Master, do you want to see me?

Seeing Su Chen's confused look, Li Mo felt helpless, but still nodded and said: Nonsense, have you forgotten something?

This time, Su Chen was even more confused.

Seeing this, Li Mo slapped his head, stroked his forehead and sighed: You have already mastered the Iron Wire Fist. What do you think master will do if he sees you?

After hearing this, Su Chen suddenly said: Master, are you going to accept me as your disciple?

Yeah. Li Mo nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Su Chen with a strange expression. Qin Hao was extremely happy after being accepted as a disciple by Hong Ming.

Why was it that when it was Su Chen's turn, there wasn't much expression on his face, and he was even a little tired?

What on earth is this guy busy with every day?

So much so that I have forgotten such a big thing, and I still need my senior brother to remind me?

Forget it, you can go to the martial arts gym tomorrow. The good day chosen by Master is tomorrow.

Li Mo reminded him earnestly.

Su Chen nodded solemnly: Don't worry, senior brother, I will definitely be there tomorrow.

Although Su Chen was very confident in what he said, Li Mo was still a little worried, so he said, Don't forget like last time. This apprenticeship is related to your reputation and money.

Brother, why do you say this? Su Chen asked.

Li Mo asked back: Do you know why Master chooses an auspicious day to hold an initiation ceremony for new disciples?

Su Chen shook his head.

Li Mo didn't care and said:

The initiation ceremony is not only done by our Hong Family Martial Arts School, but basically all famous martial arts schools in the city will do it.

There are two purposes. On the one hand, it is to formally accept you as a disciple, which means that you have become an official disciple of the martial arts school.

On the other hand, it is to promote your strength so that you can affiliate with gangs or shops and earn extra income.

I see you're not very short of money. After tomorrow, there may be some small gangs and shops looking for your protection, and then you can charge affiliate fees from them.

After hearing this, Su Chen, who didn't care at first, suddenly showed a look of emotion on his face.

There is no way, he is poor!

Li Mo repeatedly promised that he would arrive tomorrow, but Li Mo still said that he would come to pick up Su Chen tomorrow morning.

Then he told Su Chen some details about his apprenticeship before leaving.

After Li Mo left, the sky gradually darkened.

Su Chen took a shower and then went out to eat.

After eating and going home, Su Chen, who was rarely relaxed, did not sit idle. Instead, he took out the secret book of medicine given by Zhu Yan and started reading it.

After reading for five minutes, Su Chen reluctantly closed the thick medical secret book.

It’s not that I don’t want to see it, it’s that I can’t understand it.

This medical secret book has too much content and is not suitable for beginners like Su Chen.

It is more like a notebook, which contains the essence of medical knowledge and requires a certain foundation to understand.

Forget it, let's not read it for now. Let's wait until we find time to buy some basic medical books in a few days and learn the basics.

A night of silence.

Sure enough, as Li Mo said, he arrived as promised the next day.

After seeing Su Chen's attire, he was amazed and said, Sure enough, a person depends on his clothes. When you put on these decent clothes, you will feel more energetic. Okay, come with me.

After that, he took Su Chen all the way, and the two of them arrived in front of the martial arts hall.

Senior Brother Li Mo!

Entering the martial arts hall, some disciples who had practiced early greeted Li Mo and then turned their attention to Su Chen.

Apparently, the news that Hong Ming wanted to accept Su Chen as his disciple had already spread in the martial arts hall.

Is he Su Chen? He looks younger than Senior Brother Qin Hao.

Not only is he young, this Senior Brother Su is also very talented. It is said that he can practice faster than Senior Brother Qin Hao.

real or fake?

Of course it's true. Haven't you noticed that Senior Brother Su never comes to the martial arts gym to practice?

I found it, but what does that mean?

Idiot, Senior Brother Su can practice so fast without coming to the martial arts gym. Doesn't it mean that he is talented!

What you say, Senior Brother Su Chen, is so terrifying!

The courtyard became a little noisy because of Su Chen's appearance.

Just like Qin Hao's apprenticeship, everyone's thoughts were not on martial arts training, but focused on Su Chen.

The inner court.

Li Mo brought Su Chen, and Hong Ming had been waiting for a long time.

Master, Junior Brother Su has arrived. Li Mo said respectfully.

Hong Ming nodded, then turned his gaze to Su Chen and said, Extend your hand and let me take a look.

Hearing this, Su Chen moved forward, came to Hong Ming, stretched out his hand, and controlled the iron wire on his arm.

The color is a little darker. It seems that you have been practicing for a while. Hong Ming nodded with satisfaction and asked, Su Chen, are you willing to become my teacher?

Disciple is willing.


Hong Ming nodded with satisfaction and asked Su Chen and Li Mo to prepare for the initiation ceremony.

Not long after, Zhou Tao and others arrived, and Qin Hao was among them.

Seeing Su Chen, Qin Hao's expression was obviously a bit unnatural, but he still said hello to Su Chen.

This time, in addition to Zhou Tao and others, there was also a stranger who Su Chen had never seen before.

Her name is Fang Rou. She is a new disciple that master recruited some time ago. You were not here at the time, so you don't know. If you had come to apprentice earlier, she would be your junior sister.

Li Mo took advantage of the gap to introduce Su Chen in a low voice.

Su Chen looked at Fang Rou and found that the other party was looking at him with a pair of watery eyes.

Seeing herself looking at her, Fang Rou smiled and said hello.

Soon, the apprenticeship ceremony began, which was no different from Qin Hao's apprenticeship ceremony.

Introduced some rules to each disciple, and then served tea and paid homage to the master.

About half an hour later, Su Chen officially started and became Hong Ming's tenth disciple.

Zhou Tao and others congratulated Hong Ming and Su Chen one after another.

Lunch was also eaten at Hong Ming's house. After eating, everyone left.

Junior Brother Su, master told me to spar with you. Let's start in the afternoon, just to see how well you practice your boxing skills.

Li Mo took Su Chen to the special training area in the inner courtyard and said.

After hearing this, Su Chen was thinking about how to politely reject Li Mo when he heard footsteps.

Junior Brother Li Mo, I have something to tell Junior Brother Su. Zhou Tao said with a smile.

Li Mo glanced at Su Chen and stepped aside silently. He vaguely guessed what Zhou Tao was going to say.

Qin Hao on the side twitched the corners of his mouth without leaving any trace and remained silent.

Junior Brother Su, I wonder if you are free tonight? Senior Brother is hosting a banquet at Zuixian Tower and wants to invite Junior Brother Su to join us so as to strengthen the friendship between our senior brothers. Zhou Tao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Mo looked at Su Chen and hesitated to speak, but finally turned into a slight sigh.

Seeing Su Chen deep in thought, he had vaguely guessed Su Chen's choice in his heart. Although he was helpless, he respected it.

At this time, Su Chen held up his hands and said, Thank you for your kindness, senior brother. It's just that junior brother has something important to do, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go. Please forgive me, senior brother.

When Zhou Tao heard this, the smile on his face froze slightly, but he quickly chuckled: If that's the case, then don't force it.

After that, he took Qin Hao and others to leave.

Junior Brother Su, you... Seeing Su Chen reject Zhou Tao, Li Mo looked at Su Chen with a complicated expression.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen looked at Li Mo seriously: Senior brother Li Mo, are you free tonight?

Li Mo was stunned and looked at Su Chen, only to hear Su Chen continue: I'm treating you, but it's not Zuixianlou.


For some reason, his nose felt a little sore, but he nodded anyway.

Okay, I'll come find you then.

After saying that, Su Chen turned and left.

Leaving a confused Li Mo to come find me?

When he came back to his senses, Su Chen had already disappeared, which made Li Mo smile bitterly: This kid!

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