It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 40 Entering the spirit, the strength increases greatly (please follow up)

[Simple mode:...Iron cloth shirt·broken 1 time (100 taels of silver/time)]

After drinking the Qi and Blood Powder, the panel changed directly and he could use the simple mode.

Turn on simple mode.

[Easy mode is turned on: bathe in warm water for ten minutes and you can refine the iron cloth shirt to the first level. 】

An hour later, the panel refreshes:

[Name: Su Chen]

[Martial arts: Iron Cloth Shirt·Remnant (first level 1%) Wild Wave Knife Technique (extreme) Turtle Shell Technique (extreme) Ape Arm Technique (perfect 1%) Bone Shrinking Technique (perfect 1%)]

[Simple mode: Iron Cloth Shirt·Remaining 0 times (100 taels of silver/time) Wild Wave Sword Skill 0 times (any complete sword skill/time) Turtle Shell Skill 0 times (none) Ape Arm Skill 0 times (10 taels of gold/time) times) Bone Shrinking Skill 0 times (10 taels of gold/time)]

However, at this time, Su Chen had no intention of paying attention to the panel. His eyes fell on his palms.

The surface of both palms was no different from before, but Su Chen could clearly feel that there seemed to be a slight surge of air in his palms.

Is this... strength?

As if he couldn't believe it, Su Chen murmured to himself, his eyes blank.


Su Chen came and picked up a small stone and instantly mobilized the power in his palm.

Without exerting any force at all, he saw that as the force entered the stone, several cracks appeared on the stone's body, which quickly spread to the whole body.

A crisp sound was heard, and the stone cracked like a flower blooming.

Then Su Chen gently held it, and the stone suddenly turned into a ball of powder and scattered in the air with the wind.

It's really powerful!

Su Chen said in surprise, he didn't expect that a few days ago he was asking Hong Ming how to get energetic, but today he was inexplicably invigorated.

Too fast, I wasn't prepared at all!

Incredible words, coupled with a slightly unbeatable expression. If Hong Ming saw this scene, he might not be able to help but take action.

After spending most of your life as a teacher, you still haven't succeeded in gaining strength. How long have you been cultivating before you gain strength? It’s so irritating that people are so different from each other!

After a while, Su Chen calmed down.

The power of Jinli is indeed great, but the quantity is too rare. I only used it once and I can't use it anymore.

No wonder the robber at that time didn't use his strength all the time. He was probably similar to me. Not long after he first started practicing strength, he didn't have much reserve in his body at all.

Although it can only be used once, it can be used as a trump card like the Hidden Knife. It is enough to kill the enemy.

And this is just the beginning. After I improve the iron cloth shirt again, maybe the strength will increase. At that time, it will be the time for the strength to show its power.

Thinking like this, Su Chen brought up the panel. When he saw the data on the panel, he couldn't help but stroked his forehead: It will cost another hundred taels to turn on the simple mode next time!

Yes, he was poor again, but it seemed that he had never been truly rich.

By the way, there are also the Ape Arm Technique and the Bone Shrinking Technique. The last simple mode is just short of reaching the limit. Including the upgrade of the Iron Cloth Shirt, a total of three hundred taels are needed.

Hiss, headache!

Shaking his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind, Su Chen stopped thinking about it.

The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. With his current strength, he will have bread and money.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Su Chen continued to test the power of his strength.

Su Chen continued to test until night, but he still enjoyed it.

The more you test it, the more powerful you feel it is, it is simply a murder weapon.

However, what makes Su Chen a little strange is that the power in his palms can only flow in his palms and cannot extend to his arms.

He conducted many tests for this purpose, but in the end he did not come to an accurate conclusion, which could only be attributed to the incompleteness of the technique.

Iron Wire Fist and Iron Sand Palm can be fused, but I wonder if Iron Shirt can't be fused with Ape Arm Kung Fu and Turtle Shell Function? It's not clear yet. It seems we can only wait and see in the future.

Putting this incident behind him, Su Chen stopped testing and went out to have a simple meal.

When he returned home, it was still early, so Su Chen continued to configure the ecstasy powder until late at night, and then went to bed.

Two days later.

Su Chen came to the Yamen, stood in front of the wanted list, and looked at it carefully.

It took Su Chen a day to successfully configure the Lost Soul Powder, and then he took a day off and started planning to make money.

The first to bear the brunt is the Yamen.

These days have passed, and there is still no change in the wanted list just like last time.

Yang Zhuangshi?

Just as Su Chen was thinking about which wanted criminal to choose, a voice came from behind.

He looked back and saw that it was someone from the Yamen who he had met once before.

Who are you? Su Chen asked doubtfully.

I am the master of the county government. The man replied with a smile.

Then his eyes turned to Su Chen and the wanted list, and he said, Does Yang Zhuangshi want to reveal the list?

Su Chen nodded: Yes.

After a pause, he asked: I've seen these wanted lists for a while. Does the government have the latest news about them?

The master shook his head: It is true that as Yang Zhuangshi said, these lists are quite old, but the wanted criminals on them are not even known whether they are alive or dead.

These words made Su Chen slightly disappointed. He was not afraid of wasting time, but he was afraid of wasting time and not finding anyone.

Master Yang, I wonder if I can move to the county government office?

At this moment, the master looked around and asked cautiously.

Oh? Su Chen looked at the other party, as if he wanted to say something to himself, so he nodded, Excuse me, Master.

After that, he followed the master into the county government office.

The master brought Su Chen to the lobby, asked someone to bring tea, and then said goodbye and left.

Su Chen was sitting in the lobby, not drinking tea. After waiting for a cup of tea, his eyes suddenly looked towards the door.

Yang Zhuangshi!

The county magistrate Tao Wenxuan walked towards him. When he saw Su Chen, he held his hands in front of him with a smile on his face.

County Magistrate Tao. Su Chen greeted, and then looked at the master.

When Tao Wenxuan saw it, he chuckled: I heard from Master that Yang Zhuangshi was at the gate of the county government office. At first, I didn't believe it, but I didn't expect to see Yang Zhuangshi again after so many days. He is still as handsome as before.

County Magistrate Tao, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it. Faced with Tao Wenxuan's indirection, Su Chen replied directly.

Tao Wenxuan was not angry after hearing this, and said: That's right, I happen to have a reward here. I wonder if Yang Zhuangshi is interested?


The person offering the reward is related to the Rebirth Cult! Tao Wenxuan's voice became a little solemn, and the expression on his face became calmer.

Religion of the dead?

Su Chen frowned, and relevant information quickly appeared in his mind.

The Daqian Dynasty was declining. In addition to various gangs, there were also many rebel armies, and the Rebirth Cult was one of them.

The Rebirth Cult is a rebel force that has risen in recent years. It has been active near Qinzhou all year round and opposed the imperial court, causing the government a lot of headaches.

Unlike other rebels, this Rebirth Cult is very mysterious.

Except for the initial incident of killing officials and distributing grain, which caused a huge sensation, the latter part was like a silenced relic and rarely appeared in the sight of the government.

Now it seems that they are not silencing the ruins, but are hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity.

Seeing Su Chen's silence, Tao Wenxuan and the master looked at each other, and then the master coughed lightly and said, Master Yang, the amount of the reward this time is one hundred taels!

Hearing this, Su Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

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