It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 30 Wasted talent, martial arts exchange meeting


The moment he said these words, Su Chen felt that Hong Ming's beard was about to stand up, and the smile on his face suddenly dropped.

Then a pair of small eyes bloomed with a captivating brilliance, staring at Su Chen for a long time.

A faint voice sounded: Xiao Chen, you are extremely talented and will be able to surpass my master sooner or later. Although relying on medicine alone can speed up your cultivation, it is actually putting the cart before the horse.

Master Hong, I... Su Chen opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

He knew that Hong Ming was doing this for his own good, and he acknowledged the other's concern in his heart, but he really needed Qi and blood to dissipate.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind. Just when Su Chen thought of the reason and was about to tell Hong Ming, Hong Ming sighed: That's it, that's all. I can give you the medicine, but...

Thank you, Master Hong! Su Chen said gratefully before Hong Ming finished speaking.

This made Hong Ming, who had a tense face, suddenly brighten up, shook his head and laughed: Don't be too happy too soon, there are conditions for giving you the medicine.

What conditions?

Seeing that Su Chen was anxious, Hong Ming played it safe for a moment, and then saw him extend two fingers in a leisurely manner: There are two conditions.

Su Chen said nothing, waiting for Hong Ming's next words.

Hong Ming continued: First, in one month, there will be a martial arts exchange meeting in our city. I hope you can go and show your respect for my master.

Martial arts exchange meeting?

Su Chen was stunned when he heard this, but still did not speak, but listened quietly.

The second thing is that I want you to move to the martial arts gym. From today on, I will supervise you to practice martial arts as a teacher.

After Hong Ming finished speaking, he looked at Su Chen, waiting for his reply.

Of these two conditions, the latter one really concerned him.

The so-called martial arts exchange meeting is nothing more than a group of martial arts disciples competing in martial arts and then touting their respective martial arts schools.

These are not very attractive to him, and he is not as happy as receiving a talented apprentice.

Su Chen's talent was a bit better than Qin Hao's, which made him, who was over fifty years old, want to train him well.

Therefore, he asked Su Chen to move to the martial arts hall so that he could be guided in his training.

Just imagine, Su Chen was as fast as he was without practicing hard. If he were studying hard and practicing hard, wouldn't it be faster?

When he thought of Su Chen's previous lackadaisical attitude toward cultivation, he felt heartbroken. It was such a waste of talent!

Su Chen fell into deep thought. This first condition was okay. It was probably a competition of martial arts, which was a piece of cake for him.

What really embarrassed Su Chen was the second one.

Moving to the martial arts school and being supervised by Hong Ming meant sacrificing a lot of free time, but the results achieved were minimal.

By the way, I want to tell you one more thing. This time my master can only give you three sets of Qi and Blood Powder. If you want it again, you will probably have to wait for a while. Hong Ming said calmly.

Only the third officer? Su Chen frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Hong Ming explained angrily: Do you think Qi Blood Powder is so easy to configure? These third officers were forced out by the teacher!

When Su Chen heard this, he smiled and said, Let's just have three mates. It's better than none.

Then his face straightened: Master, you compromised on the medicine you gave me, so why don't you compromise on the conditions? I agree to the first condition, but the second one...

In the end, during the bargaining between Su Chen and Hong Ming, Hong Ming agreed to give him three sets of Qi and Blood Powder.

But in addition to attending martial arts exchange meetings, Su Chen also needs to visit the martial arts gym every seven days, and Hong Ming wants to check his training progress.

After the negotiation was completed, Hong Ming took out three sets of medicines and handed them to Su Chen, warning: The medicines are foreign objects after all, you can use them as appropriate.

Yes, Master!

A warm current flashed through Su Chen's heart and he expressed gratitude.

After a while, Su Chen left the martial arts gym, returned home with three bags of medicine, and couldn't wait to boil the medicine.

With the previous experience, a bowl of freshly baked soup was quickly finished, and Su Chen picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

As he drank more and more Qi and blood, Su Chen's body seemed to adapt to the surging Qi and blood, and it took less than a stick of incense to return to normal.

Fortunately, the changes on the panel are real. After drinking a bowl of soup, the panel will be just as much as a pair of medicines.

There are still two sets of medicine left. Even if we drink them all, we will still be short of two sets. If we go by what Master Hong said, we may have to wait a month before we can receive the new medicine.

Why don't you go see if those blood-replenishing medicines in the medical clinic are useful? Anyway, they are all for replenishing qi and blood, so they might be effective!

Su Chen thought about it, feeling a little uncomfortable because he was always stuck on two medicines.

He wanted to complete the progress of the ten medicines quickly so that he could see the changes in Iron Cloth Shirt after he started.

After much thought, I finally came up with only two options.

One is to go to the medical clinic to get blood-tonifying medicine, and the other is to show Hong Ming the progress after a while and ask for Qi-blood powder.

The former requires money and the latter requires time.

Let's go to the hospital tomorrow to buy a pair of blood-replenishing medicine.

Because he drank Qi Xue Powder, Su Chen didn't feel very hungry.

After simply eating the leftovers from lunch, I looked at medical skills and studied the art of disguise before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Chen brewed the blood-tonifying medicine he bought from the medical center. It was also a bowl of medicine.

After finishing the drink, Su Chen looked at the panel, his face suddenly stern.

There was no change at all on the panel, which made Su Chen quite helpless. He didn't know whether it was because the blood-replenishing medicine was not enough, or it didn't meet the requirements of the panel.

In order to verify his suspicion, Su Chen used up the remaining two sets of blood-replenishing potions. This time, the panel changed.

[...Iron cloth shirt·remaining 0 times (8.1/10 parts of qi and blood medicine/time)]

Three sets of blood-replenishing medicines only increased the progress by 0.1. The difference is too big.

Su Chen vomited feebly. He originally wanted to buy blood replenishing medicine to replace the qi and blood medicine, but now it seems that it is better to just wait for a while.

Besides, three sets of blood-replenishing medicines cost me one tael of silver, which means that to complete the progress, I would have to spend at least four hundred taels!

Although there are better blood-tonifying medicines in medical clinics, they are definitely more expensive. With my current financial resources, I am afraid that I cannot afford them.

Shaking his head, Su Chen sighed and quickly made a decision in his mind: Let's buy medicine while making money. It will probably go faster if we both advance together.

In the afternoon, Su Chen changed his clothes and returned to his old business.

Passing by the government office, he looked at the wanted list and found that the latest wanted order was from a month ago, so he had to give up.

Without Yanyu Tower as an intelligence system, it would take him an unknown amount of time to find the other party.

After leaving the city, Su Chen went straight to Linjiabao, and an hour later, he turned back.

After such a long time, Yanyu Tower is still not open. It seems that it will not open for a long time in the future.

By the time he returned to the city, the sky had darkened, so Su Chen had no choice but to go home.


But on the way back, Su Chen accidentally discovered an acquaintance.

Senior Brother Li Mo!

At the end of his sight, Li Mo was walking on the street with a woman. The two seemed to be talking and laughing.

After looking at it for a few times, Su Chen shook his head, turned around and left, disappearing into the night.

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