It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 29 Senior Brother, how did you know that I had a breakthrough?

However, if I can check out the medicinal materials in these powders, I might be able to prepare the Qi and Blood Powder myself.

In the past five days, in addition to taking medicine and practicing boxing, Su Chen was also learning medical knowledge.

This is mainly done to prevent this situation from happening in the future.

Even if you can't find the medicinal materials needed for the panel, you might be able to meet the panel's needs through your own configuration.

Of course, he also had some hope in his heart, hoping that he could prepare Qi and Blood Powder.

But obviously, Su Chen underestimated the complexity of Qi Xue Powder, and based on his current knowledge, he still couldn't judge it.

It is estimated that even if I study for another ten days and a half, the result will be the same.

Forget it, let's go to the martial arts gym in the afternoon and give it a try.

After lunch, Su Chen got up and headed to the martial arts gym.

Hong Family Martial Arts Hall, inner courtyard.

In the dog days of summer, the sun is scorching and the air is full of heat.

But Hong Ming was in a very happy mood. Qin Hao just told him that all the iron wires on his arms had turned red.

This shows that Qin Hao has mastered Iron Wire Fist to a certain extent.

It has only been a short time, but Qin Hao has already accomplished what many martial arts disciples have been unable to accomplish for several years.

Can you not make him happy?

While he was happy, it also made him extremely gratified.

It seems that Qin Hao's training during this period was correct. Once a talented person works hard, the results will be amazing.

Even he was moved by Qin Hao's cultivation speed. One can imagine how fast this speed was.

You must know that it took him almost three months to practice Iron Wire Fist to a small degree.

Qin Hao's speed is even faster than him. In the future, he may be able to practice Iron Wire Fist to a level that even he has never reached.

Seeing the uncontrollable smile on Hong Ming's face, Qin Hao was also very happy.

During this period, he also worked hard, hoping to break through earlier than Su Chen.

Now that I have achieved a breakthrough, I finally feel relieved.

Thinking that Su Chen hadn't broken through yet, he couldn't help but feel excited.

Xiao Hao, you did a good job. I'll let you go back to rest for a day today and come back tomorrow.

Hong Ming said with a smile, considering Qin Hao's current state of mind, I am afraid that continuing to practice will not have much effect, so it is better to let him rest for a day.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Qin Hao smiled on his face: Thank you, Master!

After that, he turned around and left the martial arts hall, his footsteps becoming brisk.

Senior Brother Qin Hao!

Qin Hao walked out of the martial arts hall, stretched out, and suddenly heard someone calling him, so he looked back.

When he saw it was Su Chen, he was slightly startled: Junior Brother Su!

But soon, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Su Chen said hello and was about to enter the martial arts gym when he heard Qin Hao say, Junior brother Su is here to see the master?

Yeah. Su Chen nodded.

The smile on Qin Hao's face became even bigger when he heard this, so he said: Junior Brother Su, it is better not to disturb the master at this time.


A slightly trembling voice came from Qin Hao's mouth: I just made a breakthrough. I guess Master is very happy now, and I'm afraid he won't have time to pay attention to Junior Brother Su.

Did you break through?

Su Chen was a little surprised.

Qin Hao saw the surprise in Su Chen's eyes, pursed his lips, and said softly Hmm.

Congratulations, senior brother! Su Chen cupped his hands and congratulated him.

Junior brother, you're welcome. Senior brother, I was just lucky. Relying on my modest talent and master's guidance, I was able to break through so quickly. Qin Hao said slightly proudly.

These words made Su Chen's mouth twitch slightly, but he didn't say anything.

By the way, junior brother, I remember that your cultivation progressed very quickly before. I wonder how it is progressing now?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask your senior brother. Although he has just made a breakthrough, he still has some experience, and it should be more than enough to give him guidance.

Qin Hao seemed to have thought of something and asked with slight concern.

Of course, Su Chen could see the smile on Qin Hao's face, which couldn't be stopped at all, as if it was about to overflow.

Senior brother, I won't bother you with this. Su Chen shook his head and refused.

It's not that he looks down on Qin Hao, but Qin Hao's strength probably can't even block his slap.

What advice?

Junior brother, why are you so angry with me? But it doesn't matter!

However, Qin Hao did not intend to let Su Chen leave so easily. Seeing that Su Chen did not agree, Qin Hao took on the posture of a senior brother.

When Su Chen heard this, he frowned slightly, and then a meaningful smile stretched out on his face.

Just listen to him say: In that case, I won't be polite, junior brother.

With that said, Su Chen rolled up his sleeves and showed his arms.

Senior brother, when I got up this morning, I found that the iron wire had turned red. I was very surprised. I wonder if something went wrong in my practice. Please help me clarify my doubts.

After Su Chen finished speaking, he looked at Qin Hao with blank eyes.

At this time, Qin Hao's smile gradually solidified with Su Chen's words.

As if he didn't believe it, he quickly grabbed Su Chen's arm and looked at it carefully.

It actually turned red. How is this possible? How could you break through so quickly!

Qin Hao said to himself, his whole person was greatly shocked.

Senior brother, senior brother...

After a long time, the sluggish Qin Hao heard Su Chen's voice and said Ah and came to his senses.

What's wrong? Qin Hao asked.

Senior brother, how did you know that I had a breakthrough? Su Chen asked, scratching his head pretending to be curious.


Didn't you say that I had a breakthrough? Forget it, I'd better ask Master.

After saying that, Su Chen turned and left, leaving Qin Hao with a stunned look on his face.

What? You broke through too?!

Compared to Qin Hao, Hong Ming's expression was even more exaggerated. After learning about Su Chen's breakthrough, his beard was almost pulled off.

He burst out with a speed that exceeded that of an ordinary old man. He came to Su Chen in an instant, grabbed his arm, and looked at him intently.

When he saw the color of the iron wire on Su Chen's arm, Hong Ming said dumbly: What a breakthrough!

Su Chen retracted his arm and smiled: Thanks to Master's energy and blood dissipation, I was able to break through so quickly.

After hearing this, Hong Ming coughed slightly and looked at Su Chen with a strange expression.

Master, what's wrong? Su Chen felt something was wrong with Hong Ming's eyes, so he asked.

Hong Ming shook his head: It's nothing, it's just that your talent is higher than I imagined!

Qi and Blood Powder does promote martial arts training, but it is definitely not as big as Su Chen said, and he knows this well.

Su Chen's ability to break through so quickly only shows that his talent is very high.

Qin Hao's breakthrough made him happy, and Su Chen's breakthrough surprised him.

But then, he burst out laughing, and when he thought that both of them were his disciples, he burst into laughter.

Ahem, Xiaochen, although you made a breakthrough with the help of Qi Xue Powder, remember not to rely too much on the medicine to avoid overdrafting your potential.

Hong Ming coughed lightly and persuaded with earnest words, fearing that Su Chen would rely too much on medicine.

Su Chen nodded and hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Hong Ming glanced at Su Chen and said, Why did you come to me for something?

Hearing this, Su Chen said with some embarrassment: Master, I want to ask you for a few more sets of Qi and Blood Powder!

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