It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 47 Dare to come to the gym even if you don’t have money

Guo's Martial Arts School.

Huh huh haha.

In the courtyard, the sound of neat and coordinated martial arts training could be heard.

More than a dozen men had their arms bare. Under the supervision of a strong man, their hands were constantly rotating and inserted into a large pot.

There was firewood burning under the cauldron, and there was a pot full of sand in it. Their hands were in the pot of sand, and they were thrusting in and out quickly.

Okay, after practicing for so long, let's take a rest.

At this time, the muscular man clapped his hands, indicating that everyone could stop.

After everyone heard this, their tense bodies quickly relaxed, and they couldn't help but let out a long breath and showed a grin like a grin.

Everyone, remember to put your hands in the potion and soak it for a while.

Having a clear view of everyone's expressions, he immediately called for a large bucket, which was filled with a gray-brown potion.

Everyone nodded, and when the skin color on their arms gradually faded, someone came to the vat and soaked their arms in the potion.

Oh~ The moment he soaked, the man suddenly let out an ape-like cry.

When the strong man saw this, his face darkened: What is the ghost calling you!

The sound stopped suddenly.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out of the house. Seeing this, the muscular man came to the middle-aged man and said, Father.

The middle-aged man hummed, put his hands behind his back, and watched expressionlessly as everyone put their hands into the potion one after another.

Then he looked at the muscular man and asked, Guo Hao, how are the student registrations going these days?

Guo Hao thought for a moment and then said: Since my father defeated Hong Ming, students have signed up every day, but the number is not very large. Currently, only thirteen disciples have been recruited, and...

And what?

And talent is mixed.

This is normal. Talented martial artists are basically monopolized by local martial arts schools. In a few days, I will challenge the Jiang Family Martial Arts School to completely destroy my reputation. By then, others will know about our Guo Family Martial Arts School. sharp!

Hearing this, Guo Hao's face moved slightly. The middle-aged man saw it and asked, What?

Father, you have challenged many martial arts schools including the Hong Family Martial Arts School before. I am afraid that you have caused dissatisfaction. If you go again later, I am afraid you will be resentful. Guo Hao hesitated.

Hmph, as a father, shouldn't you still be afraid of them?

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and didn't care. If these martial arts schools hadn't united to exclude him, he would have taken action against these drunkards.

With his strength, let alone dealing with the three major martial arts schools, it is no problem to sweep all the martial arts schools in Baishi City.

Hearing this, Guo Hao said nothing, but sighed in his heart. Ever since his father became a martial artist, he has become more and more arrogant.

The atmosphere was a bit dull, and neither of them spoke. At this moment, Guo Hao's eyes were attracted by a burly man at the door.

The burly man quickly entered the courtyard. Seeing this, Guo Hao walked forward with a puzzled look on his face: What do you want?

He looked at the person who came. He was tall and fierce-looking. He looked about thirty years old. He didn't look like he was here to learn martial arts.

You must be Guo Zhong, I'm here to play! The burly man ignored Guo Hao, but looked at the middle-aged man and said something in a Weng voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present suddenly stopped what they were doing, and invariably turned their heads to look at the strong man, showing expressions of surprise.

The confusion on Guo Hao's face solidified the moment the strong man spoke. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man Guo Zhong also heard the strong man's words, and a pair of sharp eyes fell on the strong man with a trace of scrutiny.

Come to play in the gym?

Guo Zhong chuckled lightly, with a cold look on his lips.

During the time he came to Baishi City, he had always been the one to kick him out. Unexpectedly, this time it was his turn to be kicked out by someone else.

He looked at the strong man and asked, Which martial arts school are you from?

The strong man waved his hands and said impatiently: Don't worry about which martial arts school I belong to, I just want to come and compete in the gym, and I asked you if you dare to challenge me!

Why don't you dare! Guo Zhong smiled and said calmly.

Then stop talking nonsense and take action quickly. The strong man took a step forward and faced Guo Zhong directly.

Wait a minute, I never fight with others in vain. However, at this time, Guo Zhong interrupted, If you want to challenge me, show your sincerity first.

The strong man was stunned when he heard this: What sincerity?

It's the jackpot and the bet. Seeing that the strong man didn't understand, Guo Zhong explained.

How much do you want? The strong man narrowed his eyes and asked.

Guo Zhong smiled, stretched out a finger, and said lightly: One hundred taels!

The strong man was speechless. After taking a deep look at Guo Zhong, he said: Wait!

Watching the strong man leave, Guo Zhong's expression was slightly startled, and then he shook his head and spat softly: You don't dare to come to the club even if you don't have money!

I thought I could make a hundred taels by meeting a stupid guy, but it turned out that he was just a hothead with nothing but appearances.

Shaking his head, Guo Zhong walked into the house.

After burning the incense, the strong man returned to the martial arts hall, threw a bag of money on the ground, and said to Guo Hao: Call Guo Zhong out.

Guo Zhong, who was in the house, was slightly startled when he heard the movement outside the door. Then he walked out and his eyes suddenly fell on the money bag on the ground.

Looking at the ten-tael silver note exposed in the middle of the money bag, his pupils shrank slightly and he couldn't help but squint.

Okay, since you want to challenge me, then go ahead. Guo Zhong chuckled, his favorable impression of the strong man rising a bit.

The strong man nodded and was about to take action, but Guo Zhong stopped him: However, the ugly words are ahead. If you lose, these one hundred taels will belong to me.

Then what if you lose? the strong man asked.

What if I lose? Guo Zhong was stunned for a moment when asked, but still said, If I lose, I will give you a hundred taels!


Then let's get started. Guo Zhong said, motioning for all the disciples to step back.

Wait a minute.

This time it was not Guo Zhong who spoke, but the strong man. Guo Zhong looked at the strong man in confusion and heard the strong man say: Take the money first! think I'm going to cheat? Guo Zhong's face condensed and he said angrily.

Just in case! The strong man said noncommittally.

Guo Zhong had a sullen face and did not speak. Instead, he looked at Guo Hao. Guo Hao entered the room and took out one hundred taels and placed it next to the money bag.

Seeing this, the strong man nodded with satisfaction, then looked to the opposite side and said, Let's do it!

Guo Zhong snorted coldly, without being polite, and stepped forward directly. Because of the anger in his heart, the moves in his hands became very fierce.

On the other hand, the strong man just stared at Guo Zhong, standing motionless on the spot.

Hmph, if I don't beat you to a cripple today, I won't call you Guo Zhong! Guo Zhong snorted coldly in his heart, and slashed out with his palm like a blade, with a sound of piercing the air, attacking the strong man.

Guo Zhong's attack was like a fierce tiger, and he was about to hit the strong man, but he found that the strong man slowly raised his hand, and couldn't help but sneered: We are taking action at this time, don't you think it is too late?

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