It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 293: There is no illustration in "Your Name"?

   "Little ghost teacher, why is it so slow?"

   Yuzi straightened the bow tie of the suit, and the whole person was dressed very dignified, and he had been waiting for a long time.

   Lightning strikes the editorial department of the library, and Su Chen Dassai walks into the meeting room agreed upon with Yuzu, which arouses the latter's dissatisfaction.

   "I went to the bookstore on the way to do an inspection and talked with fans for a while."

   sat down on the leather sofa, Su Chen picked up the paper cup and tea set on the side, poured himself a cup of tea, and used the paper cup to pick it up with such relish, very informal.

   One is born again, and the other is cooked again.

   This is the second time I come here, and I think it’s my own home.

   He is in a better mood than ever before. A good boy like Xiao Xu is simply a perfect fan template. Hearing this girl's sweet praise of herself makes him feel like he is airy.

   I feel that life has reached its peak~

   Looking at Su Chen whose face was full of swelling, grapefruit held his forehead and sighed slightly.

   "Go ahead, what do you mean by your old man."

   "What do you mean?" Su Chen was at a loss.

   "New book! Just one volume is serious?"

   "Of course, I am a person with dreams. It is impossible for me to stand still on a work."

   "Uh, are you serious?" Yuzu suspiciously.

   "Of course I'm serious. After I finish writing "Your Name", I can start a new one."

   "I know everything..."

   Yuzu sipped a cup of tea on the table, and then made a rare joke.

   "But why are you so short? It's not good for men to be too short, Teacher Xiaogui."

   " can't just say what the Yangjian people say all the time? Also, although my writing is short, my sales are high. Let's talk about it. How about the second volume sales data this time?"

   "Sales are as high as ever, and are basically the same as the first week of volume one, ranking second in the site... So what can the sales prove?"

   "Can prove my strength..." Su Chen, "But wait, why am I not number one?"

   "Because you are number one, you are not number one." Grapefruit said calmly.

   "???" Su Chen looked dazed.

  This is so...

  Classic philosophical quotations?

   It turns out that you are an old fanboy too?

   Looking at Su Chen's puzzled appearance, Yuzi couldn't help but explain with a smile: "That's it, your "Deathnote" brochure is the number one sales volume.

   Isn't this going to be animated, the album released a few days ago has undergone a lot of store linkage, and the sales are very hot. "

   "Store linkage? So, is there already a peripheral?"

   "That's right." Yuzi nodded, "After all, "Deathnote" is your signature."

   "Can I see it?"

   "No!" Yuzi scowled, "Nothing around it matters. Before that, please give me a review of the manuscript of the novel. What is my name?"

   "It's "Your Name"... Is it really okay if you don't show the surroundings to the original author?"

   Su Chen rolled his eyes angrily, then whispered and pulled out a thick pile of manuscripts from his handbag, and handed it to the grapefruit.

   The latter took the manuscript carefully, feeling a little nervous. Judging from her understanding of Su Chen, it was not good. This might be a classic again.

   I got the manuscript and did not rush to review it.

   Grapefruit first simply counted and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the chapter distribution and typesetting, and then planned to officially start watching.

   But after flipping back and forth, she found a fatal problem.

   There are no illustrations in the novel!

  According to the other party’s personality, submissions are usually sent to her along with the illustrations.

   What's going on this time?

   Could it be laziness, the illustration is not ready yet?

  Thinking about it, Yuzu can't help but ask: "How about your new novel illustrations? Haven't drawn them yet?"

   "Oh, you said illustrations..." Su Chen replied calmly. The expression on his face was like talking about eating and drinking water. It was very plain, "There are no illustrations in this novel."


   Grapefruit raised her head slightly, and was taken aback.

   She had some doubts about her ears, and some doubts about the syllables that Su Chen vomited out.

   No illustrations?

   What are you talking about stupid about baking **** with salt?

   You must know that at the beginning of "Violet Evergarden", it was only because of the illustrations that it attracted a large number of molecular fan readers. Although the content is also excellent, the role of the illustrations is definitely indispensable, right?

   is like the relationship between Maxima and Bole. Without exquisite illustrations, the novel has been explored by a large number of fan readers. It is estimated that "Violet Evergarden" has long been buried.

   Even if you are real gold, if you are not found of value, it is useless if you are a diamond!

   It’s no exaggeration to say that even now, Violet has finished the book, and your growing swelling monster is planning to open a new book, but there are still many fans outside who are looking forward to illustrations from Mao Xuewang.

  The new stunts and exquisite illustrations account for a large part of it!

   is a bit ugly, teacher Xiaogui.

   If "Your Name" collapses.

   illustration is your last fig leaf!

  Be prepared, and there is always the truth that the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Now you are not even willing to prepare for this "figure sheet"...

   Should you say you are confident? Or should you say that you are bloated?

   made a prediction of up to the fifth level in his heart for an instant. After recovering, Yuzi stared at Su Chen incredulously: "Are you crazy?"

   "???" Su Chen, "Why am I crazy?"

   "Then you don't draw illustrations?"

   "Hurt, I'm thinking, don't light novels need illustrations?"

   Su Chen calmly said to the grapefruit, and at the same time sipped a sip of tea, raising his head with a calm expression.

   In Yuzu's "Responsibility Filter", this action of the other party really requires more and more undue beating, and more equipment and more equipment.

Really are.

   is short and weak...

   Too lazy to draw illustrations for novels, do you make sense?

   Grapefruit was so angry that he could not wait to rush up to give Su Chen two punches.

   Because of her good professionalism, she finally took a deep breath to calm her mood and suppress her inner anger.

"Do you know that many fans are here for your illustrations?" Trying to make the tone as calm as possible, Yuzi explained moving, "Don't draw Your novel sales will definitely plummet this time. of!"

   intonation gradually rises.

   At the end of the sentence, the grapefruit almost showed signs of going violently.

"calm down."

   Su Chen waved his hand, feeling a little helpless.

   "Your Name" itself is an animated movie. There is no illustration in the novel version. If Su Chen wants to add illustrations, he can only carry some beautiful pictures from the movie.


   The title of wallpaper madness Shinkai Makoto is not covered.

  A random shot of a frame in the movie is a super cool and super clear wallpaper-level picture. How do you call him an ordinary cartoonist?

   In addition, the various sceneries inside are completely consistent with reality. If he wants to paint, for the sake of rigor, he needs to go to the Neon Province to conduct field inspections to see if there are parallel world shrines in this world...

   The difficulty is hell-level at all!


   There are no illustrations in the original novel.

   You let yourself be a porter to add illustrations, don’t you make things difficult for people?

   As soon as I carry it, I know a fart illustration.



   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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