It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 35: Retire with success and gain a lot

After groping for a while, Su Chen looked a little disappointed. Except for a dozen banknotes, he could not find the other party's martial arts.

To be honest, he was quite envious of the third master's martial arts skills.

After all, this is the first martial artist he has come into contact with, so the value of his martial arts can be imagined.

Reluctantly, he wanted to fumble again, and this time he stripped off all his clothes, but unfortunately there was still nothing.

Su Chen gave up, stood up, and came to the group of bandits under the awe-inspiring eyes.

Hand over the money you have and I'll let you go.

Su Chen said lightly, wanting to make up for the loss of not finding martial arts from these people.

When the thieves heard that they would live, although they were unwilling, they still handed over the money from their bodies as if it was heartbreaking.

Su Chen earned dozens of taels here and there. After putting it in his arms, he put away the third master's broken sword regardless of everyone's gaze.

Just as he was about to leave, a bandit said weakly: Didn't you say you would let us go?

Hearing this, Su Chen looked back at him and left a sentence: I let you go, but now they won't let you go.

A group of bandits: ...

Watching Su Chen leave, Yan Que immediately said: Thank you for your help. I am Yan Que from the Duandao Sect. If you are in need, you can go to the Duandao Sect to look for me...

After saying that, Yan Que looked at the group of thieves.

Don't, don't kill us.

A group of bandits wanted to cry but had no tears. They had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den again.

No, I have always been in a wolf's den.

Where are our goods and people? Yan Que asked in a deep voice.

In the mountains and forests, we can take you there, as long as you let us go. One of the bandits said.

Yan Que did not speak, but asked everyone to start counting the number of people.

By the way, where is Junior Brother Su Chen?

Suddenly, Fang Rou exclaimed, a little nervous, but soon she saw Su Chen in the crowd and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Su Chen was fine, otherwise she wouldn't be able to explain to Master Hong.

Soon, the head count was completed. Except for a few Fang family guards who were injured, the rest of the people had almost no major injuries.

These bandits, except for the leader San Dangjia, are not as numerous as the Fang family in terms of number or strength, so naturally they cannot cause much loss to them.

Later, under the leadership of the bandits, Yan Que and others quickly found the people who had been kidnapped from the Fang family, as well as a batch of goods.

In addition, Yan Que learned from these bandits.

Originally, they planned to hand over the money, but the third master insisted on extorting another sum, so what happened just now happened.

Master Yan, how should we deal with this group of people?

After rescuing the Fang family caravan, the accompanying warriors looked at the group of bandits and asked.

After hearing this, all the bandits became nervous and quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. The reasons for begging for mercy were all strange.

However, Yan Que remained indifferent. With his order, the lives of the bandits came to an end.

He didn't think Lianyun Village would let them go if a third leader died.

Since they have formed a deadly feud with Lianyun Village, there is no need for this group of people to stay.

Finally, Yan Que took matters into his own hands and killed the bandits one by one.

Because they were worried that the people in Lianyun Village would get the news, Yan Que and others left immediately after dealing with this group of bandits.

Not long after Su Chen and others left, they were in a village deep in Lianyun Mountain.

Report, second boss, that's not good.

A big man who was practicing banditry in the open space saw the man running in a hurry and shouted: What do you call it? You didn't see the laborers training?

After that, he rushed over and slapped the man, making him dizzy and sitting on the ground.

After a long time, the big man asked in a deep voice: Tell me, what is going on!

The man came back to his senses, covered his cheek, and his expression suddenly became panicked: Oh no, the third master has been killed!

What did you say? The big man grabbed the opponent's collar, his tiger eyes filled with evil aura.

Yes, it's true. The third master's body is at the entrance of the village. The man gasped.

When the big man heard this, he didn't care about being angry and went straight to the entrance of the village.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw a thin man. He stepped forward and asked, Eldest brother, third brother?

The first master did not speak, but looked at the body covered with white cloth. The second master was shocked when he saw this.

He walked over, lifted up the white cloth and took a look, his eyes were splitting as he said: Third brother!

Then, with red eyes, he asked: Brother, who did it? The Fang family? Is it the Fang family?

Hearing this, the sadness and indignation on the head's face turned into overwhelming anger:

Fang Family, Fang Youwei, you killed my third brother and humiliated him like this. When I break the Lianyun Village, the entire Fang Family will be wiped out!

In the evening, when the bright glow spread across the land, Yan Que and others appeared outside Baishi City.

After leaving Lianyun Mountain, everyone did not dare to delay for even a moment, and hurried on, finally returning to Baishi City before dark.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, with joy of surviving the disaster on their faces. After paying the entry fee, everyone entered the city.

Master Yan, Miss Fang, we won't follow you there. Someone said goodbye.

Yanwei nodded and said, Thank you for your hard work this time!

All the warriors responded with fists clasped one by one and parted ways with Yan Que and others.

Junior Brother Su, walk slowly!

Fang Rou said goodbye to Su Chen. Yan Que looked at him and his eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Soon, everyone else left, leaving only the Fang family.

Yan Que looked at Fang Rou and said with a smile: Let's go back.

Fang Rou nodded.

The group returned to Fang's house, and when Yan Que told Fang Youwei about Lianyunshan's experience, Fang Youwei was almost frightened.

Fortunately, Yan Que and Fang Rou returned safely, which made him feel relieved.

Brother-in-law, thank you this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Fang Youwei thanked him.

Yan Que waved his hand after hearing this: We are all one family, big brother, you're welcome, and this time it's all thanks to the one-armed warrior.

This person can actually kill a powerful martial artist. His strength cannot be underestimated. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be an unknown person. Isn't he from Baishi City?

Fang Youwei basically knew about the martial arts practitioners near Baishi City, but he had never heard of a one-armed martial artist.

No. Yan Que shook his head, This person should be from Baishi City.

how you said that?

I heard from someone in the government office that a one-armed man once carried the head of the wanted criminal Liu Tong...

After parting ways with Fang Rou and others, Su Chen did not go home immediately.

Instead, he went to the bank to exchange the silver he received into gold before going back.

When he returned home, the sky had completely darkened. He entered the room and placed the harvest on the table.

A broken long knife, ten taels of gold, and sixty taels of silver.

As he watched, Su Chen's body suddenly trembled, and a flash of blood rushed to his cheeks. He covered his chest and coughed several times.

I don't know if the ultimate turtle shell skill can eliminate the injuries caused by the residual power in my body!

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