It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 36 Extreme Turtle Shell Skill, Injury Recovery

Jin Li's domineering power far exceeded Su Chen's imagination.

Just like gangrene attached to the bone or a centipede insect, it dies but does not become stiff, becomes stiff but does not change, and remains in the body.

It moved from time to time, provoking nerves, destroying internal organs, and torturing his body and soul.

But Su Chen noticed that the remaining strength in his body rarely seemed to reach his arms.

At first he thought it was because the power could not extend to his arms, but later he realized that it could only flow to other parts.

Su Chen vaguely guessed that it was not that the strength did not want to extend to the arm, but that it was unable to extend, or in other words, was afraid of extending.

Why be afraid of extension?

Su Chen thought of his arm, which had been strengthened by the four techniques of Iron Cloth Shirt, Ape Arm Kung Fu, Iron Sand Palm and Iron Wire Fist. He was afraid that even if the strength was extended to this point, it would not be able to cause harm to it.

Therefore, Su Chen rushed to the gold shop to exchange for gold. He planned to increase the turtle shell skill to the limit while the power was still moving around his body to see if he could eliminate the power.

However, when Su Chen recharged krypton gold and turned on the simple mode, he realized that he had been careless:

[Simple mode on: After one hour of sunbathing, you can practice the turtle shell skill to the limit. 】

Patting his head, a look of helplessness appeared on his face: It's so late at night, where's the sunshine coming from? It seems we can only wait until tomorrow morning.

Because of the surge of energy, Su Chen didn't have the time to study medical skills tonight and study the art of disguise, so he had to lie on the bed and fall asleep with difficulty.

When he woke up the next day, Su Chen's face was obviously a little paler, and the bags under his eyes were a little swollen.

He couldn't wait to get up, opened the door, and smiled relievedly. Fortunately, it was not cloudy today.

The light of the rising sun, with heat and hope, spreads on the earth and on everyone's cheeks.

Su Chen moved a Taishi chair and lay down on the chair leisurely without even bothering to wash up.

Pick up a medical book and bask in the sun while reading.

[Martial Arts:... Turtle Shell Kung Fu (Extreme)]

[Simple mode:...Turtle Shell Skill 0 times (none)]

The moment the panel was refreshed, Su Chen felt his body become warm instantly, and then his abdomen moved slightly. Within a few seconds, there was no movement at all.

The power is gone!

Su Chen touched his abdomen, took a deep breath, and breathed a sigh of relief when he no longer felt pain.

Sure enough, as I thought, the Turtle Shell Technique strengthened the body and at the same time eliminated the remaining strength. This is also thanks to the weak strength. Otherwise, the Turtle Shell Technique alone would not be able to Destroy it.

After eliminating his strength, Su Chen was in a good mood.

I got up, washed up, changed into clean clothes, went to a stall on the street for a meal, and then returned home.

I originally wanted to improve my ape arm skill, but now I only have more than sixty taels of silver left, so I'm afraid I won't be able to improve it.

Looking at the silver on the table, Su Chen thought.

Although the order has been changed, he has no regrets. After all, the improvement of Turtle Shell Skill has also been of great help to him.

Then improve your bone shrinking skills to perfection.

After pondering for a moment, Su Chen came up with an idea, then turned on the simple mode and spent an hour waving his arms five hundred times.

The panel refreshes again:

[Martial Arts:...Bone Shrinking Kung Fu (Perfect 1%)]

[Simple mode:...Bone Shrinking Skill 0 times (10 taels of gold/time)]

There are still more than fifty taels of silver left, but now there is no skill to improve. Su Chen's attention is on the broken knife.

He murmured and began to summarize himself:

This fight with the martial arts practitioners touched me a lot, and I can feel firsthand how powerful the martial arts practitioners are.

If it weren't for the opponent's weak strength, I'm afraid I would have been injured by the strength now. If I meet a martial arts practitioner in the future, I must be extremely careful.

However, in the final analysis, it is strength. My strength is not strong enough. Otherwise, I would not be hurt by this strength.

With my current strength, I'm afraid I have no opponent in the realm of strength training. It's time to try and see if I can find a way to break through.

Senior brother Li Mo doesn't know much about entering Jin. It seems that we can only ask Master Hong. Well, I'll find a time to ask.

Also, in this fight with the opponent, my ability to draw the knife with my broken arm is obviously a little bit weak. In the past, no one could react when I drew the knife.

This time the robber not only reacted, but he was also able to quickly stop me. Although he didn't block it, it also shows that my broken arm and knife draw were defective.

If we encounter a stronger warrior than the opponent in the future, this deceptive technique may not be effective.

It seems that I need to find an opportunity to improve my sneak attack methods, such as hiding the knife in my sleeve and turning it into a sleeve knife for easier sneak attacks? Anyway, I have two knives now, one to confuse others, and the other to reforge and hide it in the cuff. , it may not be impossible!”

In addition, you can also put poison on the knife. Even if you can't kill with one hit, it can still cause huge damage to the opponent. Especially when the poison is very toxic, once the enemy is contaminated, it can drag the opponent to death. .”

Although I haven't started studying the secrets of medicine yet, I have gained a preliminary understanding of the relevant medical knowledge during this period. I should be able to get started with targeted learning. I don't want to become a famous doctor, I just want to be able to develop some medicine that will fight against me. Poison that helps.”

After summarizing, Su Chen made his next plan.

First, improve the means of sneak attacks, find a blacksmith shop to modify weapons, temporarily use the 'Yang Guo' vest, and use two weapons, one light and one dark, as auxiliary weapons.

Second, learn the knowledge of the secret book of medicine and see if you can use it to develop poisons that can be applied to weapons.

Third, use the remaining fifty taels to see if you can buy some high-grade blood-replenishing medicines to maximize your progress.

Fourth, and most importantly, ask Hong Ming how to gain energy.

After thinking about it, Su Chen left home and found a relatively reliable blacksmith shop.

Master, I want to build a customized weapon.

The Daqian Dynasty did not have many restrictions on weapons such as swords, and Su Chen had no taboos and said directly.

When the old blacksmith heard this, his eyes lit up slightly and the wrinkles on his face relaxed slightly: What kind of weapon does the guest want to make?

Su Chen didn't say anything, but took out the drawing he drew and handed it to the other party. The weapon on it was similar to the Yanling Sword, but the length and width of the sword had been improved.

The old blacksmith looked at it carefully for a long time, then asked Su Chen some details, and then said: I'm afraid it will be a bit expensive to make it according to the customer's requirements.

What if I can provide materials? Su Chen asked, and then took out the broken knife.

The old blacksmith took a look at it, thought for a moment and said, It would be much cheaper if the customer provided the materials himself, but it would still cost thirty taels.

So expensive?

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this. He thought that the materials he provided would only be twenty taels at most, but he didn't expect that the price exceeded his expectations.

The old blacksmith shook his head: The customer doesn't know. During this period, the price of copper and iron has increased. Not only the price of making weapons has increased, but also the price of agricultural tools has increased a lot. Mine is already the lowest price. If the customer doesn't believe it, you can go Ask other blacksmith shops.”

No need, just follow this price. When can it be completed at the earliest? This blacksmith shop is already the one with a relatively reasonable price after his comparison, and other blacksmith shops are estimated to be higher.

It may take five days as quickly as possible, or ten days as slowly as possible. The old blacksmith muttered.

Okay, I'll pick it up in five days.

After Su Chen finished speaking, he paid the deposit, regardless of the blacksmith's hesitant expression, and then turned and left.

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