It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 48 Extreme Ape Arm Kung Fu, the Power of the Bronze Arm


Just when Guo Zhong thought he was sure of victory, he suddenly felt a sharp gust of wind coming from his palm, lightly hitting his head.

In an instant, a huge force came over him like a tide, and his head suddenly made a buzzing sound.

The world turned upside down at this moment, the sun, moon and stars flashed one by one. Finally, the vision went dark, as if it had been hit by sea water. The body was shaking, the eyes turned white, and the head was dizzy.

But in the eyes of everyone, it was a very strange scene. One second, Guo Zhong was still full of energy and aggressive. The next second, they heard a pop and saw that Guo Zhong's body seemed to be disconnected. He flew out like a kite and fell heavily to the ground.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, so that only after Guo Zhong fell to the ground did Guo Hao and others react.



Guo Hao and others were startled, came to Guo Zhong, and asked with concern: Father, are you okay?

Don't move, it's going to break! Guo Zhong said in a daze.

When Guo Hao and others heard this, they immediately stopped.

You lose! At this time, the strong man's voice sounded.

After hearing this, Guo Hao opened his mouth, but finally fell silent and did not speak.

Ahem, wait a minute, I'm fine, help me up, I can fight again!

However, after hearing this, Guo Zhong gave up and held on his body, wanting to fight the strong man again.

He stood up unsteadily with the help of Guo Hao and others, and then pushed Guo Hao and others' hands away. As soon as he pushed them away, his body collapsed like a puddle of mud.

Forget it, let's admit defeat!

Seeing this scene, Guo Hao sighed helplessly and admitted defeat for Guo Zhong.

Guo Zhong didn't speak, and there was a trace of unwillingness on his face. If he had known that this guy was so powerful, he would have used his strength directly.

Although he may not be able to defeat the opponent, he will not be as embarrassed as he is now!

The strong man nodded and accepted Guo Hao's surrender.

Then in front of everyone, he leaned over and put the hundred taels that Guo Hao took out into his arms.

At the same time, he took out the ten taels of silver notes he brought from his purse and walked away.

Seeing this scene, both Guo Zhong and Guo Hao and others were filled with questions and looked at each other, somewhat confused about the strong man's intentions.

Could it be that the other party was very compassionate and knew that making money was not easy, so he deliberately left ninety taels of silver?

For a time, various speculations could not help but emerge in everyone's minds, but overall, things were stable and improving, and they were surprised and happy.

Go and have a look.

At this time, Guo Zhong, who was slightly better, said that although one hundred taels were taken away, if another ninety taels were harvested, overall, there would not be much loss.

He can still accept it!

Guo Hao nodded, stood up, picked up the money bag, opened it, and his expression suddenly changed.

What's wrong?

This change was immediately noticed by Guo Zhong, which made him feel nervous and asked hurriedly.

Guo Hao did not speak, but put the money bag in front of Guo Zhong. Guo Zhong took a closer look and exclaimed: It's all stones!

This is unreasonable! Guo Zhong suddenly realized that he was furious, his eyes turned red, his nose was filled with anger, and he roared, How dare you bully me, Shuzi!

As he cursed and cursed, his energy and blood hit his heart and rushed straight to his brain. Guo Zhong felt dizzy and fainted on the spot.


Su Chen left Guo's Martial Arts School with an unexpected one hundred taels in his arms and was in a happy mood.

He originally thought he would just come to the gym to avenge Hong Ming, but the other party insisted on winning the prize.

In desperation, he had to use a banknote and some stones to pretend to be one hundred taels.

Fortunately, the other party did not observe carefully, allowing him to pass the test in a fool's errand. In the end, he won the other party's one hundred taels, which was an unexpected surprise.

With these one hundred taels, you can upgrade my ape arm skill for me.

Finding a remote corner, Su Chen changed back into his original clothes, then turned around and left, planning to go back to the Krypton Gold Ape Arm Skill.

Half an hour later, Su Chen returned home from the bank, couldn't wait to recharge, and turned on the simple mode:

[Simple mode on: swing your arms five hundred times to practice the ape arm skill to the limit. 】

An hour later, the panel refreshes:

[Martial Arts:...Ape Arm Kung Fu (Extreme)]

Like the Turtle Shell Kung Fu, the Ape Arm Kung Fu, which has reached its extreme level, cannot be recharged again.

All that's left is the bone-shrinking skill!

Su Chen looked at the panel and said thoughtfully.

On the panel, apart from the iron cloth shirt, there was only the Bone Shrinking Technique that had not reached its limit. It also required one hundred taels, but Su Chen was not in a hurry. For now, the Bone Shrinking Technique was enough.

Immediately, Su Chen turned his attention to Kuanglang Sword Technique. As his strength increased, he used the sword technique less and less.

Although he originally learned the sword technique with the intention of making a sneak attack at the beginning, if he continued like this, he might not be able to use it in the future.

Furthermore, as long as we find a complete sword technique, maybe we can create a new sword technique like the iron fist fused with the iron sand palm. It's just a complete sword technique, it's really hard to find!

Su Chen thought about it, and after much deliberation, he still couldn't figure out where to find a complete sword technique.

After all, even boxing and kicking skills may be the secret of some small martial arts schools, let alone the method of using weapons.

Forget it, let's talk about sword skills later when we have the opportunity. For now, let's focus on improving the Iron Cloth Shirt.

Now, the Ape Arm Skill has reached its limit. Su Chen only needs to find ten pieces of Qi and Blood Powder to directly activate the simple mode.

Compared to looking for a complete sword technique, this is obviously faster, so I naturally choose this first.

If the qi and blood are gone, I'm afraid Master Hong won't be able to provide it to me in a short time. But it doesn't matter. I have the unknown elixir recipe. I just don't know if the red blood grass is still in short supply. I'll ask tomorrow.

Su Chen felt a little sorry for always asking Hong Ming for Qi and Blood Powder, so he planned to find the medicinal ingredients himself.

After thinking about it, Su Chen lowered his head and looked at his arm. There was no obvious change in the skin, but the hardness made Su Chen pay attention.

He patted his arm lightly and immediately felt a slight rebound force on his arm acting on his palm.

What a strong defense!

Touching the skin on his arm, Su Chen felt as if he had touched a layer of copper skin.

With a strong exertion, the skin tightens instantly, as if it were a skin made of countless pieces of steel connected to each other, with astonishing defense.

With a stabbing sound, an arm hit the stone, and the stone cracked open in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen was secretly shocked: Not only has the defense become stronger, but also the attack power and energy have become stronger.

Then he performed the Turtle Shell Technique, and his body was immediately covered with a layer of black armor.

Although there is no black armor on both arms, the offensive and defensive power is not weaker than the black armor.

After another test, Su Chen stopped with satisfaction and thought to himself:

With the Turtle Shell Kung Fu, now my whole body, except for my head and feet, has almost no flaws, so my next goal is to improve the offensive and defensive power of my head and feet!

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