It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 26: Extreme Iron Fist, Qi and Blood Scattered (please follow up)

Chapter 26: Extreme Iron Fist, Qi and Blood Scattered (Please read~)

The next day.

Sure enough, as Li Mo said, several gangs came to the door one after another.

Most of them are gangs in the transition area between the slums and the outer city, and a few are gangs in the edge areas of the outer city.

They're all little gangs.

Apart from this, I have not received any information from the store.

This is normal. Those shops that make money are backed by warriors and don't need to rely on Su Chen at all.

Su Chen chose a more satisfactory gang to affiliate with, and the affiliation fee charged was not much. The sum of the several gangs was less than the cost of last night's meal.

As for those undesirable gangs, Su Chen refused without hesitation.

It was not until noon that most of the gangs that were supposed to come arrived, and Su Chen felt at ease.

Just as he was about to go out for dinner, someone who surprised him arrived.

Senior Sister Fang Rou, are you looking for me?

Looking at Fang Rou standing at the door, Su Chen asked in surprise.

Fang Rou smiled and nodded: Yes, Junior Brother Su, I have a good errand that I want to talk to you about.

Come in and talk.

After hearing this, Su Chen invited him in, and then asked, What's the good job?

That's it, Junior Brother Su Chen, my family is in the fabric and silk business. I would like to invite you to join my family. What do you think?

Fang Rou said straight to the point.

Well, in terms of price, my family is willing to give my junior a monthly affiliation fee of ten taels.

Hearing this, Su Chen was startled: Senior Sister Fang Rou, I have just become a disciple, I'm afraid it's not worth the price, right?

From the conversation with Li Mo last night, Su Chen roughly knew his market situation.

With the strength he has shown so far, whether it is a gang or a shop, he can only get two or two at most.

But Fang Rou gave out twelve liang at once, which inevitably made him curious.

It's really not worth it now, but I heard from Senior Brother Li Mo that Junior Brother is very talented. He has never relied on others since he has practiced until now. He relies entirely on his own efforts. Therefore, the price I gave is based on Junior Brother's potential.

Fang Rou explained that she came with sincerity.

Moreover, the reason why I chose Junior Brother was because of Senior Brother Li Mo's recommendation.

Li Mo mentioned this matter last night, but Su Chen didn't expect Fang Rou's price to be so high.

Boom, boom, boom.

Excuse me, Master Su Chen, is Mr. Su here?

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door. A middle-aged man stood at the door and saw Su Chen in the yard.

I am from the Zhou family.

Zhou family?

Su Chen had an idea and motioned for the middle-aged man to come in.

What's the matter with you? Su Chen asked.

The middle-aged man replied: It's like this. My second son Zhou Shen learned that Mr. Su Chen has joined the Hong family martial arts school, so he specially asked me to invite Mr. Su to the Zuixian Tower for a banquet tonight.

Zhou Shen? Is he Zhou Tao's second brother? At this time, Fang Rou asked doubtfully.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded: Exactly.

Then, he looked at Su Chen and said, Master Zhou Shen admires Master Su very much and hopes that Master Su can give him some face.

What does he want from me? Su Chen asked.

This... The middle-aged man hesitated.

I'll go out first. Fang Rou left knowingly.

After she left, the middle-aged man said:

It's like this. Mr. Zhou Shen has admired Mr. Su's name for a long time. He wants to invite Mr. Su to be a guest of the Zhou family. The price is one hundred taels.

He stretched out a finger, his voice trembled slightly, and his finger shook slightly.

The one hundred taels made him a little excited when he said it.

Su Chen frowned, but was not shocked by this number. After all, he was a person who had seen the world.

The so-called retainers are actually equivalent to personal bodyguards.

Although it is easier than being a slave, you still need to sign a contract. This kind of contract is similar to a weakened version of the contract of sale and is usually limited to a number of years.

After signing, personal freedom will be greatly restricted.

Su Chen naturally couldn't agree, so he shook his head and refused: Sorry, I have no such plan yet.

The middle-aged man was slightly startled. Seeing that Su Chen was serious, he didn't say much and turned to leave.

After a while, Fang Rou walked in and said, Junior Brother Su, let's do this. I'll raise the price to fifteen taels. What do you think?

She just overheard the middle-aged man's offer and was secretly frightened. She didn't expect that Su Chen would invite Zhou Shen's invitation.

The asking price of one hundred taels was enough to show how much Zhou Shen valued Su Chen.

So after thinking about it for a while, she raised the price. This price was already the limit of what she could give.

But she was still full of anxiety, worried that Su Chen would refuse. After all, he had just refused a hundred liang, and he refused so simply.


Then bother junior brother...ah!

Fang Rou, who thought Su Chen would refuse, immediately stopped speaking and blinked her bright eyes, as if she couldn't believe it.

Okay, I'll prepare the contract right away. Fang Rou smiled.

Half an hour later, Fang Rou brought the contract. Su Chen looked at it and found no problems, so he signed.

Senior Sister Fang Rou, can you make an advance payment of fifteen taels?

Seeing that Fang Rou was about to leave, Su Chen stopped her and asked with a slight cough.


Fang Rou simply took out fifteen taels and handed them to Su Chen, then turned and left with brisk steps.

Afterwards, Su Chen went to the bank.

When you come back, close the door. You don't plan to go out today.

Because at this time, he had earned enough one hundred taels, and had exchanged it for ten taels of gold.

It's time to improve the iron fist!

The reason why I upgraded Iron Sand Palm first was because Iron Wire Fist was too easily exposed.

The scene of the fight with Liu Heishui was still vivid in his mind, but the opponent recognized Iron Wire Fist at a glance.

That's why Su Chen improved Iron Sand Palm, but now, Iron Sand Palm has reached its limit.

The Ape Arm Kung Fu is currently enough, but if you want to upgrade one of the Turtle Shell Kung Fu and the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu to the limit, you don't have enough money, so you simply upgrade to the Iron Thread Fist.

More importantly, he also wanted to know what changes would be brought to Iron Sand Palm after raising Iron Wire Fist to its limit.

[Easy mode on: Boxing in thin air for an hour will allow you to practice Iron Wire Fist to the limit. 】

After recharging, Su Chen immediately turned on the simple mode.

As the prompt on the panel lit up, Su Chen started punching out of thin air.

Hoo ho ho.

Soon, an hour passed.

As a warmth spread on both arms, a black blood line emerged, and Su Chen's Iron Wire Fist was fully practiced to the limit.

On the panel:

[Martial Arts: Iron Fist (Ultimate) Iron Sand Palm (Ultimate)...]

[Simple mode: Iron Fist 0 times (none) Iron Sand Palm 0 times (Ultimate Iron Fist/time)...]

Looking at the panel, Su Chen was puzzled: How to operate it?

Before he finished speaking, the panel automatically changed:

[Martial Arts: Iron Cloth Shirt·Remnant (not yet started)...]

[Simple mode: Iron Cloth Shirt·Remnant 0 times (10 copies of Qi and Blood Powder/time)...]

Iron Sand Palm and Iron Wire Fist merged to form Iron Shirt?

Seeing this, Su Chen was a little surprised, but then he looked confused.

But, what's going on with this Qi and Blood Powder?

Thanks to book friend 130916165458250 and book friend 20210301104139734742 for their monthly votes,

By the way, please keep reading. If you have any tickets, you can give them to me... Thank you.

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