It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 22 Parchment, Turtle Shell Skill, Bone Shrinking Skill


Blood surged.

Splattered in all directions.

As Zhao Kuo fell to the ground, a large area of ​​the ground was soaked.

His body suddenly shrank a lot and returned to its original shape, but his eyes were staring at Su Chen full of resentment.

Just like Lin Hai back then, he refused to settle down until death.

Seeing that Zhao Kuo was already dead and could no longer die, Su Chen took out the steel knife from his body.

Fortunately, this guy is very confident in his black armor and did not notice my disguise. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to kill him with one blow.

The black armor on Zhao Kuo's body has amazing defensive power, and even the sword of the woman in yellow is difficult to penetrate.

Su Chen's Wild Wave Sword Technique has been practiced to the extreme. Although he can break through the opponent's defense with all his strength, he is still not close enough to kill him with one blow.

I don't know what kind of martial arts he practices!

Su Chen came to Zhao Kuo's body expectantly, bent down, and reached out to grope around Zhao Kuo's body.


After touching it for a while, Su Chen's brows gradually frowned, feeling a little unwilling.

Huh? There seems to be something inside this armor?

Just when Su Chen was disappointed and about to give up, he suddenly saw a discordant color overflowing from Zhao Kuo's armor.

When he pulled it out and looked at it, Su Chen was stunned for a moment. It turned out to be a piece of parchment.

No wonder I didn't find it. It turned out to be hidden here!

When he opened the parchment and took a look, Su Chen's face suddenly became happy. There seemed to be a technique hidden on it.

Quick, right here!

Before he could take a closer look, Su Chen heard a rush of footsteps not far away.

He put the parchment away, picked up the knife, and turned away.

After a while, two of Zhao Kuo's men came and saw Zhao Kuo's body at a glance, and they were stunned on the spot.

Soon, the whole area became lively.

Baiyu Gang Headquarters.

A man in white looked at Zhao Kuo's cold and white body with a gloomy expression.

He looked at Zhao Kuo's two men and asked in a deep voice: Tell me what happened.

Gang Leader, it's like this...

The two men told the truth.

When he heard that Zhao Kuonai was killed by a woman in yellow, the man in white immediately cursed: Trash!

It's just that he likes married women, but he ends up dying because of it. It's simply embarrassing.

After waving his hand, the man in white asked his body to be put down, and then ordered:

Send the order, notify all branches, and find out the identity of the woman in yellow for me. Huh, the person from the Baiyu Gang who killed me is still trying to escape. How can there be such a simple thing in the world! As soon as you find her location, notify me immediately.

Yes, Gang Leader!

As the Baiyu Gang issued orders one after another, all the areas under the jurisdiction of the Baiyu Gang became tense and serious.

However, all this had nothing to do with Su Chen. After killing Zhao Kuo, he returned home.

This parchment contains not one technique, but two!

Su Chen took a bath to wash away the smell of blood from his body, then took out the parchment and studied it carefully.

After some research, Su Chen was pleasantly surprised. From the parchment, he sorted out two techniques.

One is Turtle Shell Skill.

One is Bone Shrinking Kung Fu.

The Turtle Armor Technique should be the martial arts practiced by Zhao Kuo. Once mastered, the body will be covered by a layer of black armor, which will not be revealed normally. Once activated, the black armor will appear and the defense will be greatly enhanced.

However, because practicing the Turtle Shell Kung Fu will cause certain changes in your body shape, you need to practice the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu as a supplement. The two complement each other and complement each other.

According to the records on the parchment, the practice of Turtle Shell Technique is very difficult. You need to use various methods to temper your skin. If you are not careful, you will injure your muscles and bones and end up with a lifelong disability.

Moreover, even if it is practiced, it is not perfect. There are also flaws. That is, the defense above the neck is almost the same as that of a normal person.

After reading the contents on the parchment about the Turtle Shell Technique and the Bone Shrinking Technique, Su Chen couldn't help but think.

Looking at the two secret books on the parchment, Su Chen's eyes flickered and he quickly made a decision: It's normal to have flaws. Anyway, I have a panel, so why am I afraid that I won't be able to practice well?

After burning a stick of incense, Su Chen finished practicing the postures of the two techniques, and the panel suddenly changed:

[...Turtle Shell Kung Fu (1% entry level) Bone Shrinking Kung Fu (1% entry level)]

Later, he spent another 12 taels of silver to activate the simple mode for these two exercises.

The simple mode of Turtle Shell Gong is to bask in the sun. It takes ten minutes to practice to a small level and twenty minutes to a large level.

The simple model of Bone Shrinking Kung Fu is the deep squat. It takes fifty times to practice to a small level, and a hundred times to practice to a large level.

The practice of the two techniques took a total of one hour. After completing this, the panel changed again:

[...Turtle Shell Skill (1% of Dacheng) Bone Shrinking Skill (1% of Dacheng)]

Looking at the two techniques on the panel, Su Chen couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Then he took off his clothes and looked at his body.

Different from what was recorded on the parchment, his body shape did not change in any way.

It seems that some defects can be avoided by practicing martial arts through the panel.

When Su Chen activated the Turtle Shell Technique, he could feel that his whole body suddenly became hard.

The surface of the body seems to be covered with a thin layer of black armor.

Clench your fists and beat your body, and a crisp collision sound will immediately come out.

What a turtle shell skill. Not only has the defense of my body been enhanced, but the defense of my arms and feet has also been enhanced!

Su Chen looked at his arms. Although there was no black armor on his arms, the strong feeling was real.

Try the bone shrinking technique again!

After some testing, Su Chen confirmed that the Turtle Shell Skill did have a weak bonus to other skills.

Immediately, he set his sights on the bone shrinking technique.

As Su Chen's bones crackled, Su Chen's height of 1.88 meters suddenly became 1.78 meters, and his arms and legs were shortened by ten centimeters.

Although he was prepared, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

Fortunately, Su Chen reacted quickly and returned to his original state.

The Bone Shrinking Technique is indeed not as good as the Turtle Shell Technique in combat, but it is very powerful in assisting me. It is no less helpful to me than the Turtle Shell Technique. If I were to disguise myself as a one-armed Yang Guo, it would be more realistic and easier.

After two battles, Su Chen had become accustomed to pretending to be the one-armed Yang Guo.

After all, who would have thought that a complete arm was hidden in the broken sleeve, just waiting for the critical moment to deliver a fatal blow?

It's a pity that Iron Sand Palm cost me one hundred taels of silver. Otherwise, I might be able to make these two techniques go further.

Su Chen felt a little regretful when he returned to normal.

Of course, it's not a pity that I have practiced Iron Sand Palm to the limit, but it's a pity that I have no money.

It's just that after the Iron Sand Palm reaches its limit, you need to practice the Iron Wire Fist to the limit before you can turn on the simple mode!

Su Chen was slightly surprised, then turned his gaze to the panel and saw it read:

[Iron Sand Palm (Extreme)]

[Iron Sand Palm 0 times (Ultimate Iron Fist/time)]

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