It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 291: What is it like to meet a loyal female fan in a bookstore

   ten minutes ago.

   Originally, Su Chen planned to go directly to Thunderstrike Library to finish the work, and then return to the animation production team.

   However, when he passed a corner bookstore and saw the eye-catching posters of his novels on it, he couldn't help it, and walked in in a wicked manner.

  According to Su Chen's understanding, authors generally don't like to be anonymous in the bookstore on the release day to see how the sales of their novels are.

   It happened to be the first day that "Suspect X's Devotion" was released. He also came to a bookstore in Magic City to see how his books were selling.

   By the way, I also experienced what it was like to watch my physical book sold in a bookstore.

   But after entering, he went around the bookstore and found that due to the geographical location, there were not many people in the bookstore at all.

   A few scattered young people are choosing light novels. Of course, there is also a small group of people gathered in "Suspect X's Devotion".

   The number of people is too small to see a big trend or something, so Su Chen stayed for a while before planning to leave.

But when he was about to leave, he accidentally discovered that a girl was holding the second volume of "Violet Evergarden" at the second floor by the window, and she was watching the second volume of "Violet Evergarden", and she was serious about it, making a few noises from time to time. The idiot laughed, but it has become a beautiful scenery in the bookstore.

   So he sat opposite the girl and stared at her with interest.

   Don't tell me, it's really interesting to watch readers read their novels so seriously.

  The sense of accomplishment in my heart is full.

   But Xiao Xu would not think so.

   A dressed-up, airtight terrorist elder brother stared at her for a long time, directly making Xiao Su, who was just a high school girl, not calm.

   It's not a trafficker who is staring at him, right?

   "Brother, you, you, what's the matter with you?"

   so much that her voice trembles with tension.

   looked around nervously, Xiao Xu was ready to call for help at any time.

   Seeing the nervousness of this young girl...

   Although Su Chen was strange in her heart, she didn't take it too seriously.

   directly talked to Xiao Xu: "Little sister, what book are you reading?"

   The deep and unique voice shocked Xiao Xu, and his whole body was almost melted.

   Mom, this big brother's voice is so nice too!

  Compared to those voice actors, he didn't do much, right?

   Is this the legendary male **** bubble sound?

   It's impossible for a big brother like this to be a human trafficker, right?

   For a moment, most of the guard in Xiao Su's heart was put down.

In addition, what the other party asked was her favorite light novel, and at that moment, she became energetic: "Big brother, did you say this is the one I read? This is the light novel work "Violet" by the little vampire teacher. "Eternal Garden", fried chicken looks good!"

"Oh, is it so?"

   Su Chen's heart was full of joy, and the face under the mask was proud, very useful.

   He knew that he still has a loyal female fan.

   Besides, she looks so cute, Xiaojiabiyu's.

   "Do you like his book?"

"Yeah! My favorite light novel writer is Teacher Xiaogui. This book is his first work, and the plot inside is very good! I also wrote a review before and uploaded it to the author’s Weibo. I got a reply from Teacher Xiaogui to interact!"

   When it comes to books and authors he likes, Xiao Xu gets more excited as he talks about it.

   Su Chen listened silently, and suddenly reacted in his heart.

He did have an impression of the post-reading article on Weibo. He was a user named "Mojia Xiaoxu" and left him a long post with thousands of words after-reading. He commented on the work comprehensively, with a high level, and the same as the starry sky. Fight.

   Su Chen even felt that the other party could contribute to the column of appreciation of works, specifically writing articles for the column to make money.

   I didn't expect that when I came to the bookstore today, I actually met this "Mo Jia Xiaoxu" in reality.

   is really the power of fate is infinite.

   Come to the magic city, visit a bookstore, and meet loyal fans who have interacted on Weibo. This experience is amazing.

   "So you are the user'Mojia Xiaoxu' on Weibo?" He couldn't help asking for confirmation.

   "Yeah, have you read the feelings I wrote?"

   "Of course, I have over 10,000 likes now."

   "Wait, how can you know clearly, big brother?" Xiao Xu suddenly became suspicious, "Could it be that you wouldn't be..."


   Su Chen closed his mouth.

   This is not good.

  Looking like this, the other party seems to recognize him.

   "...Is Mr. Xiaogui's fan?"

   "Huh?" Su Chen was taken aback, and the mask almost fell off.

   "It must be so!"

   Xiao Su tapped the palm of his hand and stared at Su Chen with an expression of "I have seen you all", making the latter dumbfounded.

   The other party could forcibly help him round back, which he didn't expect.

   I thought my identity was about to be revealed, scaring the individual to death.


  Since he hadn't been seen through, Su Chen's tone became more relaxed, and he still wanted to chat with this little girl more.

   The other party is so caring, and he has thought about the reasons for him, and he will feel sorry for him after chatting for a while.

   "Yes, yes, I was discovered by you. Actually, I really like the works of little ghosts."

   "Right! You can understand me, too?"

   Xiaoyu's eyes narrowed into a small crescent, and he talked as if he had found a friend, and the work was lavishly boasted.

"The control of emotions in the book is great! Especially the short stories in the first few units, which made me cry and read it several times! If you want to say the favorite sentence in the book, it must be that sentence. : I want to be with you and count the stars in the sky. How romantic..."

  Actually, it is impossible for Xiao Xu to talk to strangers like this on weekdays.

   But the situation is different this long as you like reading Teacher Xiaogui's book, then we are good friends!

   The kind of joy that met her fellow friends directly caused her to blow up the novel on the spot.

   confided in my heart's evaluation of the work, and it was really not good.

   "Hmm, keep talking."

   Su Chen's eyebrows are full of smile listening to the other party's confession.

   is so comfortable.


  Yes, Xiao Su talked endlessly about the books he wrote. Not only did he not feel bored, but he was also very happy.

   deserves to be a big guy who can write small essays after reading, and the language organization is awesome! Even the logic of complimenting people is so clear and powerful.

   That is, Su Chen has no habit of smoking.

   Otherwise, at this time, he has to wear pixel sunglasses and pose with a cigar to pretend to be compelling.

   "Uh, in short, it is very beautiful, the writing is delicate, I also like this masterpiece..."

  Balabala talked for a long time, but Xiao Xu was also poor in words.

   Plus she has always been alone, and her throat has also begun to dry.



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