It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 25 Affiliated to the gang, the situation changes

Hey, senior brother, where is junior brother Su?

At this time, a voice sounded, and Fang Rou looked left and right, looking for Su Chen's figure.

He's gone. Li Mo said in a low voice, If you want to find him, you probably have to go to his house to find him.

Ah, why? Fang Rou asked.

He rarely comes to the martial arts gym!

Thinking of this, he had a headache. After Su Chen joined the martial arts gym, he didn't stay in the martial arts gym for more than ten days.

This made him feel that his senior brother didn't seem to play much role!

Okay, could you please tell us the location of Junior Brother Su? Fang Rou asked weakly.

Li Mo thought for a moment and said, Let's do this. I'll tell him about your matter when the time comes.

Thank you very much, Senior Brother Li Mo.

When Fang Rou heard this, she smiled and left.

Zhou Tao and others had just walked out of the martial arts hall when they saw Su Chen walking in the other direction.

It seems that our junior brother Su is very busy.

Seeing Su Chen leaving in a hurry, Fang Yanxun said calmly.

Hu Zong chuckled: I guess I'll go back and study hard.

Fang Yanxun said: I heard that Junior Brother Su rarely practices in martial arts schools. He can master Iron Wire Fist. I'm afraid it will cost a lot of time and money.

Hu Zong shook his head: Old Fang, what you said is wrong. Junior Brother Su is the only one in his family. I'm afraid he doesn't have enough money to spend.

Hearing this, Fang Yanxun was a little surprised: Oh? Without resources to support him, he actually practiced Iron Thread Fist within a month. I'm afraid his talent is not weaker than that of Junior Brother Qin Hao, right?

Qin Hao pursed his lips, but before he could speak, Zhou Tao shook his head: Compared to Junior Brother Qin Hao, Su Chen is still a little behind.

Immediately, Zhou Tao told Qin Hao about the time limit that he had concealed. The two of them were surprised and looked at Qin Hao with a wry smile.

I thought one month was fast enough, but I didn't expect that Junior Brother Qin Hao had something to hide.

Yes, Junior Brother Qin Hao's talent is really something I can't envy.

Listening to the two people's compliments, Qin Hao raised the corners of his mouth slightly and chuckled: What, senior brothers, you are so complimentary.

After a pause, he continued: However, if I were as diligent as Junior Brother Su Chen, I would probably be faster.

As he said that, he shook his head again and sighed: It's just that Junior Brother Su Chen only knows how to practice hard and doesn't know how to combine work and rest. I'm afraid his future achievements will stop here.

He glanced at Zhou Tao and said: As a warrior, strength is only one aspect. More often, you need the help of others.

What Junior Brother Qin Hao said is absolutely true. Su Chen is still too small. Senior Brother Zhou Tao invited him and wanted to take him to see the world, but it's a pity that he doesn't have this luck. Fang Yanxun said.

Haha, it's okay not to mention this matter. Maybe Junior Brother Su has his own considerations, and we have no right to interfere. Let's go to Chunfeng Tower.

Zhou Tao shook his head, smiled, and walked away, followed by the three of them.

After leaving the martial arts gym, Su Chen did not go home immediately. Instead, he went to a bookstore to buy some medical books.

In the afternoon, he had nothing important to do, so he read these books.

I watched the evening until I felt that it was almost time, so I set off to find Li Mo.

Li Mo was still in the martial arts hall. When he saw Su Chen, he asked him to wait for a while and then left with him when he was done.

The two came to Tianxiang Tower. Although Tianxiang Tower was not as good as Zuixian Tower, it was of high quality and low price, and it was also close to their homes.

Junior brother, after ordering so much, have you finished eating?

Li Mo was a little surprised when he saw Su Chen ordering a table full of dishes.

Take it away if you can't finish it! Su Chen said with a smile, and then raised his glass, Thank you for taking care of me during this time, senior brother.

Li Mo also raised his glass, shook his head and said, I'm not a caretaker. It's all the result of my own efforts.

He thought Su Chen was talking about martial arts training, but he didn't know that besides that, he also had a debt of gratitude for helping him drive away the Blackwater Gang.

However, Su Chen just smiled and did not explain.

It seems that Junior Brother Su has found a way.

After finishing the drink, Li Mo looked at the food packed with people and smiled.

The food on this table is not cheap.

Su Chen was noncommittal. He suddenly remembered something and asked, By the way, senior brother, is there anything we should pay attention to about this affiliated gang?

As soon as he returned home today, a gang came to him and asked to honor him.

They were all small gangs, and he didn't agree immediately.

Hearing this, Li Mo said: There is nothing to pay special attention to. Anyway, junior brother is not short of money now, so you can choose.

No, I'm short of money!

Su Chen complained in his heart.

Later, Li Mo briefly introduced how to affiliate with a gang.

A newly emerging martial arts disciple like Su Chen can only affiliate with some small gangs and shops, and the monthly affiliation fee is not very high.

As many as one tael, as little as half a tael.

Although the money is small, Su Chen can affiliate with multiple gangs.

This kind of affiliation is actually equivalent to protection money, which allows the gang to gain a foothold by relying on the name of the Hong Family Martial Arts School.

But junior brother, you are just an affiliate, not a member of a gang. You don't need to participate in gang disputes. You just need to collect money every month. If they want you to do it, you will need to pay an extra price.

Li Mo reminded him to prevent Su Chen from being too conscientious.

Hearing this, Su Chen was a little surprised: What if the affiliated gang is destroyed?

Then change to another one. Li Mo said nonchalantly, Anyway, there are so many gangs in Baishi City. If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come.

Hearing this, Su Chen nodded. It seemed that the benefits of becoming a warrior were more than he imagined.

This was the first time he had heard of charging gangs for protection money.

When you are affiliated for the first time, you can choose from more. As for how many you choose to affiliate with, it depends on you.

Another thing to note is that in addition to gangs and shops, there are also some families who will recruit you. Although they offer high prices, it is no different from selling your body.

Then, Li Mo talked about some of his experiences, which were very useful to Su Chen, which made Su Chen toast his thanks again.

The two of them were drinking to their heart's content when a burst of noise suddenly came from outside. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a street fight.

Alas, Baishi City is getting more and more chaotic. Seeing this scene, Li Mo sighed.

Su Chen was silent, and the two people's attention quickly shifted away from the window.

At the dinner table, Li Mo was mostly talking and Su Chen was listening.

Li Mo chatted and talked about whatever came to his mind. Su Chen benefited a lot from some information.

The restaurant where they had been eating this meal was closed, and the two of them left.

After sending Li Mo away, Su Chen faced the cold wind and went home alone.

As soon as I walked to the door of my house, I saw a beggar lying at the door. He was wearing tattered clothes and shivering in the cold wind.

Seeing Su Chen, he subconsciously backed away, but when he saw the food in Su Chen's hand, he licked his split lips eagerly.

Seeing this, Su Chen shook his head, gave the packed food to the other party, and then walked into the home.

As Li Mo said, Baishi City is indeed getting more and more chaotic.

Now not only were there street fights, but beggars appeared outside his house.

This made Su Chen feel a little bit of a sense of crisis in his heart.

We have to make money as soon as possible to improve the iron fist!

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