After leaving, Su Chen went to the martial arts gym, but did not see Hong Ming. Hong Ming was out for something and would probably not come back for some time.

After Li Mo learned about the encounter with the Fang family's caravan, he looked at Su Chen for a while and didn't feel relieved until he confirmed that he was fine.

Then he tried to spar with Su Chen, but was hit by Su Chen instead.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen was not practicing in the martial arts hall every day, but his proficiency in Iron Wire Fist was no less than his own, which made him call Su Chen's talent amazing.

Su Chen smiled bitterly, but didn't explain anything.

Li Mo didn't know that he had already achieved a breakthrough, otherwise he wouldn't have just sighed this time, but twice.

After saying goodbye to Li Mo, Su Chen found a restaurant to eat, and went home after eating and drinking.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw the landlord taping something on the door. Before he could take a closer look, the landlord saw it.

Su Chen, you came back just in time. Let me tell you something. You can move out tomorrow.

The landlord looked at Su Chen and said, Su Chen then realized that the content on the sticker was to notify him to move out.

Mr. Xu, if I remember correctly, I have only rented this house for less than two months, but my rent has been paid for half a year.

Su Chen said calmly.

After hearing this, Mr. Xu said with some embarrassment: Well, as for the rent, I'm afraid I can't refund it to you.

Oh? This is clearly written in black and white. Does Mr. Xu want to default on the bill? Su Chen frowned slightly.

Mr. Xu gave a bitter smile and said: Su Chen, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, but my house has been bought by the Changhe Gang, and they didn't give me much money, so I can't give it to you even if I want to!

This is your business. According to the agreement, if you breach the contract in advance, you need to pay three times the remaining rent as liquidated damages. Su Chen said.

I, I can't pay! Mr. Xu looked a little ugly and shook his head.

If I can't pay, I will continue to live here! Su Chen said unceremoniously.

These words made Mr. Xu's face become gloomy. He looked at Su Chen and said in a deep voice: Then it's up to you. The people from the Changhe Gang will come to take over the house tomorrow. If you offend them then, don't blame me for not reminding you. .”

Seeing Mr. Xu's attitude, Su Chenli ignored it, walked directly into the house and closed the door.

Mr. Xu stood at the door for a long time, his face turning green and red due to Su Chen's anger, and then he snorted coldly and walked away.

They didn't even wait until tomorrow. In the afternoon, people from the Changhe Gang came. They were two members of the Changhe Gang who had met once before.

The two also brought Mr. Xu over, but at this time Mr. Xu was not in a good condition. He seemed to have been beaten, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Master Su, this old guy is talking nonsense and deliberately refused to refund you the rent. We taught him a lesson for you. This is the rent and liquidated damages refunded to you, a total of twenty taels. If you pay more, we will treat you as a filial piety. Please accept it and you can move it out when you are free.

What Su Chen didn't expect was that the two of them didn't come to make trouble, but to apologize. They also brought Mr. Xu over to apologize together.

Okay, I'll move out within two days! Su Chen accepted the money, left a few words, and closed the door.

After the three of them left, Su Chen went out and went to Yaxing, intending to look for a house.

In the process of searching, he obviously found that the price of houses in the same area has dropped, and the number of vacant houses has also increased.

After spending an afternoon, Su Chen found a relatively good courtyard house and rented it for half a year for five taels of silver.

Signing a contract with the landlord, Su Chen moved into the new house with all his bags in the evening.

The new house is in a good location. There are many vendors and shops on the street, but it is far away from the martial arts gym.

After moving into the new house, Su Chen didn't feel too happy, but instead felt a little tired.

After working until late at night, Su Chen finished washing and lay down on the bed to sleep.

The next day, Su Chen returned the key to the original house to Mr. Xu. When he came back, he went to the martial arts gym, but Hong Ming still didn't come back.

After informing Li Mo about his move, Su Chen slipped back home and began to study the secrets of medicine.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the past three days, Su Chen had been reading and basically didn't go out.

The complexity of the knowledge in the Medical Secret Code exceeded his expectations, and it would probably take a long time just to read it.

Su Chen casually flipped through the handwriting in the secret book and found five or six differences.

This shows that this secret book has been passed down in the Zhu family for at least five or six generations, and the knowledge and information contained in it is naturally large and complex.

If you want to truly understand it, it may take only a few decades.

Su Chen is self-aware, and it is obviously a foolish dream to rely on his own efforts in a short period of time to achieve what others have accumulated over several generations.

Therefore, his study was targeted. In addition to basic knowledge, it also included some contents related to poisons and qi and blood.

Fortunately, after studying before, he can barely understand it now and has taken the first step to success.

Of course, it is still too difficult for Su Chen to develop poison.

In three days, Su Chen failed many times, not to mention developing poisons, but even simple intoxication, and this was under the premise of having a reference.

However, today he was not going to continue studying the secret book, but had something unexpected to do.

Last night, when he was studying the secret book, he accidentally discovered that there was a page in the secret book.

He took out the paper from the sandwich and found that it was a prescription. By comparing the medicinal properties of various herbs, Su Chen determined that it was a prescription related to qi and blood.

When Su Chen learned this result, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

During this time, in addition to studying poisons, he focused more on qi and blood.

I thought about studying the secret book to see if I could find medicinal materials that can increase Qi and blood.

Unexpectedly, this unknown prescription gave him a huge surprise.

Therefore, today he planned to go to the medical clinic to buy the medicinal materials recorded on the prescription, and then test the effect of the prescription to see if it was what he thought.

Su Chen set out early in the morning. Since he had already memorized the prescription, Su Chen went to several different medical clinics to buy medicine.

In the process of buying medicine, Su Chen was also verifying what he had learned and found that some medical clinics were selling inferior medicine.

Su Chen was so angry that he gave up buying medicinal materials from his house and went to another one instead. He wandered around and visited almost all the medical clinics in the city.

Su Chen still didn't collect all the medicinal ingredients.

The only thing missing is the red blood grass. There is a medical clinic in front of it, but it's relatively remote. I don't know if there is one!

Su Chen was a little helpless. Red blood grass was really hard to find. Many medical clinics either didn't have it or sold out.

Soon, Su Chen arrived at the medical clinic. After walking in, he asked straight to the point: Is there any red blood grass here?

After hearing this, the apprentice at the medical center replied: There is only one plant left.

Okay, give it to me!

No one came to compete with Su Chen for the last red blood grass.

After Su Chen paid the money, he finally got the last medicine together.

Back home, Su Chen began to prepare the prescription according to the proportions, with a slightly nervous look on his face: I hope I can succeed in the first time!

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