It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 28 Five portions of medicine to enhance Qi and blood

Yes, it seems that you haven't been lazy during this period. Your moves are skillful and your movements are smooth. It can be seen that you have worked hard.

After a brief fight with Su Chen, Hong Ming commented lightly, but felt a little depressed in his heart.

Strange, why do I always feel like I can't use my strength when fighting against this kid?

Naturally, he didn't know that Su Chen's understanding of boxing skills had already surpassed his.

The fight between the two didn't feel like a sparring match, but more like Su Chen giving guidance to Hong Ming.

Su Chen smiled and looked at Hong Ming eagerly.

Hong Ming laughed when he saw it, then walked into the house and took out five packets of medicine.

Originally I thought I would only give you three portions, but depending on your performance, I will give you two more portions. From now on, come to me every seven days to receive the Qi and Blood Powder.

Hong Ming handed the Qi and Blood Powder to Su Chen, and then told Su Chen how to use the Qi and Blood Powder and the interval.

Remember, you are just getting started. Don't use the medicine too quickly. Three days is enough for one dose. Don't take it too hastily to avoid damaging your body.

Su Chen nodded, talked with Hong Ming for a while, and then turned and left.

Su Chen...

Outside the yard, Qin Hao accidentally caught a glimpse of Su Chen, and then realized that Su Chen had come to the martial arts gym.

When he saw the five medicinal materials in Su Chen's hand, his eyes froze slightly.

Xiaohao, come on, let's continue sparring with you today.

Walking into the inner courtyard, Hong Ming called Qin Hao over. During this period, he has been training Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded, got into a stance, and started sparring with Hong Ming.

After sparring for a while, Qin Hao became out of breath: Strange, why did master's moves become so fierce today?

Thinking like this, Hong Ming's voice sounded: Xiao Hao, have you been slacking off recently?

Master, I don't have one!

You still said no, your moves are a lot looser, so practice more today!

Yes, Master!

When Su Chen returned home, he couldn't wait to boil the medicine.

He needed to verify whether the 'Qi and Blood Powder' mentioned by Hong Ming was the 'Qi and Blood Powder' noted on the panel.

He took out a packet of medicine, which he said was medicine, but was actually more like herbs crushed into powder.

I guess I was afraid that others would steal it, so I made it look like this.

Su Chen didn't care. According to Hong Ming, one pack of medicine can be used for three days and should be divided into three small portions.

However, with my strength, even if I just use one pack, it probably won't have much impact.

After pondering for a moment, Su Chen simply poured the whole package of medicine into it.

Soon, a strong medicinal smell wafted out from the medicine jar and spread throughout the kitchen.

Fortunately, it's not the kind of nauseating smell. If you smell it carefully, you can still smell the fragrance of some medicinal materials.

After about a quarter of an hour, Su Chen glanced at the reddish potion and knew it was almost ready, so he picked up the pot.

After pouring out, there was a bowl and a half. After waiting for almost ten minutes, Su Chen picked up the half bowl of medicine and drank it.

After drinking, he looked at the panel and found that there was no change on the panel.

Is it a mistake? Or do I have to drink the other bowl?

Su Chen's heart trembled, and he suddenly became a little nervous.

Immediately, he turned his attention to another bowl, picked it up, and drank it wholeheartedly.

After a bowl and a half of Qi and blood dispersed in his stomach, Su Chen felt warm all over his body, and the temperature around him seemed to have suddenly become hotter.

There's been a change!

Su Chen's face was filled with joy. Finally, the panel was no longer the same as before, and some changes had taken place:

[...Iron cloth shirt·remaining 0 times (0.8/10 parts of Qi and blood powder/time)]

Su Chen: ...

There's a bit of variety, but not much, and it's a bit abstract.

One serving of Qi and Blood Powder is equivalent to 0.8 servings of Qi and Blood Powder. Let me do some math problems here!

Su Chen complained speechlessly, but it was just a complaint. After all, the changes showed that his direction was not wrong.

It's no longer possible. I drank too much medicine.

Suddenly, Su Chen's expression changed slightly, and he felt the qi and blood surging in his body, and immediately ran out of the kitchen.

Then in the yard, he started practicing boxing crazily.

After practicing this for half an hour, Su Chen felt that the heat in his body gradually calmed down.

He was sweating profusely and stopped moving, his breath was a little disordered, but the expression on his face was slightly cheerful.

After the injection, I feel that my whole body has become more comfortable, but I can't make any more medicine today. Let's wait until tomorrow.

The effect of Qi Xue Powder is still very good, but in Su Chen's current condition, it is not suitable to continue drinking it.

If you continue to take it, I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it.

Just like that, five days passed in a row.

The panel has new changes:

[...Iron cloth shirt·remaining 0 times (5/10 parts of Qi and blood powder/time)]

In the yard, Su Chen had just finished practicing boxing and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a smile on his face.

In the past five days, Su Chen swallowed a set of Qi and Blood Powder every day.

The effect is remarkable.

It directly advances the progress of opening the iron shirt simple mode by half.

The reason for this was that Su Chen controlled the amount of water on the second day and only brewed a bowl of medicine.

As a result, after swallowing, the energy and blood increased a lot, and the progress was suddenly pushed to two-tenths.

It wasn't until that time that Su Chen realized that the original panel advanced the progress based on the qi and blood effects of the boiled medicine.

Unfortunately, in the next three times, according to the same method, the progress of a set of medicines was not the same, sometimes more, sometimes less.

But it was generally good. After using it, the progress of ten medicinal materials was pushed to half.

Su Chen guessed that the medicinal effects of each Qixue Powder may be different, so under the same operation, such a deviation would occur.

Of course, it is also possible that Su Chen's method of brewing medicine fluctuates.

After five days of taking it, Su Chen now feels like...

How should I put it, I can barely use the content as strong as a cow.

Certainly not his body shape, which hasn't changed much.

But Qi and blood.

The enhancement of Qi and blood brought more changes than Su Chen imagined.

A simple example,

For example, his combat power per punch used to be 5,000, but now it is estimated to be 10,000.

The numbers may not be true, but the power of the moves has indeed become much stronger.

This is not an increase in skill, but an increase in the essential energy that drives the moves.

Of course, the price of such a result was that all five pieces of Qi and Blood Powder were consumed by Su Chen.

How about going to Master Hong again and asking for five copies of Qi and Blood Powder?

After all, he was only five copies of Qi and Blood Powder to meet the conditions on the panel.

If it really doesn't work, just tell Master Hong that you have made a breakthrough. It's been almost a month since the last time you stabilized your energy and blood, so it should be fine.

He didn't ask for help from a martial arts school before, and he had the training resources of his own, so he didn't show off.

But now that I need Qi and blood to disperse, I can show off my talent a little bit.

It doesn’t take much, just a small amount of iron fist will do the trick.

Although he knows that this speed is still very fast, with his current strength, as long as he is not a martial artist, he is really not afraid.

If there really is a blind person like in the novel who wants to kill a genius, just slap him to death!

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