It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 49 Three families and two gangs, shortage of medicinal materials

Su Chen originally planned to go to the medical clinic to ask for medicine in the morning, but when he got up early in the morning, he heard Li Mo's knock on the door.

Master comes to see us if he has something to do. Li Mo explained to Su Chen.

After asking, Su Chen learned that Hong Ming had important matters to summon his disciples today.

Li Mo had notified the others yesterday and came to see Su Chen early in the morning today.

Did Master say anything?

After washing up, Su Chen and Li Mo left home. They had breakfast and then headed to the martial arts gym together.

No, but it should be quite serious. Li Mo shook his head.

Today's situation has almost never happened since he started, so he can sense Hong Ming's solemnity.

After hearing this, Su Chen remained silent and did not ask any more questions.

By the way, Junior Brother Su, did you know that the Guo Family Martial Arts School has suspended its recruitment of disciples.

Suddenly, Li Mo seemed to remember something and said.

Stop recruiting disciples? Su Chen was stunned when he heard this.

Li Mo nodded: Yes, I heard that he was taught a lesson by a master. Yesterday, Guo Zhong, the owner of the Guo Family Martial Arts School, was injured by a mysterious person and lost a hundred taels. Then they stopped recruiting disciples.”

After a pause, he continued with a smile on his face: I don't know who they offended. The martial arts gym was closed just after it opened.

Seeing the smile on Li Mo's face, Su Chen smiled and said, Maybe God opened his eyes.

Haha, it's possible! Li Mo also laughed.

The two of them walked and chatted, and soon arrived at the martial arts hall.

It wasn't particularly early. Qin Hao and Fang Rou were one step ahead of them. After seeing them, both sides said hello.

After a while, Zhou Tao and others arrived one after another.

After everyone had arrived, Hong Ming coughed lightly: I have called everyone here this time to announce two things.

It was rare for everyone to see Hong Ming so serious. He straightened his body and looked at Hong Ming seriously.

Hong Ming continued: I believe you should also have received the news. There has been a rebellion in Huangshi City recently. Many surrounding cities have been affected, and our White Rock City is no exception.

These words made everyone nod frequently, especially Zhou Tong and Fang Rou. They had received more news and their faces became more solemn.

There may be a lot of chaos in Baishi City next. Although you are martial arts practitioners, remember not to act impulsively...

Hong Ming said a lot, and the general meaning was to warn everyone to be careful and not to get into trouble.

Zhou Tao and Fang Rouqian have powerful forces behind them. As long as they are careful in their words and deeds, it shouldn't be a big problem. But you three...

Having said this, Hong Ming paused and looked at Li Mo and the others, Li Mo has a gentle personality. I can rest assured that Qin Hao's family is in business and is well-informed. There won't be any big problems. It's just that Su Chen... ...If there is really no other way, you can move to a martial arts school.

Su Chen nodded when his name was called: Thank you, Master. Disciple, please keep this in mind!

Yeah. Hong Ming didn't care about Su Chen's polite refusal and instead reminded Li Mo, You will tell Xiao Chen about the distribution of some forces in the city later.


Everyone looked at Hong Ming, who was admonishing Li Mo, with different expressions. They all noticed that Hong Ming valued Su Chen, but at this time, no one said anything.

Then, Hong Ming announced the second thing: The other thing is the Qi and Blood Powder. From today on, each of you may only receive one Qi and Blood Powder per month.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly except for Zhou Tao and Fang Rou.

Hong Ming took in everyone's expressions and then turned his attention to Su Chen and Qin Hao.

Other people actually don’t have high demand for Qi and Blood Powder.

Even Li Mo doesn't actually need Qi and Blood Powder. Although Qi and Blood Powder can increase Qi and Blood, it is not without limitations.

It has been almost two years since Li Modu joined the martial arts gym, and the increase in qi and blood has already reached its limit. Continuing to take qi and blood powder is just to maintain the stability of qi and blood.

But other medicinal materials can also maintain stability, but they are more expensive.

And with the wealth of Zhou Tao and others, there is no shortage of medicine to stabilize Qi and blood.

They mostly lack talent. Otherwise, with the time they spent practicing martial arts, they would have perfected the Iron Wire Fist long ago.

Qi and blood dispersion, for them, is actually dispensable.

Only Su Chen and Qin Hao, the former has amazing talent, and the latter is still young. If he continues to take Qi and Blood Powder, he will definitely be able to speed up his cultivation.

What he hopes most in his life is to find an outstanding disciple and train him to become a talent.

Whether it is Su Chen or Qin Hao, this is possible. Their talents are among the best among the disciples he has accepted.

But there was no way. If it weren't for the shortage of medicinal materials for preparing Qi Xue Powder, he would not give up cultivating the two of them under any circumstances.

What everyone didn't know was that the Qi and Blood Powder supplied these few times were actually in stock.

Now, the inventory is almost exhausted, but medicinal materials are always scarce.

He only made this decision when he had no other choice.

If the relevant medicinal materials can be found in the follow-up time, we can resume the supply. If not, I am afraid that even a month later, we may not be able to provide Qi and Blood Powder to everyone.

When the time comes, he plans to give priority to Su Chen and Qin Hao, and for others, he will have no choice but to cut off the supply.

Okay, let's talk about this first.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Hong Ming seemed a little tired, so he waved his hand to indicate that everyone could leave.

Yes, Master!

Everyone nodded and walked towards the outer courtyard.

Senior Brother Zhou, are you free tonight? Qin Hao chased Zhou Tao and the others and asked with a smile.

Zhou Tao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: Of course.

Then, Zuixian Tower?

Haha, let's go!

Several people left chatting and laughing.

the other side.

Fang Rou said goodbye to Su Chen: Junior Brother Su, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me.

Hearing this, Su Chen was stunned for a moment and replied with a smile: Thank you very much.

Seeing this, Fang Rou nodded and left.

Li Mo stood aside and watched, waiting for Fang Rou to leave. He smiled. Su Chen turned to look at him. Li Mo immediately straightened his expression.

Senior Brother Li Mo, what do you mean by what Master just said? Su Chen asked.

I just want to tell you about the distribution of power in Baishi City, so that you don't accidentally offend them. Li Mo explained.

Upon hearing this, Su Chen became interested and looked at Li Mo, who smiled and said: You also know that although our Hong Family Martial Arts School is not a top force, it is not bad either.

There are three major martial arts schools in Baishi City, namely the Hong Family, the Huang Family and the Jiang Family. Their strength is basically the same and can be regarded as the second level.

This first group naturally has the power of martial arts practitioners. There are three major families and three major gangs.

The three major families are the Lin family, the Ning family and the Han family, and the three major gangs are the Baiyu Gang, the Duandaomen and the Changhe Gang. They were originally two major gangs before, and the Changhe Gang joined later.

Oh, by the way, there is also the Guo Family Martial Arts School, which is also the first level. Although Guo Zhong is injured now, he is not someone to be trifled with. If you encounter one, don't conflict with them.

What Master wants me to tell you is, try not to provoke them.

After Su Chen remembered these things, he said, Yes, I understand.

After some conversation, Su Chen and Li Mo said goodbye and headed to the hospital.

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