It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 23 If my benefactor never abandons me, I would like to be my adoptive father.

The night is as cold as water.

Not long after Su Chen entered Linjiabao, he felt someone following him behind him.

So he quickened his pace and walked towards the remote alley, but the other party still followed him leisurely.

Soon, Su Chen stopped and looked back. The person following him was none other than Zhu Yan.


When Zhu Yan saw Su Chen, he called out with some uncertainty.

Although Su Chen still wore the one-armed look, his level of disguise had improved a lot compared to before.

If Zhu Yan hadn't seen Su Chen dressed like this before, he really wouldn't have recognized him.

Su Chen nodded and said, You should have gotten the news, right?

After hearing this, Zhu Yan's face straightened, and he immediately knelt down in front of Su Chen and kowtowed and thanked him: Thank you so much for avenging me. I can't repay you in this life. If my benefactor doesn't dislike me, I am willing to worship my benefactor as my adoptive father and serve righteousness all my life. Father’s left and right.”

Su Chen: ...

The already quiet atmosphere became even quieter after Zhu Yan said these words.

Su Chen never expected that when he met Zhu Yan again, he would say such words.

I felt ashamed and speechless.

He is only about twenty years old, but he has such a big child?

Although he is an adopted son, it still feels strange no matter how he thinks about it.

After coughing slightly, Su Chen rejected Zhu Yan without hesitation: No, you and I each have what we need, and there is no need to give such a big gift.

My benefactor, you killed my enemies for me and avenged my Zhu family. This kind of kindness is higher than the sky. To me, it is like being a new parent. Such etiquette cannot express my gratitude to my benefactor... …”

Shut up and get up!

Listening to Zhu Yanwen's words, Su Chen interrupted with a cold face.

When Zhu Yan heard this, a trace of astonishment flashed across his face, and he finally got up helplessly.

Yes, benefactor.

Seeing Su Chen's expression, he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to stand up, as obediently as a child.

Where is the secret book of medicine? Su Chen asked.

Here. Zhu Yan quickly took out a thick book and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen took it and looked at it for a few times before putting it in his arms.

Just as he was about to leave, Zhu Yan said, My dear friend, please wait.

What else happened?

My benefactor, please accept this money!

Zhu Yan took out a stack of banknotes from his arms and presented them with both hands.


When Su Chen saw this, he couldn't help but be startled. Didn't this guy say he had no money before?

Zhu Yan seemed to know what Su Chen was thinking, and chuckled: Thanks to my benefactor for this money.

What's the meaning?

After my benefactor killed Zhao Kuo, I got the news. I thought my benefactor was short of money, so I took advantage of the chaos at Zhao Kuo's house to sneak in and take some silver...

Having said this, Zhu Yan scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

The money was simply not enough to express his gratitude to Su Chen.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhu Yan deeply, then nodded and said: Okay, I will accept the money.

After a pause, he asked: Now that your great revenge has been avenged, what are your plans in the future?

Me? I should leave Baishi City. Zhu Yan thought.

The original plan was to worship Su Chen as his father and serve him for life, but Su Chen rejected it.

For a moment, he hadn't fully figured out his way.

This idea was something he had decided before, and it was the way he would go after his great revenge was avenged.

Oh, by the way, benefactor, you don't have to go to Yanyu Tower anymore. The Linjiabao has closed Yanyu Tower.

Suddenly, Zhu Yan slapped his head and said to Su Chen.

Is Yanyu Tower closed? Su Chen asked in confusion.

Zhu Yan nodded: It's closed. I just discovered it today. I don't know the specific reason.

Seeing Su Chen's silence, Zhu Yan spoke again: My dear friend, Baishi City has become more and more chaotic recently. I heard that banditry has begun outside the city. If you continue to stay in Baishi City, you need to be extremely careful.

I know, you should be careful too.

Su Chen nodded, still thinking about the closure of Yanyu Tower.

Okay, I'll leave first.

After a while, Su Chen said something to Zhu Yan, turned around and left.

My benefactor, after I leave Baishi City, I will go to Dafeng City...

Seeing Su Chen walking away, Zhu Yan seemed to remember something and shouted quickly.

Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times again. After a long time, he stood up and left.

After saying goodbye to Zhu Yan, Su Chen passed by Yanyu Tower and found that the door of Yanyu Tower had been locked.

It was getting late, and Su Chen found an inn to stay in Linjiabao.

inside the room.

Looking at the nine banknotes Zhu Yan gave him, Wei Wei felt helpless.

Nine silver notes, each worth ten taels, a total of ninety taels. Even if the money he had on him was added, it was still less than one hundred taels.

It seems that if you want to upgrade the Iron Fist, you need to find a way to make money!

After putting away the banknotes, Su Chen lay on the bed and fell asleep.

A night of silence.

The east is white, and a new day has arrived.

After Su Chen got up and washed up, he had breakfast before heading back to the city.

On the way back, Su Chen passed by a forest and looked at the thick trees along the way, thinking about it.

He struck out with his palm, and the tree as thick as a bowl suddenly shook violently. He took out his palm and saw a five centimeter-deep palm print left on the tree trunk.

I wonder what my strength is now? I should be able to beat ten Zhao Kuo!

Su Chen looked at his masterpiece with great satisfaction and couldn't help but wonder about his own strength.

But then I thought about it, Zhao Kuo seemed to have practiced Turtle Shell Skill at a higher level than himself. With his current level of Turtle Shell Skill, he might not be able to crush his opponent.

Thinking like this, the smile on his face disappeared, he fluttered his sleeves and left without looking back.

Half an hour later, Su Chen returned to Baishi City, paid the entrance fee, and entered the city.

As usual, I found a remote place to change my clothes, and then returned home.

Not long after he came back, Su Chen heard a knock on the door.


You are?

Looking at the two people standing at the door, they clearly looked like gang members, but Su Chen didn't recognize them.

We are members of the Changhe Gang. From today on, each household will pay a 20-yuan head fee.

Didn't the people from the Bloody Clothes Gang collect it before? Su Chen asked with a frown.

He had never heard of the Changhe Gang.

Stop talking nonsense. The Bloody Clothes Gang has long been wiped out by our Changhe Gang. We will naturally take over their territory. Hurry up and don't waste time!

The man said impatiently, urging Su Chen fiercely.

What are you doing?

Just when Su Chen was about to teach the two of them a lesson, a soft drink sounded and Li Mo walked towards them.

Hong Family Martial Arts School!

Seeing the clothes Li Mo was wearing, the expressions of the two gang members changed slightly.

You are so brave. You received the first fee from the disciples of our Hong Family Martial Arts School. You really don't know how to live or die!

Li Mo came to the two of them and scolded angrily.

After hearing this, the two of them were not angry. Instead, they laughed and said, Brother, it's our Meng Lang who needs to calm down.

get out!

Li Mo snorted coldly after hearing this.

Yes Yes Yes!

The two of them fled quickly, fearing that Li Mo would regret it.

After the two left, Li Mo looked at Su Chen, and the seriousness on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a hint of resentment.

Um, senior brother Li Mo.

Su Chen touched his cheek and said hello awkwardly. He suddenly remembered what happened to Li Mo last time.

Junior Brother Su, if we encounter this kind of situation in the future, we will directly reveal our identity as a disciple of the martial arts school. They will not dare to collect the protection fee from the Hong Family Martial Arts School.

Li Mo waved his hand, reminded him, and then said seriously,

I came to you today to tell you that Master wants to see you.

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