It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 41 Please show up to meet me (please follow up)

After lighting a stick of incense, Su Chen walked out of the county office, followed by his master.

Master Yang, walk slowly. The master said respectfully.

Su Chen nodded, turned and left, and his figure quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

After leaving the county government, Su Chen did not immediately complete the reward mission. He first returned home and then went to the blacksmith shop.

The old blacksmith recognized Su Chen and immediately stepped forward when he saw Su Chen. Su Chen asked, Has my weapon been finished?

It's ready.

As he said that, the old blacksmith took out an improved version of the Yanling Knife and handed it to Su Chen. By the way, he also modified the scabbard.

Su Chen took the weapon without saying anything, and after examining it, he pulled out the improved version of the Yan Ling Dao.

The moment he pulled it out, he heard a 'ding' sound. Looking at the smooth and sharp blade, he nodded with satisfaction.

This is twenty taels of silver.

Later, Su Chen took out twenty taels from his arms and handed them to the old blacksmith. The old blacksmith happily took the silver taels.

With the old blacksmith smiling happily, Su Chen left the blacksmith shop with the knife.

After a meal, Su Chen returned home and put on a black coat. His whole body instantly became burly.

He put the improved version of Yan Ling Dao into the severed arm and got close to the hidden arm. After examining it, he found that there was no difference from usual, and he felt relieved.

Then, he tested the convenience. It was a little sluggish at first, but after swinging the knife a few times, he gradually became familiar with it.

However, looking at the torn black coat when he drew the knife, Su Chen smiled bitterly: The effect is pretty good, but it takes a lot of clothes.

Fortunately, Su Chen bought enough black coats and didn't care.

After practicing for a while, Su Chen stopped his movements: I don't know if it's because of the new sword, but there are still some flaws in my movements. I've been practicing hard at home these two days to avoid being a little bit behind when I actually use it.

The task entrusted by the county magistrate is three days away, so there is still time.

He plans to take advantage of these two days to practice more, and when he really takes action, he will definitely kill with one blow.

Three days passed by in the blink of an eye like gurgling water, and it was evening.

Su Chen put on some clothes, took his sleeve knife and steel knife, and left Baishi City.

According to the information provided by the county government, his target tonight is called Chu Ming. He is a businessman on the surface, but in fact he is secretly colluding with the Rebirth Cult.

Provide various kinds of information to the Purana Cult, and the Purana Cult uses this information to continuously grow its power.

The government has tried many times to exterminate the traitors of the Purana Cult, but all failed because the news was leaked in advance.

At midnight tonight, Chu Ming will make contact with the traitors of the Rebirth Cult in the wilderness forest in the western suburbs. After they have made contact, it will be the best time to take action.

Su Chen didn't care about their deal. Anyway, he only needed to kill Chu Ming for this mission.

Although Chu Ming was a businessman, he only valued profits. In order to sell information, many innocent people died.

Even some families who had accumulated good deeds were wiped out because of Chu Ming's collusion with the Rebirth Cult.

Soon, Su Chen came to the wild forest in the western suburbs, hid his body, and waited for the passage of time.

Time passed bit by bit, and suddenly, Su Chen heard a slight sound of footsteps not far away.

With the help of the faint moonlight, Su Chen saw a vague figure, and when the other party approached, he recognized that this person was Chu Ming.

When he saw that Chu Ming was alone, Su Chen did not act rashly, but held his breath even more and hid himself.

Sure enough, not long after, three people jumped down from three trees. Their vigorous movements made Su Chen's eyes narrow.

Have you brought anything?

The three of them were all dressed in black and had their faces covered. After seeing Chu Ming, they lowered their voices and asked.

Su Chen couldn't hear their voices at all, and in the dark, he couldn't tell what they were saying by the shape of their mouths.

Chu Ming nodded, did not speak, but took the things out of his arms and handed them to the leader.

After the leader checked, he looked at Chu Ming. Chu Ming nodded, suddenly turned around, and glanced around.

Suddenly, Su Chen heard Chu Ming say loudly: May I ask which hero is hiding in the dark and spying on us? Please show up and see me!

Hearing this, Su Chen subconsciously wanted to get up, but stopped suddenly. He held his breath and did not make any movement.

But a pair of eyes kept moving, as if to find out where the person discovered by Chu Ming was.

I have been lying in wait here for so long without noticing anyone else appearing. How did this guy find out?

After watching for a while, Su Chen found no one else and couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Did he find me? But it's impossible. I'm dozens of meters away from him, and I'm holding my breath all the time. How could he find me? And when did he find me?

Thinking like this, Chu Ming's voice sounded again: If you don't want to show up, then don't blame me for doing it myself.

Su Chen still didn't move, and continued to crawl, staring at Chu Ming, waiting for him to make a move.

He planned to kill Chu Ming with one blow when the opponent attacked him, and then left before the three of them could react.

Just waiting, Su Chen noticed something was wrong. After Chu Ming said this, he just walked around without taking action.

In addition, Su Chen also discovered that the same was true for the other three people.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen still didn't understand that he was almost fooled by them.

The words 'I've discovered you' are just a way to deceive a child, but I almost fell for it!

Su Chen was speechless, but luckily he was cautious and did not expose himself immediately after hearing what the other party said.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have been besieged by four people by now.

He shook his head and calmed down. Su Chen didn't show up until Chu Ming left.

Damn, these people are more sinister than me!

Because he was almost fooled just now, Su Chen deliberately kept a cautious eye and did not show up after they left.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see the three people who left leaving and returning, hiding in the tree and quietly observing the movements around them.

If Su Chen had stood up just now, he might have been discovered by the three of them.

After waiting for a while, Su Chen watched the three people disappear, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously he hasn't done anything to Chu Ming yet, but in the end he felt even more tired than a quick fight. These guys really have 800 evil intentions!

Su Chen stood up and patted the weeds on his body. His expression changed uncertainly. After a long time, his eyes flickered.

This Chu Ming is much more cautious than I thought.

If I really go against Chu Ming directly according to the information given by the government, I'm afraid I will get into trouble with him.

It's better to give up tonight's action. It won't be too late to wait until I investigate Chu Ming's route of action. Tao Wenxuan didn't set a time limit for me anyway!

Thinking like this, Su Chen did not walk in the direction Chu Ming left, but in the other direction.

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