It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 337: Supernatural power, the art of slaying the sky and drawing the sword!

"you're awake?"

I don't know how long I had been asleep, but the sound of the Sky-Breaking Saber came to my ears, waking up the confused Su Chen.

Hearing this voice, Su Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and his consciousness returned instantly.

Memories of the past also emerged in his mind. He looked around and immediately discovered that this place was different from the previous location of the magical fruit tree.

"You suddenly passed out before, and Hong Yue wanted to snatch the magical power fruit. I blocked Hong Yue for you, but there was Huang Yunfei watching eagerly next to him. In order to prevent the two of them from joining forces to deal with you, I had to abandon the magical fruit tree and take you and all the troops with me. The magical power fruit left us, and now our location is still in the Wisteria Mountains, but I don’t know where exactly.”

The weak voice of Duan Tian Dao came. He sounded relatively relaxed, but in fact the situation was more serious than what he said.

When he left with Su Chen, he was attacked by Huang Yunfei and almost lost his life. If he hadn't fought to the death, both he and Su Chen would have died.

However, he had always been arrogant and arrogant, so naturally he would not tell Su Chen everything about this matter.

After a pause, Duan Tian Dao asked curiously: "By the way, what happened to you? Why did you fall into a coma for no reason? If I hadn't protected you in time, you would have been killed by that stinky bitch."

Hearing this, Su Chen showed a smile, which was full of bitterness. He didn't answer the question. He couldn't tell Sky-Dead Blade that he was in coma because he swallowed too many magical fruits at once.

"It should have something to do with magical powers!" Su Chen shook his head and did not elaborate.

Duan Tian Dao was stunned for a moment, but did not ask further questions. He knew that Su Chen would naturally say what he wanted to say.

"I'll take care of myself first."

Su Chen was curious about the status of the panel, so after leaving a sentence, he closed his eyes and rested, and used his consciousness to bring up the panel.

"The sword-drawing technique of Nirvana has really improved!"

After swallowing fifty magical power fruits, the panel's needs have been met, and the Nirvana Sword Drawing Technique has also been improved and its power has become stronger.


"Now it's not called the Nirvana Battery Technique, it's called the Heaven-Destroying Battou Technique!"

If Su Chen remembers correctly, the Nirvana Sword Drawing Technique is not a magical power. Now that he has been promoted after swallowing the Magical Power Fruit, doesn't it mean that the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique is a magical power.

Thinking of this, Su Chen looked inside his whole body and soon discovered that magical seeds were condensed in his body.

This magical power has the same origin as the previous Nirvana Sword Drawing Technique, which contains the sword's energy, sword power, and sword intention.

But unlike the Nirvana Battery Technique, the Sky-Zhanbing Blade Technique contains magical power.

In other words, as Su Chen thought, the current demon-slaying and sword-slaying skills have transformed into magical powers!

"And this magical power relies on my own cultivation!"

The power of Hunyuan only absorbs the power of the five elements. Strictly speaking, it is not a magical power.

But the Technique of Cutting the Sky and Drawing the Sword is different. This is a genuine magical power, and it is a magical power that can be practiced with the help of the panel.

According to Su Chen's observation, currently, the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique can be regarded as a minor magical power at best.

But Su Chen didn't care. Sooner or later, minor magical powers would be promoted to great ones.

After all, the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique is not like the power of Hunyuan, it can be improved with the help of the panel.

"The panel shows that one hundred magical fruits will be needed for the next upgrade."

Su Chen looked at the conditions on the panel and couldn't help but sigh. With a hundred magical powers, the panel would really pose problems for him.

One hundred pills this time, wouldn't it be two hundred pills next time, three hundred pills... five hundred pills, one thousand pills...


Thinking of this, Su Chen opened and closed his mouth slightly, and a slight gasp of cold air came from between his teeth.

"But compared to the improvement of the Infinite Vajra Iron Clothes, I feel that the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique seems much simpler."

Ever since Su Chen entered the magical realm, he rarely failed to improve the progress of the Infinite Vajra Iron Cloth.

The reason is simple. The conditions for improving the Infinite Vajra Iron Cloth Shirt are much more stringent than those for the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique.

To complete the condition, you need to practice the ten minor magical powers to the limit.

Although the magical powers that Su Chen has learned at the moment include four different levels of magic: Blood Sloughing Technique, Tianmu Technique, Big and Small Ruyi, and Shuiman Jinshan, the only one that he has truly practiced to the limit is the Heaven-Destroying Drawing Sword Technique.

The technique of slashing the sky and drawing the sword has just been mastered.

“There’s still a long way to go!”

Su Chen sighed softly and stopped worrying. He opened his eyes and looked at the Sky-Breaking Sword. He couldn't help but frown: "Are you injured?"

"No, no, you are wrong!" Hearing this, Duan Tian Dao was slightly flustered and quickly refused.

But Su Chen's vision was so sharp that he could tell the truth at a glance.

So he stretched out his hand, and a strong Hunyuan power enveloped the Heaven-Ending Saber.

The power of Hunyuan, which combines the nine-turn glazed fire, the power of vegetation, the power of thunder, the power of golden bells, the power of black water, and the spirit of yellow sand, is not only amazing in power, but also has a healing effect. Now it is used by Su Chen Shown vividly.

After a while, the Heaven-Breaking Sword's injuries began to recover under the wash of this gentle force, and its aura increased to a level that could be felt by the skin.

In about half a day, the Sky-Breaking Sword's injuries were completely recovered, and the blade's body glowed with brilliance again.

"Haha, the feeling of recovering from the injury is so comfortable." The Sky-Breaking Sword became more powerful and shuttled through the forest.

Su Chen smiled when he saw this, and then his eyes turned cold, with a hint of killing intent.

Of course, it was not against the Sky-Breaking Sword, but against Hong Yue and Huang Yunfei.

He left Hong Yue and Xuantian Python behind to facilitate the way, but left Huang Yunfei behind to steal his magical powers.

In the end, only Xuantian Python died.

Not only did Hong Yue not die, but Duan Tian Dao was seriously injured, almost killing him.

How to stop him from murdering.

But it doesn't matter, he left the soul mark on Hong Yue.

Thinking of this, Su Chen quickly released the soul mark left on Hong Yue through his soul induction.

"Still there!"

He was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect to sense it all of a sudden. This meant that Hongyue had not discovered the soul mark, which was good news for him.

Su Chen waved his hand and summoned the Sky-Breaking Sword.

Duan Tian Dao asked: "What's wrong?"

"Tidy up, it's time for us to leave." Su Chen replied.

Duan Tian Dao had no objection, but asked curiously: "Where to go?"


Outside the Wisteria Mountains.

"Girl Hongyue, we have been waiting here for nearly a month. If this person hasn't come out yet, has he left the Wisteria Mountains?" A gray-haired old man expressed his thoughts.

"Elder Yan, this person has a lot of magical fruits in his body, and he has also killed many disciples of our Huangshamen and Blood Shadow Sect. I will not stop until I kill this person. Miss Hongyue has this person's soul mark on her body. , if we want to kill this person, we can only rely on the opponent's soul mark."

The soul mark was left on Hongyue by Su Chen. In fact, it had been discovered by Huang Yunfei and others long ago, but they did not erase it because they met Elder Yan and others from Huangshamen on the way, so they hatched a plan and deliberately Keep it on your body, intending to use it to lure Su Chen to appear.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for half a month, Su Chen still did not show up. This made Elder Yan and others have strange thoughts in their hearts. They speculated that Su Chen might have left long ago. As for whether Su Chen discovered them and hid them, everyone They all thought it was impossible.

If Su Chen really came to the vicinity, he would definitely be discovered by Elder Yan and others. As a warrior with a small amount of magical power, Elder Yan would not be able to discover a warrior who has not even cultivated a small level of magical power.

Elder Yan naturally knows this truth. If this person hadn't killed Huang Shamen and Huang Yunfei strongly demanded that this person be killed, he would have waited at most half a month. It was just for the sake of the magical power fruit that he waited longer. Half a month.

But after a month passed, he had to doubt the thoughts of Hong Yue and Huang Yunfei. He felt that if he continued to wait, he might not be able to wait for Su Chen, so it was better to give up. Anyway, as long as Su Chen appeared in the Huangsha Desert, with their three major The power of the sect will definitely be able to discover this person.

Why wait and waste time here.

However, Elder Yan did not speak these words, so as not to offend the two true disciples Hong Yue and Huang Yunfei at the same time.

He is just an inner sect elder. Although he is somewhat stronger than the two of them in terms of strength, he is really inferior to them in terms of status.

If they hadn't been injured this time and he happened to meet them, he would not have been qualified to contact them under normal circumstances.

Maybe, the two of them wouldn't even want to look down at themselves.

"Let's do this, Elder Yan. Let's wait three more days. If this person doesn't show up after three days, then leave. I will also compensate Elder Yan for his losses in the past three days and give you 10,000 Huang Yuandan as compensation. What do you think? how?"

Hongyue saw Elder Yan's reluctance and spoke.

Hearing this, Huang Yunfei frowned and was about to speak, but was stopped by Hong Yue.

Upon hearing this, Elder Yan thought for a moment and then said politely: "Miss Hongyue is really too polite. Since Miss Hongyue said so, let alone three days, even ten and a half months will accompany me."

"Then there is Elder Lao Yan." Hongyue pursed her lips and thanked him.


Elder Yan put away his smile, turned his eyes forward, and said in surprise: "Someone is approaching us, without any hiding, and there is a magic weapon among them. Could it be the Su Chen you mentioned?"

Hearing this, Huang Yunfei and Hong Yue both followed Elder Yan's gaze and saw a familiar figure flying towards him quickly, approaching quickly like a light spot in their sight, and their pupils quickly dilated.

"He is Su Chen. This kid finally dared to show up!" Huang Yunfei sneered, and when he saw Su Chen, a sinister aura came over him.

When he thought of the previous violent beating by Su Chen, he became furious.

Since his cultivation, he had never been so humiliated. Every time he thought about it, he wanted to catch Su Chen and avenge his previous humiliation.

After this month of healing, his strength has improved, and his understanding of magical powers has further improved.

With his strength greatly increased, he was even more eager to wait for Su Chen in order to take revenge.

Now that Su Chen appeared, it was exactly what he wanted, and it directly aroused the long-standing murderous intention in his heart.

His heart was beating wildly, and he wanted to rush out and kill Su Chen immediately.

However, his reason calmed him down, and his eyes were fixed on Su Chen without moving an inch.

Hong Yue had the same idea as him, and even hated Su Chen more than Huang Yunfei.

She wished she could catch Su Chen, destroy his cultivation, and make him work like a horse under her from now on. She would humiliate him, torture him, and make him worse than death!

Under the different eyes of the three people, Su Chen arrived quickly.

He looked at the three people in front of him and was slightly startled, as if he was a little surprised that there was one more person.

But he soon discovered that the aura of the extra person was similar to that of Huang Yunfei, and he immediately guessed that the other person should be the helper invited by Huang Yunfei.

"It seems that you have discovered my soul mark a long time ago. The reason why you did not erase it is to wait for me to fall into the trap? But the foreign aid you invited is a bit small. If there is only one person, I am afraid that it may not be enough for me to kill!"

Su Chen spoke arrogantly and did not take Elder Yan seriously at all.

Elder Yan had been waiting for Su Chen for so long, and the anger in his heart was already ready to go out. When he heard these words, he immediately took a step forward and snorted coldly: "What a big tone, but the real strength is not You say it with your mouth, but you punch it with your fists. No matter how strong your mouth is, but you have no strength, you will only bring humiliation to yourself in the end!"

With that said, he turned back to Hongyue and Huang Yunfei and said: "Yunfei, Miss Hongyue, I won't bother you to take action on this person. Although Yan is only a junior martial artist in the magical realm, he has practiced in it for thousands of years, and his strength is Even though the entire Huangsha Desert is not among the top ten, it is still a famous person on the list. Dealing with this person is a piece of cake!"

Su Chen didn't take him seriously. How could he take Su Chen seriously?

Huang Yunfei and Hong Yue did not show off, but nodded one after another: "Then trouble Elder Yan, remember to spare his life!"

"Okay." Elder Yan agreed happily, then turned to Su Chen and shouted, "Boy, let me see Zhenzhang under my command!"

Even though Elder Yan was belittling Su Chen in his words, his experience was extremely sophisticated.

Before he finished speaking, he took action directly without giving Su Chen a chance to react.

With a loud shout, Elder Yan stepped into the void, and his body exploded like a cannonball, suddenly flying into the sky.

He looked down at Su Chen, then flipped his palms, absorbing the power of the surrounding yellow sand.

The yellow sand in the sky rises from the ground, like salons rising into the sky, gathering towards Elder Yan.

Soon a huge cloud of sand formed, blocking the light and bringing darkness to the earth and Su Chen.

There seems to be some amazing change taking place in the sand cloud, which is constantly rolling, shrinking, condensing, and changing.

In the end, a huge mountain made of yellow sand appeared in Su Chen's eyes like a miracle, and its majestic feeling was ready to come out.

All these changes happened in an instant, from gathering yellow sand to condensing mountains, it took no more than an instant.

This method is far more powerful than Huang Yunfei and Hong Yue.

Su Chen's eyes also showed a trace of solemnity because of the appearance of this mountain.

Not to mention the Sky-Breaking Sword, the moment Shan Yue appeared, he realized that he was no match for Shan Yue.

So he would abandon Su Chen without hesitation and fall behind to avoid being tragically affected.

His injury is just right and he is not suitable for fighting. I believe Su Chen will understand him.

Su Chen had no intention of using the Heaven-Destroying Sword, he wanted to try the power of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique.

Just when Su Chen was about to take action, a cold voice dropped from the sky: "Shanhe Mahamudra!" (End of this chapter)

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