It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 299: Are all old psychologists

  The draft was passed smoothly, and the new work was almost confirmed when Yuzu was very satisfied.

   However, the wonderful writing is wonderful, but grapefruit will not let go of this illustration problem.

   After the review time, the two had a half-hour debate in the meeting room about whether the new work should be illustrated or not.

   Yuzu said that for such a beautiful light novel, beautiful illustrations must be added to allow readers to be on the scene and add wings to the work.

   And Su Chen's idea is going to be even more simple. It is too troublesome to draw an illustration like a wallpaper. Only one idiot is willing to draw the workload of three ordinary illustrations.

  Also, there are no illustrations in the original novels. Isn't it difficult to let yourself make the illustrations?

Listening to the other party's persuasion in every possible way, he even said, "If you don't want to draw illustrations, I will find the last time Crab teacher to draw illustrations, I believe the other party will be very happy to accept the commission." In the end, Su Chen was also the same. no solution anymore.

do not.


   If you really want the abnormal shadow crazy cartoonist to draw illustrations for yourself last time, then your new work will be ruined!

   "Let's do this grapefruit, give me three days, I will design a book cover for you."

   So Su Chen confessed his tactics and retreated and asked for the second time.

   "Yes, what about illustrations?"

"About illustrations, I have a condition." Su Chen, "If the book cover map I handed over to you in three days, your cartoonist or painter in the library can reach the level of my drawing, I will allow you to do whatever you want Arrange a painter..."

   "...On the contrary, if you can't, then the new book will come according to my request, without adding illustrations."

   "That's the only way?"

   After listening to the grapefruit, he sneered and expressed disdain.

   Xiaogui teacher, do you really think that there is no one in our Lightning Strike Library?

   We are here with a professional team that you have trained for several months. Now that the painting skills have broken through the sky, are you afraid that you won't be able to seal a book?

   Aren’t you just getting better at your drawing skills? What's so great?

   I'm really... scared.

   Well, Yuzu thinking so clearly has a clear mind.


   She refused.

   "Let me refuse."

   calmly waved towards Su Chen, and a batch of grapefruits stabilized.

   She has seen each other's fairy painting skills, and she has also seen the level of her painter in the Lightning Strike Library. The two are in the sky and on the ground, and they are not easily surpassed after a few months of study.

   has now agreed to the other party's request. According to her personal understanding of Su Chen's painting level, isn't it a proper face to be slapped by the other party's fairy painting skills?

   Such a clichéd strategy, her grapefruit will not be fooled.

   "What? No way?"

   Su Chen was also a little dumbfounded after hearing the other party's reply.

Ok? ? ?

   Why don’t you play cards according to the routine?

   Isn't it normal that you agreed angrily, and then got slapped in the face three days later?

   But what is going on now?

   refused to me before it even started?

  Are you so afraid of being slapped?

"Yes, it just doesn't work, there is nothing to discuss." Yuzi said, "but three days later, you can show me the cover of the book you mentioned. When the time comes, you will be given the next step, and the issue of the printing of the new work will be delayed. Slowly, anyway, you are opening a new book and not serializing. You have a lot of time."

   The corners of his mouth were raised, and a sly arc was pulled up, and the tone of grapefruit had a small taste of planning.

   Yes, she has been waiting for Su Chen to take the bait.

   As early as when the other party said that they didn't draw any illustrations at the beginning, Yuzi basically didn't hold any hope.

   However, during the negotiation, she deliberately maintained her attitude, setting the conditions higher and forcing the other party to complete the illustration. In this way, the other party would choose to take a peaceful step back while not compromising.

   So look, isn’t the book cover fooled out?

   This is the same as the demolition effect of psychology.

   People's personalities always like to reconcile and compromise.

   For example, if you say that this room is too dark, you say that opening a skylight here is definitely not allowed, but if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to reconcile and open the skylight.

   First made a big request. In fact, in the process of reconciliation, the smaller request is your goal. This is the "house demolition effect" of psychology.

   As a responsible editor, I am exhausted all day long, and I don’t know how many layers of routines I can’t do.

   Harm, old psychologist.

   Grapefruit is complacent.

   When the book is sealed, it’s not easy to pick something wrong with Su Chen, do the same, and then continue to deceive two illustrations?

   After thinking about this, Yuzu had another plan in his heart.

   It is impossible to say that Su Chen is completely unaware of this routine.

   Although I think it might be fooled, if I want to talk about the book cover, Su Chen actually planned to paint from the beginning.

   Although there is no illustration in "Your Name" in the past life, there is still a book cover, that is, a movie poster.

   The hero and the heroine stared sideways under the blue sky and white clouds. The clarity and the aesthetics were amazing.

   So, at first, he said that he was determined not to draw illustrations, but in fact, he had already planned to design the book cover.

   At the beginning of the negotiation, an unreasonable demand bargaining chip like "I don't draw illustrations, it's big!" was thrown out at the beginning of the negotiation. In fact, the real demand was the more reasonable one.

   To some extent, Su Chen is also playing this kind of psychology of "house demolition effect".

   The two thoughts coincide.

   Is this the intrigue in the adult world...

   In short, after finally agreeing to hand in a book cover three days later with Yuzi, Su Chen finally finished the review, holding his hand bag, and slowly leaving the Thunderstrike Library company building.

   Now it's two o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature has started to rise again, and Father Sun has already given off enough heat.

   Su Chen is still walking on the street fully armed.

   After finishing the now he should go back to Bilibili and discuss with the store manager Xu about the account interaction.

   "Su Chen, here..."

   When he came to the company building, Manager Xu had been waiting for a long time.

   Feeling the extremely comfortable air conditioning in the building, Su Chen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: "This ghost weather is so hot for me."

   Store Manager Xu looked at Su Chen, who was struggling to feel the temperature difference, and looked forward to the topic: "How about live broadcast tonight?"

   "Tonight? I can't go back by catching a plane now?" Su Chen gave him a strange look, "I thought you would always let me enjoy the presidential suite?"

   Store Manager Xu’s mouth twitched: “Uh, these are not problems. You don’t need to bother you to rush back tonight. Just live broadcast directly at our Bilibili headquarters. I have arranged the room equipment and the people you want.”

   "The one I want?"

   Su Chen was taken aback, and then became excited.

   Hey, they all say that these capital high-levels are happy like gods. They are in the sky during the day and eat chicken drumsticks at night...

   Could it be this privilege, is it finally your turn?

   His smile gradually changed.

   Old-fashioned approval.



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