It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 300: Too many elements in the comment area

   "Yes, the voice actors you wanted at the beginning, now three people have participated in this live broadcast event, they are the voice actors of Ye Shenyue, L, and Haisha..."

   Store Manager Xu explained slowly, and then he also noticed Su Chen's weird smile.

   "By the way, what are you laughing at..."

   Su Chen listened for a while: "Huh? You said the voice actress? Isn't it a tender model?"

   "What tender model?" Manager Xu looked confused.

   "It's nothing, it's okay."

   "What the **** are you thinking about all day long, kid?" Manager Xu frowned, "Speaking of the live broadcast tonight, are you planning to show up?"

   "Show up, of course you did."

   Su Chen took out a red and white white fox mask from his handbag like a trick and placed it in front of his face to compare it.

   "How about, how do you rate this wave of appearances?"


   Manager Xu was happy for less than half a second, and his face turned black again.

   "Can't you make a real appearance?"

"No think I don't want to?" After putting away the white fox mask, Su Chen sighed, "My current contract with Dousha platform hasn't expired. If I expose my identity and live broadcast, I will breach the contract. My limit is up."

   "Okay, okay, but I'm wrong." Manager Xu couldn't laugh or cry.

After a while, the two of them were in the building. Manager Xu casually asked, "By the way, have you thought about the content of the live broadcast? I have already sent out the notice. Tonight At seven o'clock, your exclusive room number at station b."

   "When you think about it, just chat and talk about the salted eggs. Anyway, there are not many users watching the live broadcast at station b...Oh, sorry."

  Speaking halfway, Su Chen apologized, looking at the strange look of Manager Xu.

   "It's okay..." He waved his hands in frustration, and Manager Xu asked again: "Is the news of the evening live broadcast posted on station b?"

   "Not yet...but don't worry, I can post now." Taking out his mobile phone, Su Chen opened the page of station b quite straightforwardly and edited a post:

   "Live broadcast at Bilibili **** room number at seven o'clock in the evening, and interact with the lovely voice actors of "Deathnote". Brothers are not seen or separated."

   In a simple passage, Su Chen is still behind the dynamic and Aite’s accounts for the three voice actors are quite popular.

   "Hey, you seem to be a bit late to post now, right?"

   sighed helplessly.

   said that, but Mr. Xu turned on his phone and reposted Su Chen's dynamics with his boss account very fondly. After commenting on "Warmly welcome Mr. Mao Xuewang for the first live broadcast", he clicked like.

   One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

   The news soon shocked a group of station b users, who went to their accounts to comment and interact.

   Speaking of it, one is Xu Di, the boss of station b, and the other is Mao Xuewang, the screenwriter and author of the new show in October. These identities are superimposed on each other, and it is difficult to make people calm.

   After five minutes passed, the comment area quickly posted a large number of comments.

   "Yes, Mr. Xu personally welcomes Teacher Mao Xuewang."

   "The bold one in front is called Xiao Xu."

   "Understood, this is changed to Xiao Xu Xu welcomes Xiao Mao Mao."

   "Huh? Repetitive words are disgusting."

   "Xiao Xu, pour tea for Mao Bao!"

   "It's a pity that the brother in front, the fifth rank, is still a big member."

   "Level 5, old age, blood loss."

   "Xiao Xu: The welcome ceremony is over, your total consumption is 66666 yuan."

   "This is the upstairs? My Mao Bao can't consume 66666666?"

   "That's it? Am I crazy? That's it? I, Mao Bao, shouldn't consume a hundred animation scripts first.

   "Come here, take out my apple and shave a square halberd for the Xiuer in the comment area."

   "Xiao Xu, don't rub the **** heat (doge

   "How many times have you said that Xiao Xu shouldn't play with his mobile phone during work hours."

   "I'm sorry to eat Xiao Xu raw."

   "The old net has suppressed the cloud."

  Saohua's series of comments filled the dynamic comment area of ​​Mr. Xu.

  Everyone is an old and rude user.

   On the other side, Su Chen's dynamics are completely different.

   are mostly users who lament the news.

   His dynamic comment area also exploded.

   "Fuck? Teacher Mao Xuewang is going to broadcast live at station b?"

   "Warmly welcome teacher Mao Xuewang for the premiere!"

   "I announce that Mao Xuewang's anchor career has officially begun."

   "Mao Bao, come on, mom has been waiting for this day for a long time."

   "The male mother crawls for the father!"

   "In front, what's wrong with the male mother? Did the male mother eat your rice? With a chill, when will the male mother stand up?"

   "Gkd, he or me, I guard your live broadcast room every day, just to wait for you to start the broadcast."

   "Where's the live broadcast content Mao Bao? Is the recording studio actually shooting?"

   "I finally waited until Mao Bao's live broadcast in his lifetime. Do you want to show your face at night?"

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, can you buy me a takeaway? Teacher Mao Xuewang, can I go to your house for Chinese New Year?"

   Under this strange comment, there were a lot of replies, and the topic started to drift off the track.

   "I didn't expect this broken technology to start a group."

   "Ah, this... so open!"

   "Poverty has fun, wealth is speechless."

   "Someone, training, a friend who does animation."

   "Hahahaha, a friend who is doing animation, I laughed to death."

   "The painting style of this building has a sudden change (doge

   "Rhythm Dog Climb for the Lord!"

   "The master's task is nothing more."

   "The old task master upstairs."

   In addition to a variety of serious comments and sand sculpture comments, there are many elements in the entire comment area, and several famous voice actors came to the dynamic interaction for the first time after being Aite.

   Suddenly, UU reading www. A large number of users came into contact with seiyuu at such a close distance, and they felt extremely novel in an instant.

   So there is no live broadcast yet, and the popularity of several voice actors has risen first.

   At the same time, the news spread very fast. Within a few minutes, it swept all major platforms. What Post, forums, Weibo, and QQ groups were all discussing this live broadcast.

   If this were put in the past, with Su Chen's popularity, it would be impossible to have the current effect.

   But the progress of "Deathnote" is in full swing, and the limelight is booming. Coupled with several videos uploaded by his account during this period, the number of clicks and views is very high. For a time, it can be regarded as attracting a large group of outsiders.

   On the other side, the company building in Bilibili.

   Su Chen has followed Manager Xu to the recording studio.

   It's only afternoon, and the work of the voice actors is not over yet, so the two of them will supervise them in the recording studio first, and by the way, let Su Chen, who is the original author, inspect them.

   The three voice actors who want to conduct live interaction are Ye Shenyue’s voice actor Li Zhenshou, L’s voice actor Ji Shengping, and Mihaisao’s voice actor Yue Ling.

   These three people, Su Chen, are all very familiar. Almost all of them were personally selected by him that day, newcomers with distinctive voices, college graduates.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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