"What the second generation is not the second generation, don't talk nonsense."

   In order to ensure his serious image, Su Chen deliberately said with a straight face.

   The manager Xu, who made coffee for several people, also echoed: "Yes, yes, they are super first-line cartoonists who are in the limelight recently. Various websites are very jealous, saying that it is the rich generation."

   "Come on, Mr. Xu, don't entertain me."

   Su Chen didn't dare to bear the flattery from the boss of station b. After taking a sip of coffee, he opened the skylight to speak brightly.

   "If you have anything, just say it straight. No matter how you say it, we have known each other for so long."

   Upon hearing the words, Manager Xu also looked straight, cleared his throat and prepared to speak.

   But at this moment, an untimely voice came...

   "What kind of coffee is this? It tastes good? Is it a blended coffee?"

   took a sip, and then Otosha happily added a spoonful of sugar cubes with a small spoon, and praised it.


   heard those four devilish words.

   Su Chen tactically inhales, and screams inwardly.

  Sister, if you talk like this, you probably want to activate some weird switches.

   swallowed his saliva and turned to look at the store manager Xu. Sure enough, the other party had completely focused on Yinsha.

   "Little girl, do you know coffee too?"

   When he said this, the expression of Manager Xu resembled that of Bo Ya who had discovered Zhong Ziqi, as if he had heard of him.

   "To tell you, I am actually quite confident about blended coffee..."

   "Huh? Oh..."

   Yinsha responded blankly, acting slightly restrained.

   At this time, she has not realized the seriousness of the problem.

   And Mr. Xu has naturally started his singing mode.

   "In order to ensure the aroma of coffee, I used five coffee beans, each of which comes from the country of origin..."

   The fluency of the singing is like memorizing the full text of the elementary school text. I can talk about it for several minutes without stopping, and I have already lost the sound of the yarn.

   Su Chen even felt that Yinsha's eyes were spinning, and the legendary circled eyes were nothing more than that.

   And Feng Yu also stared at the store manager Xu who entered the chanting mode dumbfounded.

   It is also the first time she has seen the other party’s "Mixed Coffee No Yin Sing".

   At the same time, she gave Su Chen a look like "Senior Mao Xuewang, why are you just watching?"

   In desperation, Su Chen had to interrupt the singing aloud.

   "Ahem! Manager Xu, um...Where did we just talk?"

   Hearing Su Chen's words, Manager Xu returned to his senses.

   "Excuse me, I just lost my mind when I heard the topic of coffee."

   rubbing the exquisite coffee cup to hide his embarrassment, Manager Xu gave a dry cough.

   "Okay, let's continue talking about business."

   "Hmm." Su Chen nodded.

   "That's it, we want to fight for the animation copyright of your "Deathnote"."

   "Oh?" Su Chen was a little surprised.

"Of course, a cartoonist like you may be disgusted with adapting the work, and the adaptation is also handed over to Penguin..." Manager Xu took a sip of coffee and said slowly, "But instead of our b station, such a huge IP, We will only let you split, and will not buy out, and you can also participate in everything about the operation of the animation script after the adaptation."

   Nowadays, "Deathnote" in the comics world is Su Chen's work of the gods, which is very popular and scary in terms of popularity and popularity in the circle and outside the circle.

   If it works well, it is adapted into animation, movie, TV series, it is definitely a **** for the website.

   Manager Xu thinks so too.

  Moreover, there is the most important point. Aside from rotten money, the current impact of "Deathnote" is very suitable for animation at station b, and it has become an important part of expanding the development of acg.

   After all, in this society where the animation is still at the level of the Calabash Baby Astro Boy, the value contained in "Deathnote" is definitely more than just making money.

   So his meaning is also very clear.

   As long as "Deathnote" can be broadcast on station b, we can talk about the remaining conditions.

   The editor and scripter are all under your control, and the post-artist design also listens to your orders.

   Our b site is dedicated to the development of acg, rather than one pay and one mind like other sites.

   On the other side, Su Chen opened his mouth.

   Everything happened suddenly, but it was reasonable.

   Change the animation or something, in fact, he is quite greedy.

   Let the works of the previous life be further restored in this world, and present them to the audience in their original flavor, which is also part of his ideals.

   But considering the world's backward painting techniques and the boring local animation, he still tried his best not to think about it.

   Even if it is animated, it just destroys the original work.


   If it is station b.

   His mind began to liven up.

   Xiaopozhan is full of his feelings, and in addition, the boss of this world station b is actually an old classmate who is close to his parents, which makes him a little moved.

And looking at his expression, Su Xiaoxiao seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and said abruptly: "Brother, you don't really want to animate, now there are few well-known cartoonists who will adapt animation. After all, no one sees that stuff. It would be better to adapt it to a movie or something."


   This straightforward remark made both Manager Xu and Su Chen a little embarrassed.


   She can always splash cold water.

   The scene was very embarrassing.

   Then, Manager Xu hurriedly began to round up the field: "Of course, I also know that our technology is difficult to control at this stage, but if you, the original author, participate in personal supervision, it will definitely be better."


   Su Chen hesitated.

   The final response he gave was that UU read www.uukānshu.com and think about it again.

   Next week, I will go to the headquarters of Thunderstrike Library to discuss the new work, and I will reply to Manager Xu when I get back.

   In this regard, Manager Xu did not persuade him. After all, the original author is Su Chen, not him. Even if he wants the animation copyright, the original author does not agree, what can he do?

   Moreover, it is not a trivial matter to change the IP. Su Chen also hopes that there will be a good channel to adapt the original work so that more people will know it, but this process is really troublesome.

   Painting, plot, voice actors, and sound effects are all problems.

   So drag a hand here first.

   "You actually have the idea of ​​adapting the animation, I thought you would definitely refuse it."

   When I got home tonight, Su Xiaoxiao was still sighing about it with him.

   Regarding Su Xiaoxiao's opinion, Su Chen didn't expect it.

   I thought this product was a type of indifferent, but didn't want to know that the other party still knows the current development and situation of an animation industry very well.

   "Only authors whose works have been adapted are considered great authors..." Su Chen said half-jokingly.

   The little girl didn't persuade when she saw it, she shook her head and went live.



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