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Chapter 338: The Power of the Sky-Destroying Sword Technique, Great Divine Power

The huge mountains exuded brilliant power, and with unrivaled momentum, they pressed down.

The air below suddenly set off invisible air waves and continued to compress. When it was compressed to the extreme, it suddenly exploded out of thin air, setting off waves of sonic booms.

Before the mountain arrived, the time and space where Su Chen was was slightly distorted, and the air seemed to solidify.

Seeing this scene, Hong Yue and Huang Yunfei looked at each other with solemn expressions in their eyes. This kind of power was beyond the reach of small magical powers. Only by truly cultivating great magical powers to the extreme can they display them.

The two of them were surprised, and their movements were not slow at all. They knew that Elder Yan, who could display great magical powers, was indeed confident. With his strength, I am afraid that even if they join forces, they may not be their opponents, let alone being abandoned by the magic weapon. Su Chen is gone.

After retreating, the two of them locked their eyes on the battlefield ahead, not daring to miss anything.

At the same time, the two people's attention was also focused on the Sky-Breaking Sword, not to catch the Sky-Breaking Sword, but to prevent Su Chen from taking advantage of the opportunity to use the weapon.

As long as Su Chen couldn't get the weapon, defeat at the hands of Elder Yan was just a matter of time, and there was no need for the two of them to worry.

Huang Yunfei and Hongyue could tell that Elder Yan was using a great magical power. Su Chen could also see it naturally, and more personally experienced the power of the great supernatural power, but he didn't care. After all, it was not like he had never seen it before. A warrior with great supernatural powers.

Before he had mastered the Heaven-Slaying Sword Drawing Technique to the level of supernatural powers, he had defeated great magical warriors with the power of Hunyuan. Now that his strength had greatly increased, he became even more fearless.

Looking at the boundless mountains, carrying large shadows and the sound of storms falling heavily, Su Chen's eyes flashed with fire.

This magical power looks very good. I wonder if I can plunder it from this old guy later.

Thinking of this, Su Chen became even more excited. He closed his five fingers into palms and shook his arms. Suddenly, a fierce momentum came out from his palms. This was the Sky-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique accumulating power. It was very fast, almost It can be completed by accumulating power in one thousandth of an instant.

"The Heaven-Destroying Drawing Sword Technique!"

Su Chen shouted softly in his heart, then used his hand as a knife, raised his body, and slashed horizontally.

In an instant, a ray of extremely bright light tore the air in half like a galaxy, leaving behind an eye-catching streak wherever it passed. Even this streak contained terrifying energy. , whipping the air into an explosion.

The galaxy sword light rushed straight up, spanning thousands of meters in the blink of an eye. No matter how great the pressure released by the huge mountain was, it could not stop him from moving forward. Instead, it aroused the sharp energy of the sword light, and the speed became faster. faster and faster.

It was as if the mountains at this moment were the real sky, and what this sword light wanted to do was to pierce, tear, crush, and annihilate the sky that enveloped him. The stronger the sky, the smoother it would destroy. dripping.

Boom boom boom!

Two different forces, one high and one low, were like two huge stars colliding in the air. At the moment of the collision, there was a brief silence in the entire world, and then an earth-shattering collision sound erupted.

Under the sound of this impact, the sky was distorted and the earth was overturned. A circle of air waves like the horizon quickly rippled out at an astonishing speed, annihilating everything.

All kinds of terrifying energy burst out from it. This energy had no rules at all. It was like splashing water flying around, falling in all directions, destroying everything, and covering the earth with holes. stand up.

After a while, the two people's positions were surrounded by huge dust, but the two people were not submerged in the dust. Instead, they continued to move in the collision of forces. As they moved, their positions also moved. Keep getting closer.

Boom boom boom!

Every time the two of them passed a position, there was huge movement, like a bulldozer, pushing everything horizontally and leveling everything.

In less than a moment, this area became like a ruins in the battle between the two. Large tracts of wisteria forest fell down, and countless potholes of different sizes appeared on the yellow sand desert.

Under such intense contact, Huang Yunfei, Hong Yue, and even the Sky-Breaking Sword were unable to clearly see the traces of the two of them. They could only hear a huge sound that was countless times heavier than the sound of gold and iron coming from their ears.


After an unknown amount of time, the interaction between the two sides seemed to be coming to an end, and the sounds of the fight became smaller and smaller. Just when Huang Yunfei and the two thought that the battle was about to end and Elder Yan was about to capture Su Chen alive, a miserable cry suddenly came out.

"It's Elder Yan!"

This voice was very familiar to the two of them, and they recognized it as soon as they heard it. Because of this, both of their faces showed uneasiness because of this voice. Could it be that Elder Yan died in Su Chen's hands?

How can this be!

The answer soon appeared. A beam of light flew away from the dust, and there was a blurry figure in it. As the vision gradually became clearer, Huang Yunfei and Hongyue were shocked. The figure was none other than Su Chen.

It was very similar to the scene where Hong Yue was captured by Su Chen. The difference was that it was not Hong Yue who looked like a dead dog now, but Elder Yan.

"Elder Yan..."

Seeing this scene, Huang Yunfei was so surprised that he couldn't believe that Su Chen had defeated Elder Yan.

You must know that the other party is a warrior with a small level of supernatural power!

Regardless of whether you are a minor in the magical power realm or just starting out in the magical power realm, the gap is so huge that many warriors cannot overcome it in their lifetime.

It is even more impossible for a warrior like Su Chen who does not even have minor magical powers to cross over.

But what did he see now?

Such a scene was even more shocking than when he was defeated by Su Chen, and it hit his soul.

"No, leave quickly!"

Hongyue's reaction was very fast. The moment she saw Elder Yan and captured him, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

Before Su Chen could react, she quickly dodged and left.

He ran away very quickly, without even reminding Huang Yunfei, but directly leaving him behind.

It wasn't until Huang Yunfei reacted that he saw Hong Yue's figure had disappeared.

He was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened, but he quickly ran away.

It's just that the direction of his escape was different from Hong Yue's, because just now, he saw a light and shadow tracking towards Hong Yue.

Coupled with Hong Yue's unkind behavior, he was even more reluctant to be with Hong Yue.

Now running away separately can actually increase his chances of escape. After all, there is no one chasing him.

"Wait a minute, the person chasing Hong Yue just now seems not to be Su Chen, but the magic weapon!"

As he ran, Huang Yunfei's heart skipped a beat. He recalled the scene he had just seen, and soon discovered that the blurry shadow in the light did not look like Su Chen, but more like the shadow of a knife.

This made him panic and almost lose his sense of proportion.

At this moment, Huang Yunfei's eyelids twitched, and a familiar figure was reflected in the depths of his pupils. It was Su Chen.

As he guessed, the one who went to track Hong Yue was the Sky-Breaking Sword, and the one who was following him was Su Chen, who was stronger than the Sky-Breaking Sword and defeated Elder Yan.

"Damn it, let's fight!"

Seeing Su Chen, Huang Yunfei gritted his teeth, overcame the fear in his heart, and took action directly.

He guessed that after the battle just now, Su Chen's strength must have weakened, and now he was just pretending to be calm, hoping to use this to undermine his self-confidence, so he took the initiative to seize the opportunity, and maybe he could win by surprise and let Su Chen win. Death without a burial place.

Moreover, Su Chen still has Elder Yan in his hands, so his strength may not be fully utilized, and it has weakened a little. With the combination of many factors, he has the advantage. Su Chen can never be his opponent when his strength is still in its prime.

Thinking like this, a bright smile appeared on Huang Yunfei's face. However, this smile had not been revealed for a long time before it completely froze with the blow of Su Chen's knife.

This knife penetrated time and space, shattering Huang Yunfei's offensive with a devastating gesture, hitting his body directly, and sending him flying backwards.

The figure was like a kite with broken strings, falling down in a parabola, hitting the ground hard, making a dull impact sound, and knocking a huge pit into the ground.

His body seemed to be embedded in the ground, his limbs were pointing upwards, extremely stiff, and his whole aura instantly became sluggish.

"Hey, you just got rid of this kid? Just in time, I also caught this woman."

At this moment, the Sky-Breaking Sword appeared and brought Hong Yue, who was knocked unconscious, to Su Chen's side.

After speaking, he handed Hongyue to Su Chen, but Su Chen refused: "Just kill him."

Hong Yue has no use value, so there is no need to keep her. However, Huang Yunfei still has some use value. Su Chen has not yet asked Huang Shamen about his magical power.

"Okay!" After hearing this, the Duan Tian Dao killed Hong Yue without saying a word.

When Huang Yunfei below saw this scene, his body trembled and fear appeared in his eyes.

But what frightened him even more was that Su Chen and the Sky-Breaking Sword turned their attention to him.

Not only that, he also flew towards him.

"Don't tell me, the magical powers you have learned cannot be passed on to others."

Su Chen's voice was like a nightmare, invading Huang Yunfei's heart and making him tremble.

His mind went blank, and it took him a while to react. He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "No, that's right!"

This is an open secret among the three major sects, and he does not dare to hide this issue from the other party.

"Is there no other way?" Su Chen asked with a frown.

This happened twice in a row, which made Su Chen lose his patience. Since he couldn't get magical powers, why would he keep Huang Yunfei around?


Feeling the murderous intention in Su Chen, Huang Yunfei added tremblingly, "Don't kill me, I can help you find a way to collect other magical powers, Huangshafang City, yes, there are places that sell magical powers in Huangshafang City, as long as there are With money, you can buy a small magical power. I have a lot of Huang Yuandan in me, plus the Huang Yuandan in Elder Yan, which should be enough for you to buy a small magical power. Also, as an elder, Elder Yan must also have magical powers. , you promise to let me go, and I will help you coerce and lure him. Unless he is not afraid of death, he will definitely reveal the magical powers he has cultivated."

"Hey, you reminded me!" Su Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Believe me, I will definitely do my best to help you!" Huang Yunfei's face lit up when he saw this.

But the next moment, he felt his eyes go dark, and with a glance from the corner of his eye, he realized that Su Chen had chopped off his head with a knife.

For a moment, a feeling of dizziness came to his mind, and then he saw his body spurting out blood like pillars, rushing up, and then darkness quickly filled his eyes...

"Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I don't know what the use is of keeping you. Anyway, there is Elder Yan who has a higher status and stronger strength than you, so there is no use of keeping you. You said so Right? Elder Yan?"

After being held captive by Su Chen for so long, Elder Yan had already woken up from his coma, but he had been unwilling to open his eyes and face the reality. At the same time, he was also thinking about a way to escape. However, what he did not expect was that Huang Yunfei and Hong Yue Such a waste was caught and killed by Su Chen before he could even hold on for half a quarter of an hour. Now he had no way to escape.

The most embarrassing thing was that Su Chen found out that he was pretending to be comatose. However, he was also a shameless person, so he didn't care about the embarrassment. He opened his eyes directly, his mind was racing with thoughts, and he came up with a solution.

"I can hand over the great magical power of Mountain and River Mahamudra to you. This is the opportunity I got. It has nothing to do with Huang Shamen. From the fight just now, you should have seen the power of this magical power, and you should also know that this is A great magical power.

If my guess is correct, now you only have small magical powers at most, and not a single great supernatural power, so you are eager to find a great supernatural power to practice, and I can give you a complete great supernatural power, and even the training experience in it.

These cultivation experiences are all summarized and sorted out by me after countless days and nights, and thousands of years of time. They are of great benefit to the cultivation of this great magical power. They can shorten your cultivation time by hundreds of years and save you from walking. Many detours.

Of course, I don't give you these cultivation experiences for nothing. The condition is that you let me go. As long as you let me go, I will give you this magical power. How about it? "

After calming down, Elder Yan took the initiative to speak. He knew that he would definitely die if he did not hand over a magical power, so he planned to hand over the great magical power of Shanhe Mahamudra. After all, it was the only magical power in his body that did not belong to Huang Shamen.

Su Chen did not hesitate for long after hearing this. The magical power of Shanhe Mahamudra was indeed very strong. He could feel that even though the other party had practiced for thousands of years, he still had not cultivated this magical power to the limit.

If he cultivates this magical power, he can exert more powerful power in his hands. After mastering it, he might be able to wipe out the small magical power's sky-cutting drawing sword technique with one palm.

So he nodded and said, "I promise you."

"Okay, then you swear by your soul, and I will also swear. When the time comes, none of us can go back on our word."

Seeing that Su Chen didn't know what the soul oath was, Elder Yan took the initiative to inform the other party. After getting the relevant information, Su Chen and Elder Yan quickly swore an oath. After the oath took effect, both of them felt an invisible force shrouding them. On the soul.

"This is the way to practice!"

Elder Yan really kept his word and handed over the method of cultivating magical powers to Su Chen as promised, and told him, "See if there is any problem."

"No problem, let's go!" Su Chen waved his hand and verified the technique with the help of the panel.

Seeing Elder Yan leaving, Duan Tiandao frowned and said, "Are we just going to let him go? What if he spreads what happened today? Wouldn't that cause trouble?"

The Sky-Breaking Sword was a little strange as to why Su Chen didn't tell Elder Yan to keep it secret in his oath just now.

He soon knew the answer, and Su Chen smiled and said: "If you run away, just catch him again!" (End of Chapter)

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