It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 68: Use various means to achieve success in chasing the wind

Hoo ho ho.


The gentle breeze blew the earth, blowing the bell hanging by the window, making a crisp sound.

The man in black who was recovering from his injuries immediately stopped his movements, stood up with a vigilant expression, came to the corner, and listened to the movement outside.

This bell is connected to the trap he specially set outside. Once an enemy attacks, the bell will ring.

Now the bell was shaking and making a sound, which made him immediately guess that someone was outside.

There are no neighbors in my yard, and no one will bother me on weekdays. If someone does come, I'm afraid the person who comes is not good!

His heart was pounding, and within a few minutes, the man in black's thoughts spread to the ends of the earth and nowhere.

Who could it be? The other party can actually know that I live in this courtyard? Is it someone from the Yamen? No, I have only been in Baishi City for a long time, and I haven't started committing crimes yet. There is no way the government knows. Or...him?

The man in black thought to himself, and a familiar figure suddenly flashed in his mind, it was Su Chen.

But when he thought about it, he felt that it was impossible. It was not easy to throw Su Chen away with the strength of his feet. How could the other party follow him to his residence.

After waiting for a while, the man in black heard no sound from outside, but the whistling sound caused by the breeze came in waves.

This made him relax a little, and he guessed that he might be trying to catch the wind, and now he became like a frightened bird.

Huh? What does it smell like? It's not good. Who poisoned me?!

Suddenly, a subtle smell surged from his nose to his brain, making him confused. When he reacted, it was too late and he collapsed on the spot.

A figure slowly appeared from the window and looked at the man in black who fell on the ground.

Where am I?

After an unknown amount of time, the man in black opened his hazy eyes, and what came into view was a man also wearing black.

Who are you?

He was startled and his body bounced up, only to have his hands restrained.

As long as you wake up. Su Chen said calmly, I came to you because of the secret book on you.

What secret book?

The secret book of body skills that you practice.

You mean Chasing the Wind Step?! The flying thief was stunned for a moment.

Su Chen nodded. This time he didn't mind talking more nonsense to the other party: That's right.

Who are you? The flying thief asked in a deep voice without replying.

Seeing Su Chen rummaging around in his room, he sneered: Stop looking for it, there is no secret book of mine in the room.

When Su Chen heard this, he stopped and had a strange smile on his face: Then what is this?

Su Chen took out a secret book from his arms and put it on the table with a bang.

When the Feitian Thief saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed: Impossible, how could you possibly find it...

As he said that, he suddenly saw a strange smile on Su Chen's face. He immediately reacted and said angrily, You're kidding me!

Su Chen did not answer him, but came to the bedside and examined it carefully. Just when he showed the secret book, the other party glanced at this place.

Hahaha, you can't find it!

After searching for a while, Su Chen still couldn't find it. The flying thief saw this scene and couldn't help but smile.


However, the next moment, his smile froze. Su Chen struck out with a palm, easily making a hole in the wall. The soil collapsed, revealing the tip of the wrapped iceberg.


The flying thief was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say.

Then a surge of anger surged into his heart, this guy had tricked him again!

There is indeed a secret book!

Su Chen opened the package and saw a secret book inside. After flipping through it for a few seconds, he felt secretly happy.

The main purpose of his coming here this time was to capture and kill the flying thief. As for finding the secret book, he had an idea.

I didn't have any hope at first, but I didn't expect that I just tricked the flying thief a few times and found the secret book he hid.

You are so mean!

The Feitian Thief couldn't help but cursed angrily when he saw that Su Chen had taken his treasured secret book for himself.

Hearing this, Su Chen looked at the other party, and this look immediately made the flying thief tremble.

You, what do you want to do?

Su Chen walked towards him step by step without saying anything, which made him extremely flustered and frightened.

Wait a minute, don't kill me...

Seeing the coldness in Su Chen's eyes, the Feitian Thief said in a trembling voice, You, the secret book on you is wrong!

As soon as he said these words, the Feitian Thief saw Su Chen's steps pause slightly, which made him look happy, so he quickly said:

This secret book is just the most basic level of kung fu. If you want to practice to a high level, you must use the Qi and Blood Transfer Method. Only I have the method, and it has been memorized in my mind.

Once you kill me, you will never get the Dharma again. As long as you let me go, I will tell you the Dharma and I will never break my promise!

Su Chen was silent for a moment and then asked: Are you rich?

Yes, yes!

where to put?

Right in the dirt under the urinal, there was a package.

Su Chen resisted the smell and moved the urinal away, then used a wooden stick to turn over the soil, and sure enough he found a small box.

After opening it, Su Chen turned to the Feitian Thief: This money is not enough.

Ah, how about I go to a rich family's house and steal some? You can have as much as you want! The flying thief pursed his lips.

No need!

Su Chen shook his head, put the money into his pocket, then came to the flying thief and looked at him condescendingly: No need to struggle, this rope is not that easy to untie, and...

And what?

The Feitian Thief blurted out subconsciously, but saw a dark palm print coming, falling on his Tianling Cap, making a crisp sound, which was the sound of a skull breaking.

You, you don't keep your word. The Feitian Thief looked at Su Chen with a look of reluctance.

After the flying thief was killed, Su Chen murmured: Fool, I didn't promise you to let you go.

After that, he added another palm and hit the opponent's head again. When he saw that the opponent didn't respond, he stood up.

However, Su Chen did not leave. Instead, he sat on the table and began to read the secret book called Chasing the Wind.

As expected, this should be a body technique for long-distance travel, which is good for speed.

It is estimated that the flying thief practiced this technique.

However, it is limited to speed. Within the same level, it does not seem to be strong in improving combat ability.

After all, this guy is the most hip-reaching of all the martial arts practitioners I have encountered.

After reading the cheat book from beginning to end and practicing it again, a new line of words appeared on the panel:

[Martial arts:...Chasing the Wind Step (entry 1%)]

[Simple mode:...Chasing the Wind Step 0 times (1 tael of silver/time)]

Seeing this, Su Chen silently muttered: Recharge.

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