It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 27 The iron cloth shirt is broken, and the doctor asks for medicine (please follow up)

Chapter 27 The iron cloth shirt is broken, and the doctor asks for medicine (please follow up)

Is it related to Qi and blood?

After Su Chen thought for a while, he guessed.

Warriors practice and pay great attention to Qi and blood.

Generally speaking, the younger you are, the stronger your qi and blood are, and the more suitable you are for martial arts training.

This is also the reason why many martial arts schools like to recruit young students. With sufficient energy and blood in the body, martial arts training will be much easier.

When Su Chen joined the Hong Family Martial Arts School, Hong Ming commented that Su Chen was old and had missed the peak period of his energy and blood, so he might not be able to make any achievements in the future.

Although he accepted Su Chen for the sake of money, in reality, Hong Ming did not have high hopes for Su Chen.

10 copies of Qi and Blood Powder? In other words, I want to provide the panel with medicine that greatly enhances Qi and Blood? No, that's not right. Since the panel described 'Qi and Blood Powder' to me, it means that there is very likely to be Qi and Blood Powder in this world. .”

Su Chen didn't think the panel would be misplaced, and thought about how to find the Qi and Blood Powder.

You can go to the medical clinic and ask!

Soon, Su Chen had an idea. Of course, he should go to the medical clinic to inquire about medicine. In this regard, they were more professional than Su Chen.

Now, let's test the power of the Iron Shirt first.

Su Chen came to the yard and picked up a stone that was just big enough to hold in his hand.

As he gradually exerted force, a crisp clicking sound gradually came out from his palm.

The muscle lines on the arms became more and more distinct, showing a rough beauty.

After a moment, Su Chen released his palm, revealing a stone that had been squeezed into a strange shape, like plasticine.

He placed the stone on the ground and slapped it down. With a bang, the stone instantly split into pieces.

Before it was over, he picked up another stone of about the same size, placed it on the ground, and punched it.

There was a crisp sound, and the stone was cracked open by a punch like a tender watermelon.

On the other hand, Su Chen's palm was not damaged except for a little dust.

Even Zhao Kuo's black armor can't bear this slap.

Thinking like this, Su Chen used up 50% of his energy, and while beating his chest, he started to use the Turtle Shell Technique.


A sound comparable to the collision of gold and iron suddenly sounded in the silent courtyard, causing Su Chen to breathe quickly.

He coughed a few times, touched the area where he was hit, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: In the future, it's better not to use yourself as an experiment.

After the fusion of Iron Sand Palm and Iron Thread Fist, although it is just a incomplete iron cloth shirt, its power is much greater than the two separate extreme skills.

It's enough to shake Dacheng's turtle shell skill.

The money I just earned was almost spent again in the blink of an eye. The money on hand now is not enough to upgrade the turtle shell skill.

After the test, Su Chen returned to the room and looked at his savings, feeling quite helpless.

One second he still had more than a hundred taels of silver, and the next second he was about to become a pauper again.

I can only postpone my idea of ​​acquiring the Krypton Gold Turtle Armor Skill for a little while.

Fortunately, the next time the krypton gold tortoise shell power will not cost much silver, only ten taels. I believe it won't take long for Su Chen to get it together.

I glanced at the sky outside the window. It was getting darker. At this time, the medical center was almost closing.

Then wait until tomorrow and go to the medical clinic to ask for medicine.

Su Chen didn't plan to eat out tonight. He was tired of eating and wanted to calm down his appetite.

Ahem, the main reason is that I have no money and need to save some money.

Fortunately, there is always food at home, so I can have enough food and clothing by myself.

After eating, Su Chen practiced the iron cloth shirt for a while.

After the fusion of Iron Sand Palm and Iron Wire Fist, Su Chen didn't know what his moves looked like.

Prefer boxing? But there are some hints of palm skills in it, so just follow the panel.

Anyway, no matter what it is, it doesn't matter to Su Chen, as long as it's useful.

After practicing, Su Chen spent some time reading at night before falling asleep.

The next morning, Su Chen came to a medical center called Jishitang.

Qi and blood dissipated?

After hearing Su Chen's request, the waiter who dispensed the medicine shook his head helplessly, Our medical clinic does not have this medicine. Should the customer go to other places to ask?

Later, Su Chen went to several medical clinics to inquire, but was told that they did not have this medicine.

This made Su Chen a little helpless and couldn't help but speculate: Is it really the name on the panel? Ask again. If it still doesn't work, then think of other ways.

Su Chen found the largest medical clinic in the city and asked a waiter in the clinic, Is there any Qi and Blood Powder here?

Qi and Blood Powder? No, but we do have blood tonics here. Would you like some of them? The waiter thought for a moment and then shook his head.

Then do you know where the Qi and Blood Powder can be found? Su Chen asked again unwillingly.

I'll ask the doctor for the customer. The clerk said, then turned and entered the hospital.

After a while, an old man with white beard and hair came out. After looking Su Chen up and down, he said: Guest, we only have blood-tonifying medicine here. Qi-blood powder is a secret of the martial arts school. How come we have it here? ?The guest asked in the wrong place.

The untold secret of the martial arts school? Su Chen's eyes lit up after hearing this.

The old man nodded: That's right.

After saying that, he saw that Su Chen had no intention of buying medicine, so he turned around and entered the medical center.

Su Chen didn't pay attention, his mind was all on the Qi and Blood Powder. After searching for so long, he finally got some information.

However, his expression quickly became strange: Doesn't that mean that there might be blood loss in the Hong Family Martial Arts School?

Thinking like this, Su Chen turned around and walked towards the Hong Family Martial Arts Gym.

I felt vaguely that my guess was correct. After all, given the status and strength of the Hong Family Martial Arts School, it was normal for Qi and blood to dissipate.

Moreover, he remembered that Li Mo seemed to have told him at that time that martial arts students had to drink medicine.

I just didn't pay attention at the time, and I didn't ask if it was because of the lack of Qi and blood.

After burning incense, Su Chen came to the martial arts hall.

Senior Brother Su!

The disciples training in the martial arts hall were obviously stunned when they saw Su Chen. The sun came out in the west today?

Senior Brother Su actually came to the martial arts gym!

Su Chen nodded towards the people who greeted him, entered the inner courtyard, and saw Hong Ming at first sight.

Hong Ming was still practicing his boxing slowly. Seeing this, Su Chen stopped and waited quietly.

After drinking some tea, Hong Ming took a long breath, looked at Su Chen beside him, and asked, Xiao Chen, what do you want from me?

Su Chen expressed his doubts.

Qi and blood dissipated?

Knowing that this was what Su Chen wanted to ask, Hong Ming suddenly became unable to smile bitterly.

You kid, I told you not to come to the martial arts gym every day, but now you come to ask me if your energy and blood are gone?

After hearing this, Su Chen, who had been wondering about Hong Ming's expression just now, suddenly felt a surge of ecstasy in his heart.

Master, are you saying that there is Qi and Blood Powder in the martial arts hall?

Nonsense, if you hadn't come every day, my master would have drained your energy and blood a long time ago, but now I know it's not too late. Hong Ming glared at Su Chen, making Su Chen feel a little embarrassed.


Just when Su Chen was about to ask Hong Ming for medicine, Hong Ming changed the subject.

However, if you want me to give you Qi and Blood Powder, it depends on whether your practice during this period can satisfy me!

When Su Chen heard this, his face straightened, he waved his hand and said, Master, please give me some advice!

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