It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 69 Li Mo breaks through and integrates turtle shell skills

Have you ever felt like you’re walking faster and faster, and the more you walk, the more excited you become?

Su Chen had just experienced it. The simple way to activate the Wind-Chasing Step was to walk. As he walked, Su Chen felt as if he was about to take off.

The speed suddenly accelerated, and the pace became more and more relaxed.

It felt as if a ten kilogram weight had been lifted off both feet and an accelerator was installed.

Not long after, Su Chen returned home. After the process of practicing while walking, his Wind Chasing Step has now reached perfection.

The reason why he didn't practice to the limit was because he didn't have enough money.

The total amount of money obtained from the Feitian Thief was only eighty-three taels. Even including his own few savings, it was only a little over one hundred taels.

After spending sixteen taels of krypton gold chasing the wind step, there was no more krypton gold to continue.

Although he couldn't continue to make money, Su Chen was still very satisfied with the speed of Chai Feng Bu.

The Wind Chasing Step is good at speed, and the Thunder Kick is good at leg attacks. The combination of the two just complements each other!

Only now did Su Chen feel that his boxing and kicking skills were getting started. He could advance, attack, retreat and escape. He truly had the power to protect himself in Baishi City.

After washing up, Su Chen went to bed to rest, but his mind was thinking about what happened tonight.

The bell design of the Flying Thief is quite good. If I have a chance, I will get a few to try. There is also the thunderbolt. Unfortunately, the recipe is not left. Otherwise, I can try to get a few, but in this case , I seem to have seen how to do it in my previous life...

A night of silence.

Time passed like running water, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. This day was the day when Li Mo got married.

Su Chen walked out of the yard, carrying the slightest trace of a book, and came to the martial arts hall to attend Li Mo's wedding with Hong Ming and others.

Li Mo had been waiting for a long time. After arranging everyone, he started to get busy.

Not long after, Liu Fang and Fang Rou also arrived. After greeting Hong Ming, they gathered in the corner.

Junior Brother Su. After seeing Su Chen, Liu Fang came to him and called out in a low voice.

Sister Liu. Su Chen replied.

Liu Fang smiled and nodded: It may take some time for your batch of medicine to arrive.

Well, thank you, senior sister. Su Chen thanked him.

Liu Fang came to Su Chen mainly to tell him so that he wouldn't get anxious waiting. Seeing that Su Chen didn't care, she pulled Fang Rou away.

The banquet lasted until late at night. Even Su Chen, who rarely drank alcohol, drank less.

After watching everyone finish the bridal chamber, Su Chen went back with Hong Ming and others.

In the next few days, life returned to calm. Except for the occasional trip to the martial arts gym, Su Chen rarely went out.

On the third day, Su Chen welcomed a guest, it was Li Mo.

Senior Brother Li Mo. Su Chen looked at Li Mo and smiled.

Why, don't you invite me in? Li Mo chuckled. Compared with the previous Li Mo, the current Li Mo seemed to have matured a lot overnight, and his whole body was full of stability.

Senior brother, please come in! Su Chen invited, pouring a cup of tea for Li Mo.

Li Mo looked at the yard, shook his head, and said: Desolate, it is too deserted. Junior brother, you should find a woman to take care of the family.

Facing these words, Su Chen could only remain silent.

Li Mo chuckled lightly and took out a stack of banknotes from his arms: I'm not kidding anymore. I came here this time because I have something to ask you. You can keep the money.

Senior brother, what do you mean? Su Chen frowned slightly when he saw this.

Don't be angry. My father-in-law asked me to give this to you. It's a hundred taels in total. It's not much, but it's his intention. Just accept it. Li Mo explained.

I can't accept this. Su Chen shook his head and refused.

What can't be accepted? Junior Brother Su, you not only helped my father-in-law take back the ginseng this time, but you also indirectly saved me and helped me a lot. I feel like these thoughts are not enough. Li Mo suddenly raised his eyebrows. Eyes.

This... Su Chen opened his mouth.

However, Li Mo pushed the banknote directly to him with a solemn look on his face. In the end, Su Chen had no choice but to accept the one hundred taels.

Seeing this scene, Li Mo smiled, then took out twenty taels from his arms, and chuckled: Since you have accepted my father-in-law's, then accept mine too!

Su Chen: ...

If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have had a chance to break through in this life! Li Mo showed his arm, revealing the crimson wire, with a smile on his face.

When Su Chen heard this, he was slightly startled, and then congratulated: Congratulations, senior brother!

Thanks to you! Li Mo scratched his head and smiled, telling him the reason for his breakthrough.

After being slapped by the flying thief, Li Mo was seriously injured. After a period of recovery, he recovered. After recovery, he successfully achieved a breakthrough.

If Su Chen hadn't taken action at that time, he would have continued to rush forward to fight the flying thief. By then, it would not be a breakthrough, but life and death.

Even so, Su Chen still rejected Li Mo.

Seeing Su Chen's insistence, Li Mo had no choice but to take the money away. After chatting with Su Chen for a while, Li Mo left.

Before leaving, he told Su Chen to go to his house when he was free and asked his sister-in-law Zhang Waner to find some good girls for him.

Su Chen suddenly felt ashamed, and after a few words of coping, he sent Li Mo away.

Later, Su Chen planned to use the one hundred taels of silver given by Zhang Hong to take the opportunity to raise the Wind Chasing Step to the limit, but he never thought that good things come in pairs.

Liu Fang, who had no news for many days, suddenly asked someone to visit Su Chen and asked him to come over.

He said that what he wanted had arrived.

So Su Chen took Qian Liang to the Liu Mansion.

Junior brother, these are the red blood grass you want. Take a look.

Liu Fang placed thirty red blood grasses in front of Su Chen and said.

Su Chen nodded, glanced briefly, and found that the quality and fineness of these red blood grasses were very good, so he took out three silver notes and handed them to Liu Fang: This time, thank you, senior sister.

Liu Fang took out two banknotes, shook her head and said, I will accept these two banknotes. You can take back the rest.

Su Chen smiled and put the banknote back in his arms. Seeing this, a smile appeared on Liu Fang's face.

Although I don't know what you want these medicinal materials for, junior brother, please remember not to take them without permission. Some folk remedies may not be accurate.

She thought Su Chen had listened to some folk remedy, so she reminded him.

Su Chen nodded: Yes.

After a while, Su Chen said goodbye to Liu Fang and couldn't wait to return home and began to prepare the unknown medicine.

Last time, my physical limit was three doses of unknown medicine. After practicing Chasing Wind Step, I don't know if I can do four doses. I will try four doses first. If it works, I will take four doses together so that I can break through as soon as possible!

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