their strength!

The combat power displayed by Lianyun Village really surprised everyone.

Apart from being shocked, I was also thinking deeply. Can Baishi City alone resist such a terrifying banditry?

Not to mention anything else, Lin Fu was one of the top masters in Baishi City, but he still died. Is there anyone who can deal with Zhu Hu?

It’s scary to think about it!

Some people who originally had hopes for Baishi City became more and more interested in leaving Baishi City after hearing the news.

This also caused the already chaotic White Rock City to become increasingly turbulent.

So much so that Su Chen, who often stayed at home, could feel the sounds of fighting and curses coming from the streets from time to time.

Five days have passed since Lin Shouyan and several others returned, and Baishi City is in a state of turmoil.

Because Su Chen could not find a way to make money during this period, he stayed at home to learn medical skills and research poisons.

It's quite effective.

Mi Hun Powder was improved a lot by Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't notice before that strength could prolong the speed of poisonous explosions. Later, he accidentally discovered that Su Chen began to improve it.

Up to now, after Su Chen's testing, Mi Hun Powder is effective even for martial arts practitioners like him.

And the effect was not small. When Su Chen exerted it, he could barely hold on for ten minutes with the strength of his body.

Ten minutes later, I felt groggy and sleepy.

It got better after taking the antidote.

Although Su Chen didn't know what his strength was, he had fought against martial arts practitioners before.

As the strength in his body extended and became stronger, Su Chen estimated that his strength could at least be compared to the master of training strength.

In other words, this Ecstasy Powder is effective for all warriors who have achieved great strength training.

The only drawback is that it may take a little longer to take effect.

Of course, Su Chen was prepared, so he only lasted ten minutes. If he was not prepared, the test would only last about three minutes.

Improvements in drug effects are quite effective, but improvements in drug quality are slightly lacking.

Although Su Chen had been able to poison without being discovered before, this was only for those who were not practicing martial arts, or those who were just starting to practice martial arts.

But now, after becoming a martial artist, the five senses have been improved, and the perception of this poison will become sharper.

It was a bit difficult for Su Chen to poison quietly.

This difficulty is not due to technical difficulty, but is determined by the nature of the ecstasy itself.

He only improved its quality, but did not make it colorless and odorless.

This is an extremely long process, at least with Su Chen's current knowledge base and experience, he cannot accomplish it.

Fortunately, Su Chen thought of a way, which was to reduce the amount used.

Or secretly release the Soul Powder during the fight. Although the effect will be reduced, as long as it can work, Su Chen will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After successfully improving the Lost Soul Powder, Su Chen's focus shifted.

The situation in the city became increasingly complicated and chaotic. Su Chen no longer continued to study poisons. He planned to make money as soon as possible to improve his strength.

Not only did others think that Lianyun Village would call soon, but he also thought so.

If Lianyun Village really attacks, the stronger the force, the greater the chance of survival.

But before Su Chen could take action, Hong Ming asked someone to notify Su Chen to go to the martial arts gym.

What, leaving White Rock City?

This time all the disciples arrived, and Hong Ming announced the news directly to everyone.

Hong Ming nodded. Such a decision was forced, but as the situation became more and more severe, more people would leave. If it was too late, they might not be able to leave.

I have relatives and friends in Yunzhou. If you have nowhere to go, you can follow me to Yunzhou. Hong Ming looked at Su Chen and the others and said.

Of all the people present, Su Chen was the only one who was free from worries. Coupled with Su Chen's talent, he actually wanted to take Su Chen away.

It seemed that the news was so sudden that no one could react for a while, so after Hong Ming finished speaking, the scene fell into a brief silence.

After Su Chen heard this, he thought for a moment and made a decision, but he did not speak immediately.

You should go back and think about it, and give me an answer as soon as possible. If nothing else happens, I will leave within three days. Hong Ming didn't care, waved his hand, and asked everyone to go back.

Everyone left with their own thoughts.

Su Chen came back and told Hong Ming his thoughts. After hearing this, Hong Ming nodded with satisfaction: Okay! You should deal with the things that need to be dealt with in the past two days. After getting replies from others, I will Looking for you.

Yes, Master!

After leaving the martial arts hall, Su Chen's mind became heavy.

It seems that the situation in the city is more serious than imagined. Even people like Hong Ming, who has been in Baishi City for more than ten years, are planning to leave.

And according to the information Hong Ming told him, this departure was obviously premeditated, and he might leave with people from other martial arts schools.


Looking at the depressed streets, Su Chen sighed.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Su Chen received a notice from Hong Ming and came to the martial arts gym.

As expected, he was the only one who came this time.

However, what surprised Su Chen was that after seeing him, Hong Ming said, Xiao Chen, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave!

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