It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 204: Xiaobao can fly safely, mother will be with you forever

   "By the way, what should I do with these remaining fans?"

   Before the live broadcast, Su Xiaoxiao looked anxiously at the folding fan in the cardboard box.

   The activities in the store were very good today. The fans consumed a lot, but because the traffic itself is not very big, there are still twenty fans left.

   Among them, the store manager Xu had to leave about ten, saying that he would take them back for a meeting with Bilibili's artists as a reference, and the remaining ten were taken home by Su Chen and Su Xiaoxiao.

   They don't plan to continue painting fans, and the rest is not enough for a day to consume, so they don't know what to do.

Ten fans, six ink-and-wash styles, four anime styles of tone yarn and wind and feather paintings, and the rest of the fans painted by Su Chen himself were almost all selected or taken away by store manager Xu .

   It can also be seen from this, who is the one with the highest painting skills.

   is booming in a trance.

   "I have an idea, how about giving these fans to fans?"

   Su Chen suggested.

   Anyway, these folding fans with both anime style and the ink-and-wash style of League of Legends are definitely suitable for those people's appetite.

   "Good idea!"

   Su Xiaoxiao also brightened her eyes.

   "It happens to be a lottery event in the live broadcast room. Randomly select a few lucky fans and give out a League of Legends style folding fan."

   So, with this idea, the two started the live broadcast.

   After playing a few games as usual, the two also started to mention the event to the audience.

   "I haven't had any activities for a long time recently, so it's time to give my brother some benefits."

   Facing the camera, Su Xiaoxiao mysteriously began to sell her.

   Looking at the cute face of the little girl, the barrage also started a little restlessness.

【what activity? 】

   [A lottery is going to be drawn again? Alas, the old operating officer]

   [What kind of activity are you talking about! 】

  [She is anxious that the audience can always do it]

   [I support whatever activities my wife organizes]

   [No one really thinks they can get benefits, right? No way, no way? 】

   [Why doesn't the breeder speak? Is it possible to have women's clothing? 】

   A colorful barrage drifted past, and I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and the rhythm of women's clothing in the live broadcast room picked up again.

   As soon as they saw the two words of taboo, these old perverts seemed to be beaten up.

   [What the hell? Women's clothing? Ye Qinghui]

   [Smiling gradually becomes perverted]

  【Women's wear competition high】

   [Women's clothing? real or fake? 】

  【Gkdgkd! 】

  【Mengxin just came, I heard that the breeder's women's clothing is very good, is it true? 】

   [Well, he has always been able to wear women's clothing]

   Looking at the increasingly wrong barrage, Su Chen's face darkened.

  What's the matter, why are these people biting on the question of women's clothing?

   I have worn it through, and broadcast it. Even the ghosts and animals on station b are there. Why not let the labor and capital be spared?

   Labor and capital are pure men, wear Jill's women's clothing!

   He has an urge to throw the mouse out.

   But fortunately, today's Su Xiaoxiao is very serious, did not unite with the barrage to fight him, but began to talk about this activity.

   "Hey, what kind of women's clothing, are you all gay? I want to see women's clothing every day."

   Su Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes in disgust, then took out an ink-wash-style folding fan from the box, and unfolded it with a "swipe and pull".

  Don't tell me, this elegant folding fan in ink-and-wash style, coupled with the little girl's white and tender face, really has the taste of a retro fairy.

   can't be cute.

   instantly diverted the attention of the barrage.


   [Oh, my wife is so cute]

   [You were thinking of peaches in front]

   [Anchor, I can prprpr]

   After a wave of perversion as always, someone soon turned their attention to the folding fan.

   is an ink painting of Kazk the Void Predator on one side, and the four atmospheric Chinese characters "tasting fear" on the other.

  Many League of Legends fans caught it almost at a glance.

   [Anchor, this fan is good, where did you buy it? 】

  【Ink style fan, yes】

   [I alone can see that there is Kazk on the fan? 】

【you're not alone】

   [In front, he scolded you for not being human]

   [Kazk fan, around League of Legends? 】

  【Blindly guess the anchor time】

   [Didn’t it just happen a few days ago? Why is it even more accurate? (Shoot the table)]

   [Always next time in advance]

Looking at the full screen, Su Xiaoxiao quickly explained: "This is a fan I painted by myself. I originally painted it for others. Now there are a few left, so I plan to send it to you by express. "

  【I'll go, give it away for free? 】

   [The white prostitution party can finally stand up? 】

  【Say there are other styles of this fan? I'll come ten first]

   [Drew by yourself? I can’t tell that the anchor is still a big touch]

   As soon as I heard that it was for nothing, the barrage was all excited.

   This is the true nature of human beings.

   Su Chen shook his head, and continued: "However, there are only six fans of this kind of League of Legends ink style, and the other four are in anime style."

   After that, the two of them showed all the remaining fans.

   [Fuck, there are murlocs? My destiny! 】

   [There are also Tetsuo? Reincarnation Desperate is so handsome! 】

   [Anime style? Damn it, isn't this Lelouch? Me or him directly blow! 】

   [The breeder also looks at Lu Luxiu? 】

  【The fans look so good, but unfortunately there are only ten. 】

  【Anchor, please tell me, how can you use your fan for nothing? 】

"It's very simple. Everyone can participate in the lottery by typing'Xiaobao, please feel free to fly, mother is always with you' on the barrage. We randomly selected ten lucky viewers and privately wrote your delivery address..." Said.

   Su Xiaoxiao: "???"

   A confused face that was so cute that he turned to Su Chen.

  The latter tactically leans back.

   On the other side, the barrage means that it’s that simple?

   For a good-looking fan, I have decided to be this male mother today!

   Then, the little girl still has a question mark on her dense barrage is brushed up.

   The entire screen was covered by the overwhelming "Xiaobao fly with ease, mother will be with you forever".

   That scene, and the number of barrage in the official live broadcast of the LPL summer game next door have been matched.

   The Dousha platform and Xiao Mengxin who casually strolled into their live broadcast room were frightened.

  What's the situation? Isn't this the live broadcast room of the game anchor?

   Why do you see two people fanning the fan when you come in, and then a group of male mothers are scrolling the screen?

   This kind little Mengxin weakly typed and asked: "Can't the room manager stop talking? There are many male mothers on the barrage screen maliciously."

   Housekeeper: "Xiaobao can fly with ease, and my mother will always be with you."

   "Ah this..."

   Xiao Mengxin was completely stunned.

  Why is the room management in this live studio like this?

   In desperation, he can only turn to a more advanced super tube. He just noticed that the super tube in the game zone is also mixed in the live broadcast room.

   Xiao Mengxin: "Does Supertube care about the screen refresh in this live broadcast room?"

   The colorful bullet screen is very eye-catching: "It's trembling and cold, alas, when can the male mother stand up?"

   Xiao Mengxin: "???"


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