It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 339 Huangshafang City, Soul Searching Technique

In the desert, a figure ran wildly, forming a beautiful landscape. This person was none other than Elder Yan.

After escaping from the Wisteria Mountains, he didn't dare to waste a moment and turned around and ran away, for fear that Su Chen would regret it.

I didn't know how far I ran, but when I looked back, I still didn't see Su Chen's figure, so my speed slowed down.

He had to stop.

It wasn't that he didn't want to run away, but that his escape had nearly consumed all the energy in his body.

It should be noted that in the yellow sand desert, one of the most taboo things is to consume Yuan Power. Even if he can quickly draw Yuan Power from the desert to restore himself, he cannot consume all the Yuan Power in his body.

Because once it is exhausted, if you encounter an enemy, you will definitely die if you meet him.

After finding a place, Elder Yan sat cross-legged, hiding his breath, and began to recover from his injuries and physical strength.

In the battle with Su Chen, he was seriously injured and must recover as soon as possible.

"As soon as my injury improves, I will rush back to the sect to report the incident in the Wisteria Mountains. This person killed all the disciples of Huang Shamen, Blood Shadow Sect, and two true disciples. He will be severely punished by the three major sects. I have already transferred his Yuan The divine aura is recorded, and as long as he is still in the yellow sand desert, he will not be able to escape!"

Elder Yan was filled with hatred and was very dissatisfied with Su Chen for taking away his magical power.

Magical power is the foundation of a warrior's destiny. Being taken away from him and the humiliation he suffered made him murderous towards Su Chen.

However, he also knew that with his own strength, he was no match for Su Chen, so he wanted to rush back to the sect as soon as possible to take action.

Thinking like this, Elder Yan accelerated the speed of healing.

He closed his eyes tightly and suddenly noticed a faint black shadow slowly falling on his eyelids, as if something was blocking the light.

This change made him subconsciously open his eyes.

"why you!"

Seeing the figure in front of him, Elder Yan suddenly exclaimed, and the horror in his eyes suddenly appeared on his face.

On the one hand, he was surprised that Su Chen appeared quietly, and on the other hand, he was surprised why Su Chen found him.

But soon, all the thoughts and surprises disappeared, replaced by a sudden fear.

Su Chen actually found him!

Thinking together, Elder Yan no longer cared about healing his wounds, and quickly used the energy in his body to jump forward.

But how could Su Chen let him go so easily? With a grasp of his hand, all the air was compressed in an instant.

There were bursts of sonic booms.

Immediately, Elder Yan was horrified to find that he seemed to be imprisoned in a light barrier and could not move.

He could only let Su Chen control him.

"Wait a minute, you can't kill me!"

Elder Yan felt that the pressure in the light shield was getting stronger and stronger, and the fear in his heart became heavier, but he still pretended to be calm and shouted.


Su Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this, thinking that Elder Yan had hidden something from him before and that he had something good in him.

It seems to be something better than the great supernatural power, otherwise I wouldn't have said it until now.

Although he was angry that this guy would not reveal all the secrets until he was about to die, Su Chen's movements froze when he thought of the unexpected gains.

He looked at Elder Yan: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"You said you would let me go, so why do you want to kill me? You must know that you and I have sworn an oath. Your behavior now is equivalent to breaking the oath. Aren't you afraid of being cursed?"

To Su Chen's surprise, what Elder Yan said was different from what he thought, and he actually planned to use the oath to pressure him.

Su Chen said with some disappointment: "I promised you to let you go, but this is the second time you have been caught by me. Didn't I let you go the previous time, and the power of the oath has already been with you." You disappeared after leaving. Catching you now does not count as a breach of the oath. Oh, I was wrong. Killing you now does not count as a breach of the oath."

After a pause, he still refused to give up: "You really don't have any other good things in you?"

Elder Yan: "..."


Su Chen saw the answer and took action without hesitation.

Elder Yan struggled desperately, but unfortunately his skills were inferior to those of others. In the end, he was crushed by Su Chen and exploded into blood flowers. As the light mask disappeared, the blood and flesh fell to the ground, dyeing the desert red with blood.

"Your killing methods are getting more and more brutal!"

When Duan Tian Dao saw this scene, he clicked his tongue and said.

Su Chen chuckled after hearing this and didn't take it seriously: "Rough, but simple!"

"Where are we going next? To Saint Yuan City?"

Duan Tian Dao was noncommittal, but suddenly changed the topic and asked.

Hongyue and others had already collected all the ripe magical fruits in the Wisteria Mountains. He killed Hongyue and others and obtained all their magical fruits.

Now the art of slashing the sky and drawing the sword has been upgraded to the realm of great supernatural powers.

But his realm is still at the beginning of magical powers.

Of course, this is his own opinion, because the division of magical realms in the world of ten directions depends on the degree of cultivation of magical powers.

Generally speaking, cultivating a great magical power to its limit is equivalent to the state of minor achievement.

It's just that Su Chen's situation is different. Although he has practiced the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique to the level of great supernatural power.

But Immeasurable Diamond Iron Cloth Shirt has only reached the eighth level.

Su Chen has always used this technique as the basis for judging his own realm.

According to this standard, the eighth-level Infinite Vajra Iron Cloth Shirt should be equivalent to the introduction of magical powers.

This is also the reason why he thinks that he is at the entry level of supernatural powers.

Another main reason is that he has indeed practiced the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique to the level of a great magical power, but the problem is that the Yuanli in his body now cannot exert the full power of this magical power.

The reason is very simple, the magical power is powerful, but he does not have a strong foundation to support the operation of the magical power.

It is equivalent to him holding a sword, but he is just a child and cannot exert the full power of the sword.

Only when he improves the power of Hunyuan again can he truly exert the power of his great supernatural powers.

Only then will he truly be considered a warrior with some magical powers.

Having said that, in terms of strength, Su Chen felt that he might not be inferior to the accomplished warrior with magical powers.

It can be seen from the action just now that after improving the Tianzhan Drawing Technique, his strength has been further improved, and he easily killed Elder Yan.

Although this was related to Elder Yan's injury, it was enough to show how powerful Su Chen was.

After that, even if he meets a real martial artist with magical powers, he will still be able to fight.

After hearing what Duan Tian Dao said, Su Chen thought for a moment and then said, "Instead of going to Shengyuan City, let's go to Huangshafang City first to see if we can buy magical secrets."

The most urgent task is to cultivate magical powers.

After all, the number of magical powers is directly related to whether he can break through. If Su Chen wants to reach a small level of magical power in Yuanli as soon as possible, he must cultivate ten magical powers.

By cultivating these ten magical powers to the limit, the panel will enhance his strength.

At present, he has no shortage of magical powers, and the magical powers he obtained from Elder Yan and others are enough for him to fill more than half of the quota.

If you want to practice these magical powers to the limit, the conditions are not difficult, as long as you exchange enough Pure Yuan Dan.

He had a lot of Huang Yuan Dan on his body, but Huang Yuan Dan did not meet the requirements of the panel, so he had to go to Huangshafang City to exchange for Pure Yuan Dan.

Moreover, Hongyue once said before that there is a place selling magical powers in Huangshafang City.

He also wanted to see if he could buy some magical powers. If he could buy them, that would be the best.

After hearing this, Duan Tian Dao had no objection: "Okay, but do you know the way?"

Su Chen: "..."

Su Chen didn't know the road, but he had a map.

Relying on the map, Su Chen could barely identify the direction, followed the map's guidance and turned back, heading towards the location of Fangshi.

Compared to when I went to the Wisteria Mountains, it seemed much quieter when I went back.

After walking for three days and three nights, Su Chen didn't meet any bad people.

Of course, there were strangers, but they were more careful to guard against Su Chen than Su Chen was to guard against them, for fear that Su Chen would take action.

Su Chen naturally had no interest in taking the initiative and flew all the way towards Fangshi.

After absorbing the spirit of the yellow sand, Su Chen felt as if he was walking on flat ground while walking in the desert.

Occasionally encounter sandstorms, extremely cold nights, and rampant poisons, and you can easily avoid them.

And unlike others, it consumes a lot of energy and can be replenished at any time.

After flying for more than half a month, Su Chen gradually arrived at the edge of Fang City.

After arriving here, the number of warriors gradually increased. After seeing so many people, the Duantian Sword obediently slipped into the scabbard and stopped making any sound.

Su Chen was alone, slowing down, walking and stopping, watching onlookers along the way.

The delicacies of the desert quickly attracted his attention. Except for some plants that survive tenaciously in the desert, most of the food here is poisonous insects and the like.

There are all kinds of strange things, but Su Chen has tasted them and they taste pretty good.

After wandering around the surrounding area, Su Chen arrived at Fangshi, which was similar to a market town with more warriors.

It was obviously much livelier inside than outside, and the warriors coming and going all had the idea of ​​​​trading.

Su Chen entered the market and after a little inquiry, he found out where there was a place to exchange Pure Yuan Dan.

There is a shop called 'Golden Sand', which not only sells various items, but also provides services for exchanging elixirs.

"Guest, how much Pure Yuan Dan do you want to exchange for?"

Walking into the store, Su Chen found the clerk and told him his purpose straight to the point. The other party just regarded it as an ordinary pawn and didn't pay much attention to it, but asked casually.

Su Chen thought for a moment and said, "Fifty thousand Pure Yuan Pills!"

"How much?" The man thought he heard wrongly.

Su Chen repeated.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Guest, please wait a moment. This amount is large and beyond my ability. I will call your boss right now."

Fifty thousand Pure Yuan Pills are equivalent to 50,000 Huang Yuan Pills. This number is not even available to the elders of the three major sects. He did not expect that Su Chen would have so many Huang Yuan Pills with him, which really frightened him.

After a while, under the leadership of the waiter, a middle-aged man came out, cupped his hands towards Su Chen and said, "Does the guest want to exchange 50,000 Pure Yuan Pills?"

Su Chen nodded.

"Please come with me to trade upstairs!" After receiving the affirmation, the middle-aged man showed a respectful smile on his face and led Su Chen to the VIP room.

A formation is arranged in the room for better sound insulation.

After entering the room, the middle-aged man took the initiative and said: "My name is Shen Wan. Did the guest bring all 50,000 Huang Yuandan?"

Su Chen still didn't answer and nodded again.

"To be honest with you, a distinguished customer just redeemed 100,000 Pure Yuan Pills yesterday, so our store is currently short of Pure Yuan Pills. If the customer doesn't mind, can you wait for three days? After three days, our store will give more to the customer. How about a hundred Pure Yuan Pills as compensation?"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's face showed a look of embarrassment. He did not hide anything from Su Chen, but told him the reason frankly.

After hearing this, Su Chen tapped his fingers on the table, showing his contemplation, and then he asked: "The matter of Chunyuan Dan is not urgent. I have one more thing I want to ask Shopkeeper Shen."

"It doesn't matter if the customer says so." Originally, there was a fee for asking for information, but since Su Chen was such a big customer, Shen Wan decided to waive Su Chen's fee.

Su Chen also asked politely: "I wonder if your store sells magical powers. If so, I can also buy it with Huang Yuandan."

Su Chen had inquired before coming here. The price of a small magical power is generally 50,000 to 100,000 pure Yuan Dan, and the price of a great magical power is 100,000 to 500,000 to 5 million pure Yuan Dan. As for the supreme magical power, the price is even higher. They are incredibly expensive, each costing tens of millions.

However, few people would be stupid enough to sell supreme magical powers. At least in Huangshafang City, Su Chen had never heard of it.

Su Chen has 50,000 Huang Yuandan on him, which can be used to buy a relatively inferior magical power.

If some of the treasures from Hongyue and others are sold, maybe two good little magical powers can be purchased.

It's just that Su Chen doesn't know how to sell it easily, at least not in Huangshafang City. After all, this is the territory of the three major sects.

Of course, the biggest problem when buying magical powers is not the elixirs, but whether there are any magical secrets for sale.

After all, although the Huangsha Desert is remote, there are warriors with corresponding purchasing power. The problem is that very few magical powers are sold.

Once the news gets out, many people will rob it.

Su Chen wasn't going to buy a unique magical power, just rubbings would be enough. After all, some shops would sell a magical power multiple times in order to make the maximum profit.

After hearing what Su Chen said, Shen Wan smiled slightly and said: "The customer wants to buy magical powers, so he has come to the right place. I wonder what kind of magical powers the customer wants, the original or the rubbing? The former is expensive and requires bidding. , a one-time buyout, the latter does not need to be so troublesome, not only is the price cheaper, but there is no need to bid, as long as you pay enough for the elixir."

"Is it also possible to have great supernatural powers?" Su Chen asked with a raised brow.

Shen Wan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "How precious are the great magical powers? We don't have any in our store at the moment, but there are two or three small magical powers. The price is generally between 50,000 and 100,000. If the customer needs it, I can help the customer refer to it. .”

"What kind of minor magical powers are there? Please tell me in detail." Su Chen said immediately.

Shen Wan did not dissuade Su Chen, and introduced: "The three magical powers are the Soul Searching Technique, the Blood Escape Technique, and the Fury of the Sand.

Among them, the Soul Searching Technique is a spiritual power. It is the most expensive and requires 90,000 Huang Yuandan. Its function is to steal the warrior's memory, but it is very dangerous to practice. If it fails, you may become an idiot.

The Blood Escape Technique and the Fury of the Sand are both physical magical powers. The prices are 50,000 and 60,000 Huang Yuandan respectively. The former is suitable for escaping, while the latter is suitable for fighting. It is relatively difficult to practice. The average warrior can practice the two magical powers in about fifty years at most. To the extreme, it takes about ten years for those with talent. "(End of chapter)

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