For five days in a row, Su Chen did not take action, but hid in the dark and observed Chu Ming.

Chu Ming is indeed a wise man and is very cautious in doing things.

The scope of his daily activities is basically two points and one line, home and Huaxianglou.

Occasionally, when he goes out, there will always be guards accompanying him to protect his front, back, left and right sides. It is obvious that the Chu family and Huaxiang Building are only one street apart.

Su Chen accidentally discovered that two of these guards were very powerful and were most likely fully trained warriors.

In addition, Chu Ming rarely eats out. He either goes home or eats at Huaxianglou.

When eating at Huaxianglou, he would use a silver needle to test for poison. Only after it was found to be non-toxic would he take a few bites.

Su Chen has seen many people of all kinds, but this is the first time he has seen such a steady person as Chu Ming.

As a result, after five days of observation, there was not much gained, let alone a suitable opportunity to take action.

But these days of observation are not all in vain.

Although Chu Ming's daily life is irregular, he has the inevitable shortcoming of men, that is, lust.

He would come to Huaxianglou every night and go back the next morning, with few exceptions.

Today, the sun sets in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun fills the world, dispersing the irritability of the day.

The Huaxiang Building, located in a prosperous area of ​​the town, gradually became lively as the residual heat in the air dissipated.

Su Chen had already entered Huaxiang Tower in advance, ordered three girls as if he were a native, and then sat in the corner, enjoying their services.

But his eyes glanced at the door from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

After an unknown amount of time, a familiar figure came into view. Chu Ming walked in with brisk steps, followed by several guards.

As if returning home, a group of girls immediately gathered around him when they saw him.

He skillfully ordered the two girls, and then walked upstairs, hugging each other.

After waiting until the food in Chu Ming's room was ready, Su Chen hugged a girl, entered the room next to him, closed the door, and knocked the girl unconscious.

The sound insulation effect of the room is actually not very good. In the next room, even when eating, heart-melting sounds can be heard intermittently.

Master Chu, why don't you drink wine today?

Master Chu, I have been hurt by drinking and sex recently, so I want to quit.

Ah? Then what should we do!

Hahaha, don't worry, I'm just quitting drinking. Master Chu can't bear to let you stay alone in an empty room.

Hehe, Mr. Chu, you are so bad, Cui'er will feed you.

Okay, chew it up and give it to me.


Su Chen couldn't stand listening anymore, and his body trembled suddenly.

He didn't know if Chu Ming developed this habit out of fear of being poisoned, but he had to say that it disgusted him.

A meal only lasted as long as a cup of tea, and then the sound of waves could be heard throughout the room.

Su Chen was indifferent and knocked the girl who had just woken up unconscious again. Then he sat on the table, took out a medical book, and looked at it quietly.

As the night grew darker, a symphony sounded throughout the Huaxiang Tower.

Su Chen put down his book and listened. There was no strange noise coming from the next door, and he didn't know if Chu Ming was sleeping.

This Chu Ming has wives and concubines at home, but he likes to have sex outside.

You can call him a wild man, but he loves his family. He wakes up before dawn every morning and rushes back home. You can call him a family man, because he lives in Huaxianglou every night and plays music every night.

Shaking his head and no longer thinking about this, Su Chen placed the unconscious girl on the bed on the chair.

This time, he did not knock her unconscious, but gave her some Ecstasy, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

Time flies by in the hustle and bustle, and then passes by in silence.

Suddenly, Su Chen, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the sky outside the window. The sky was slightly white.

It's almost time.

He stood behind the door, opened the window slightly and took a look outside. The two guards guarding the door were sleeping like dead pigs, snoring like thunder.

To be on the safe side, he used Ecstasy to stun the two of them.

Then he released the ecstasy in Chu Ming's room, waited for a few minutes, and then entered the room.

As soon as he entered Chu Ming's room, Su Chen frowned slightly, a rotten smell hit his face, and clothes were everywhere on the floor.

Su Chen quietly closed the door. Before he turned around to look for Chu Ming, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind him.

He suddenly turned sideways, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and his pupils shrank slightly, but he saw Chu Ming staring at him with a sneer on his face and hitting him with a palm.


Chu Ming made a sound of surprise in his nose, slightly surprised, as if he did not expect that Su Chen would escape his sneak attack.

No wonder you dare to attack me, you have some skills! Chu Ming said coldly when Su Chen distanced himself from him.

Su Chen did not speak, but looked at Chu Ming with a little doubt. Chu Ming seemed to have guessed what Su Chen was thinking, so he said:

There are many people who want to kill me, and you are not the only one who kills me by poisoning me. But you are still the first one who dares to poison me with such despicable poison in an attempt to stun me. Do you think that I, Chu Ming, can live for such a long time? , can only think with the lower body?

Su Chen: ...

It didn't matter that he was discovered by Chu Ming and poisoned, but he didn't expect that the other party would belittle the Ecstasy Powder he had worked so hard to prepare and reduce it to nothing. While Su Chen was speechless, he also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But he did not speak, but showed his displeasure in his moves. When Chu Ming saw Su Chen coming, he snorted coldly, stepped forward, and struck out with a palm.


The deep voice rippled like water waves at the moment the two of them met.

Thump thump thump.

Su Chen stood motionless, but Chu Ming suddenly stepped back a few steps, his arms trembling slightly, looking at Su Chen in shock.

Who are you? Why do you want to kill me? If I have any grudges with you, you just say it doesn't matter. I am willing to compensate you.

Chu Ming glanced out the window. The sound of the two fighting should have been enough to alert his guards, but there was no sound from outside the door, which made his face darken.

Facing Chu Ming's delay, Su Chen still didn't talk nonsense and wanted to take action again.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the door. When Chu Ming heard it, he immediately said: It's my people who are coming. Your Excellency, you'd better hurry up and capture them. Otherwise, when my people arrive, you will have wings. There’s no escape!”

If he hadn't known Chu Ming's cunning, Su Chen would have been fooled by the other party, but unfortunately, he didn't believe Chu Ming's words at all.

Seeing Su Chen take action again, Chu Ming's expression changed slightly, his figure suddenly retreated, and he quickly distanced himself from Su Chen.

His eyes were fixed on Su Chen. Seeing that Su Chen was about to attack, the arm hidden behind his back trembled slightly, and then he suddenly pulled it out and scattered the lime from his palm.

In an instant, the vision was filled with whiteness, and lime powder bloomed like fireworks, blurring the entire room.

go to hell!

The moment Chu Ming sprinkled the lime powder, he turned sideways, and then took action as fast as lightning, and a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

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