It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 301: Hong Kong trick record? I was persuaded

   "Xu, Dong Xu?"

   Li Zhenshou opened the door and saw Mr. Xu standing outside the door. He was surprised, "Why are you here?"

   "I sent Mr. Mao Xuewang here." Shop Manager Xu smiled slightly, "Ms. Mao Xuewang will be handed over to you for the live broadcast tonight."

   "Ms. Mao Xuewang is here too?"

   Hearing the words, the eyes of several people in the recording studio lit up.

   Su Chen gave a lot of advice and guidance to a few people in the recording studio some time ago. For several voice actors, they are also teachers and friends.

   See you again after a while, don’t say it, it’s really kind.

   "Come in and talk, Xu Dong, teacher Mao Xuewang."

   "Well, what exactly are we going to broadcast tonight?"

   Su Chen came to the recording studio and asked straightforwardly.

   A series of staff members are already packing up the equipment and leaving the recording studio. They seem to know that there will be an event to be held in the evening, reducing the workload today.

   "Almighty Xu Di, do you have any suggestions to mention?" Su Chen glanced at the store manager Xu who was walking around in the recording studio.

   "I'll forget it," Store Manager Xu waved his hand, showing a slight smile, "It's half an afternoon before the live broadcast. It's good for you young people to discuss these ideas."

   "Huh? I thought I wanted to interact with your old man."

   "Don't don't don't, I can't stand this treatment, I have to deal with other company affairs."


   Su Chen nodded, "If you are busy, go to Mr. Xu."

   Bid farewell to the store manager Xu. Su Chen did not rush to discuss the content of the live broadcast, but first planned to check the progress of the animation, and brought a few Taiwanese books, and asked several voice actors to simply "work" for him on the spot.

   Well, the result is not bad as he expected. The voice of the seiyuu is still very energetic and tense, and they can perform their respective roles to the extreme.

   "Okay! Everyone is doing pretty well, let's take a break."

   patted his palm, and Su Chen handed a bottle of water to several people.

   "Next, you will discuss what to broadcast at night. I will listen to you this time."

   glanced at the clock close to four o'clock in the afternoon, and he said casually.

   This time it was originally for the preheating of the animation, on the premise of increasing the popularity of the voice actors on this site, to achieve the purpose of further fermenting the popularity of the animation.

   "Well, teacher Mao Xuewang will come with us first."

   Several famous voice actors looked at each other and led Su Chen into a large spacious room.

   The microphones here are well-equipped for recording. Each seat is equipped with more than two computers, and it also has an ultra-clear camera. From the perspective of the layout, it is probably the live broadcast room prepared for a few people at station b this time.

   There is so much space, whether it’s singing, dancing, or playing games, it’s more than enough.

   With his eyes flickering to look at the arrangement, Su Chen's heart was stunned. As expected, he is a big company. This equipment is much better than his own home.

   Turning on the computer, Li Zhenshou probably explained to Su Chen the specific live broadcast content they planned.

   First is a small program similar to a radio drama. The three of them play their respective roles and face the audience, that is, Yagamiyue, L, and Mihaisao...

   Of course, here is the q version.

   uses the q version of the character image to show the audience the charm of a cv and arouse the audience's interest.

   This thing... The reason seems to be similar to that of vtb, but the details are still a lot worse, basically just a moving paper person, not a virtual image.

   But this is enough.

   In a world without vtb, there is a good-looking paper man who can talk, and it is already very fragrant to the audience.

The painting style of the   q version of the characters, Su Chen, has also been carefully reviewed. There is basically nothing to fault. From the perspective of the painting style, it is estimated that it is from Wang Runhe.

   He is a lot of old painters, and he is surprisingly good at painting the q version of the characters.

   After this show, it is the official live broadcast stage.

   "What are these?"

   Su Chen's attention was attracted by a few figures on a table.

   On top of that, there are the scenes of the name of the night **** and the moon, the exclusive sitting position of L, and the three cute figures of Mihaisha, exquisite workmanship and good materials.

"Ang, this was given to us from above. It was said that it was placed in front of the camera when the teacher was broadcasting the live broadcast. Look, this is not the anime that is about to be released in October..." Li Zhenshou explained patiently. He still has not forgotten the ultimate goal of this live broadcast.

   Su Chen looked at the three hands in amazement, and was full of emotion in his heart.

   I didn't expect that the first time I saw my "Deathnote" figure, it was actually on such an occasion that needed publicity.

   My original author is really miserable.

   "Do you still have this kind of figure?"

   "Of course there is, there are still many idles at station b."

"Oh, all right."

   Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

   He has already decided that when this matter is over, he must lick his face and ask Mr. Xu to ask for two, or else I am sorry for the empty cabinet at home.

   After turning on the computer and seeing the densely packed game icons on the computer desktop, Su Chen was taken aback again.

   "This is the computer I will use later?"

   Li Zhenshou came over and took a look, with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, the content of the live broadcast is the game."

   "Hurt, I played games for a long time? I'm absolutely fine with this."

   Su Chen glanced at the dense list of games, full of confidence.

   And Li Zhenshou and several people smiled at each other. Since you are the author, the live broadcast content must be close to the people. Otherwise, singing and dancing or live impromptu dubbing, teacher, you are definitely not good.

   "Speaking of which, what game are we going to broadcast live?"

   Familiar with the feel of the keyboard and mouse, Su Chen asked again.

   Li Zhenshou listened to The expression became a bit exciting, walked over, reached out and pointed out for Su Chen: "This is what we plan to let you play."


   followed the opponent's finger and looked at the icon on the computer. Then, he could see clearly, under the icon, the words "Hong Kong sly records".

   Su Chen's smile solidified on his face.

The game   Hong Kong Tribulation Record is a first-person perspective horror game based on the legend of the Chinese city of Hong Kong.

Probably, you are a photographer. In order to record a spiritual exploration program, you and a female anchor named "Jiahui" went to the ruins of the walled city to die. As a result, Jiahui was captured bizarrely in the process. What you have to do Just to find Jiahui as soon as possible and take her away from here...

   Very common horror film opening routine. The game is a highly free autonomous exploration operation mode. The horror picture, coupled with the soundtrack that can make the ears abort, can be said to be quite scary.

   Some netizens even commented that "this is the best domestic horror game in 2020".

   As a sturdy game fan, Su Chen must have never touched this kind of game.

   Now, after hearing that Li Zhenshou asked him to play this game himself...

   Yes, he immediately stunned!



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