It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 292: This wave is stable

   "By the way, little sister, in fact, I also have a novel that will be published soon. It is estimated that it will be available for sale in the bookstore soon. Can you help me see it?"

   Su Chen smiled and took out the manuscript of "Your Name" from his handbag.

   Yes, since this Xiao Xu is a reader, she can just read the manuscript of the new book. From the response of the other party, we can basically predict the direction of the finished work after it is released.

   Hey, it's time to test the waters.

  He meditated on the plan in his heart.

   "Brother, you are actually a writer?" Xiao Xu looked at Su Chen in surprise, as if he had discovered some new world.

   "Well, let's not hide it, I came to the bookstore today to inspect the sales of my works."

   "So that's the case—" Xiao Xu nodded, and can understand why the other party dressed up like this, "Then, is it convenient to reveal the work? I will give you a show."

   Because of the heart-wrenching confession just now, Xiao Xu's attitude towards Su Chen is quite enthusiastic.

   "No, you can help me see this manuscript." Su Chen waved his hand and waved the paper in his hand.

   "Okay." Xiao Xu agreed with enthusiasm.

   "Your Name" has not been publicized at the moment. After all, it is a work that has not been drafted in the process. It is impossible for readers to know except for Su Chen himself and a few editors.

   So I took it out boldly here, but there is nothing wrong with it.

   The full text is divided into eight chapters in total, which is exactly the same as the narrative sequence of the movie.

   Su Chen hesitated to choose a moment, and handed the opening parts of the first two chapters to Xiao Su.

   is a segment where Tachibana Taki and Miyamizu Mitsuba exchange their bodies in the opening chapter.

   Because it was the original manuscript, he naturally didn't bother to put his pen name on it, which also disappointed Xiao Su who wanted to take the opportunity to see some clues.

   The plan to secretly search for a pen name is declared bankrupt...

   But fortunately, the name of the book is still printed on it.

   ""Your Name"? As expected, the titles of your publishing industry are very casual..."

   After a wave of small complaints, Xiao Xu took the manuscript seriously and read it.

   The first chapter is extremely short.

   is more like a wedge than the text.

   [The sky is grayish white with a haze. The streets are criss-crossed with cars carrying nearly a hundred passengers and trains carrying nearly a thousand passengers.

   suddenly realized that he was looking at the city like before.


   is looking for someone.

   Only that one person. 】

   I can’t see anything else, but it’s true that this writing is very beautiful.

   Xiao Su guessed that this eldest brother in front of him is probably a best-selling author.

   then read the second chapter.

   is almost all narrative, describing the completely different lives of the male and female protagonists, as well as the exchange of bodies.

   This is a very novel idea.

   After only seeing the second chapter, Xiao Xu's eyes lit up, and he was deeply attracted.

   Aesthetic style of writing is one aspect, and another aspect is the creativity of exchanging bodies.

   Today's cultural and entertainment backwardness, whether it is online literature or light novels, has not yet unearthed the concept of "exchange of body" or "transformation" and "sexual transformation".

   "Your Name" is released at this juncture, and he will undoubtedly become the first person to eat crabs.

five minutes later.

   Scanning the last page of the manuscript, Xiao Xu's eyes were full of meaning.

   In these five minutes, she was completely immersed in this beautiful and brisk style of writing.

   If "Violet Evergarden" is a cup of just hot coffee, with a gentle and mellow aroma, but also a bit bitter...

   Then "Your Name" is the sweet snack next to the coffee, beautiful and sweet, the rhythm is very brisk, and it makes people feel comfortable to read.

  —Of course, being able to think this way has nothing to do with Xiao Xu who has only read two chapters so far.

   Train madness Xin Haicheng, in the middle of the novel, the ability to do things can still make you worry.

   "How do you feel?" Su Chen asked aloud.

   "I think it's very exciting, and your writing style is very comfortable."

   returned the manuscript to Su Chen, Xiao Xu admired the work so much that his title was changed to honorific.

   Su Chen frowned.

   It seems that this wave has stabilized.

   Even Weibo readers have given such a high evaluation, can it still be on the street?

   I have to go to the Thunderstrike Library to find the grapefruit and blow a wave. The new works are so high when they are shown to strangers. Oh, what else is there to pick?

   Just as he was thinking about it in his heart, Xiao Xu asked again: "Can you tell me your pen name?"

   "Ahem, this..." Su Chen is naturally impossible to tell the other person now, so she has to pretend to be mysterious, "When the bookstore releases "Your Name", it is estimated that you will know it."


   "If I don't talk about my little sister, I still have a job, so I won't be here with you."

   Su Chen was very happy, stood up, and planned to say goodbye to each other.

   "Wait, brother, tell me at least one novel you have written before you leave! I don't have any good books to read lately."

   "No, I won't mention my work, but I would recommend other good books to you."


   "No, it's the black one on the shelf behind you. You can buy it and read it slowly."


   Xiao Su was stunned, then turned around and found the book Su Chen said.

   Pure black cover, without any fancy pictures or other decorations.

   Across the transparent packaging, only the title above and a line of inscriptions can be seen.

  The dedication of suspect x

  —This is what I can think of, the most pure love, a wonderful trick.

   This is... suspense?

   held the book and looked at it for a while, and was about to continue asking Su Chen's opinion, but didn't want to, turned around, and the airtight man dressed up was long gone.

   looked around for a long time, but did not find Su Chen's figure, Xiao Su could only give up. UU reading

   That's all, since it is recommended by such a great writer, buy it yourself.

   "Uncle Zhang, this book will also be settled."

   went downstairs with two books, Xiao Xu checked out "Suspect X's Devotion".

   "Huh? Are you actually interested in this book?" Uncle Zhang glanced at her in surprise.

   "It's okay, I was recommended by others and said it was good, so I wanted to buy it and have a look."

   "Let me tell you, this book is also quite good. It was released on the first day today, but the sales were unexpectedly high, and the style of the text was also very in line with my taste."

  Uncle Zhang chattered again.

   Obviously, this guy is still an older book friend, "Suspect X's Devotion" has just been released on the first day, and I eagerly finished watching it.

   Then, he made vivid gestures, and couldn't help but want to spoil them: "Oh, the final ending is too sad. Shi Shen Ming needs to do so much, but he can only..."

   Xiao Su heard a dangerous atmosphere: "I warn you not to be spoiled, otherwise I can't help calling the report and tell the boss that your service attitude is poor."

   Uncle Zhang immediately closed his mouth honestly and stopped talking.




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