It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 70 Triple Power, Disaster for Lin Family Fort

An hour later, Su Chen successfully prepared four medicines.

After drinking the first medicine, the feeling is not very obvious.

After taking the second dose of medicine, my body felt warm, as if I had soaked in a hot spring.

After drinking the third dose of medicine, my body suddenly became hot and hot, but I could barely hold on.

After waiting for a while, Su Chen drank the fourth medicine without hesitation. His body suddenly felt as hot as a fireball.

The strong medicinal power made Su Chen's skin turn red, and he felt a burning sensation in his internal organs.

Fortunately, this state did not last long. As the medicinal solution gradually flowed throughout his body, Su Chen's skin color gradually returned to normal.

Hoo ho ho!

After burning the incense, Su Chen gasped, his body became wet, and he had a frightened look on his face.

Four doses of medicine are still too much, but I finally got over it.

Looking at the changes on the panel, Su Chen's face showed joy.

According to the progress of four medicines a day, in two days, I will be able to push the progress of the panel to full and completely integrate the turtle shell skill!

Su Chen murmured to himself, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Two days later, Su Chen brewed the last medicine.

After waiting for a while, before the soup could cool down, I couldn't wait to pick up the bowl and drink it all in one gulp.


As the decoction entered the body, a warm current suddenly appeared in Su Chen's abdomen, but soon, the warm current disappeared.

His consciousness slipped into his mind, and the panel suddenly changed.

With the fusion of Turtle Shell Technique, the iron cloth shirt is still at the third level. What changes is still the strength in the body.

From two strands of strength, it became three strands of strength.

Moreover, the scope of strength is no longer limited to the arms, but has extended to the body, but does not involve the legs and head.

When the mind moves at will, the three forces go their own way. Under their intentional control, they are strung together in a line and closely connected.

As soon as the palm was struck, there was a bang on the ground, and a five-centimeter-deep pit was penetrated.

Three layers of inner strength, stronger!

Seeing this, Su Chen secretly clicked his tongue.

It's a pity that there is no reference, otherwise you can know my specific strength.

Because of the existence of the panel, he could not compare according to the level of training mentioned by Hong Ming, but could only do it through actual combat.

According to Hong Ming, the strongest warriors in Baishi City should be the patriarchs of the three major families. Their strength is at least as good as their training.

I just don't know who is better than the warrior who has achieved great strength in training and him now.

We'll find out if we find a chance to test it later.

Su Chen, who didn't know how strong he was, shook his head to dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind. He looked at the sky and gave up the plan of going to the bank.

As night falls, it becomes slightly cooler.


During this time, Linjiabao was no longer as lively as it was before.

Because of the infestation of bandits outside the city, Linjiabao had closed Linjiabao half a month ago and no outsiders were allowed in or out.

At the same time, Lin Jiabao mobilized some troops from the city to stay in the fort to prevent some ignorant bandits from targeting Lin Jiabao.

Less than a hundred meters away from the low city wall of Linjiabao, a group of people were quietly prostrate, staring ahead, as if waiting for something.

When they saw a red flag waving, everyone's faces tightened, and the leader said: Here we come!

Not long after, a side door was slowly opened, with a red flag waving, as if calling everyone.

Brother, let me go and take a look!

At this time, a voice sounded, and a rough and arrogant man spoke.

Okay, be careful! The man in the green robe at the head warned without hesitation.

The big man nodded and waved his hand, and immediately more than ten masters followed behind him.

Looking at the big man's retreating back, the man in green robe couldn't help but show nervousness on his face.

But not long after, the big man walked out of the side door and gave out the agreed signal. Seeing that the big man was fine, the man in green robe immediately said: Everyone, follow me and fight in!


In an instant, a tsunami-like rushing sound sounded outside Linjiabao, and it suddenly broke through the quiet sky above Linjiabao.

No, enemy attack, enemy attack...

A guard from Linjiabao heard the movement and immediately shouted loudly, but before he could shout a few words, a black shadow wiped his neck and killed him.


The man in green robe was outside to attract attention, while the big man secretly eliminated all the hidden guards. Not long after, the gate of Lin Family Fort was opened.

Brothers, follow me and fight in!

As the green-robed man raised his arms and shouted, hundreds of people rushed into the Lin Family Fort and started killing.

Who are you? How dare you break into the Lin Family Fort? A group of Lin Family Fort guards rushed over, and the leader of the guard shouted loudly.

You're the one who's going to kill you! the strong man yelled wildly, then charged forward and punched the guard, killing him directly.

Go and notify the Second Fortress Master! The guard behind him saw this, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted.

At this time, the man in green robe came with his men. Seeing this scene, he waved his hand: Kill!

As soon as the words fell, the two sides fought, and the battle situation became one-sided. Under the leadership of the men in green robes and the violent men, the guards of Linjiabao were retreating steadily.

Who is acting recklessly in my Lin Family Fort?

At this time, a harsh voice sounded, and a man wearing splendid clothes came out.

A pair of tiger eyes looked directly at the man in green robes, with a bright light blooming in his eyes.

Lin Lu! The man in green robe groaned when he saw the man in rich clothes.

People from Lianyun Village?! Lin Lu's face changed slightly when he saw the costumes of this group of people. He said solemnly, We, Linjiabao, and Lianyunzhai have always been on the same page. Could it be that Master Zhu Da really wants to fight with Linjiabao? Are you going to fight to the death?

The man in green robe is none other than the head of Lianyun Village, Zhu Hu!

Hearing this, Zhu Hu smiled contemptuously and said loudly: Do you know why we dare to break into the Lin Family Fort so blatantly?

Lin Lu looked solemn and said nothing.

Zhu Hu didn't care either. His smile faded and his voice was as cold as a thousand-year cold pond: That's because after tonight, there will be no more Lin Family Fort in Baishi City!

Hmph, you are so arrogant that you want to destroy the Lin Family Fort? Lin Lu snorted coldly.

Stop talking nonsense and take action from labor and management!

The strong man, Zhu Bao, the second master of Lianyun Village, gave a loud shout and suddenly took action. His figure sprang out like a ghost and fought with Lin Lu.


After a fierce collision, Zhu Bao was knocked back several steps by Lin Lu. After he stabilized his body, he was about to take action again.

However, at this moment, Zhu Hu stopped him: You are not his opponent. Let me deal with him, and you deal with others!


Zhu Bao did not force himself and always obeyed his elder brother Zhu Hu's words. The moment Zhu Hu rushed out, Zhu Bao waved the sickle in his hand and started killing crazily.

Lin Lu's pupils condensed slightly when he saw this, and he snorted coldly: Seeking death!

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