"Oh, I didn't see it, you guys are pretty good at making money. My shop that loses money every day was saved by the fan you drew."

   Approaching the closing of the shop, a well-dressed middle-aged man walked into the shop in a familiar manner.

   "Manager Xu? Are you back from a job abroad? Why didn't you tell me?"

   Su Chen's eyes widened, and he looked at the person in surprise.

"One of the trips was cancelled, so I came back early." Manager Xu came to Su Chen with a smile, and then noticed Su Xiaoxiao who was lying on the table. The latter raised his head slightly, lazily. Said hello to him.

   He didn't get angry when he saw the little girl like this. Instead, he asked with some interest: "I don't know yet, you guys are so good at painting."

   "I just know a little bit."

   Su Chen laughed humbly.

   "If you know a little bit about this, other painters can move the bricks together." Manager Xu flipped through a folding fan with cute painting style, his eyes flashed with admiration, admiring it back and forth, sighing.

   Su Chen didn't answer the conversation because he didn't know why. The other party kept talking about painting.

   "By the way, the two painters you mentioned are also in the shop?"

   After a while, Manager Xu asked again.

   "And I still want to ask, what is the name of the manga you draw on the website now?"

   "They are drawing on the second floor."

   Su Chen is a little confused about the medicine that the shopkeeper Xu sells in the gourd. The comics are all young people. Even if I say, you are a big age, can you still see it?

   So, he simply waved his hand and said, "The works I serialize on Penguin comics are for teenagers. Why are you also interested?"

   Store Manager Xu nodded mysteriously: "Anyway, you just need to tell me the name."

   "What I am painting now is "Lelouch the Rebellious"."

"what did you say?"

   Store Manager Xu interrupted Su Chen with excitement, a little dazed.

   "I said rebellious..."

   "So, have you drew "Death Note"? And "Gangwumei Little Buried"? Then you also drew illustrations for the light novel of Lightning Strike Library?"

   "This...how do you know so clearly?"

   This time it was Su Chen's turn to be stunned.

   The other party seemed to recite his resume and gave his general situation.

   shocked him.

   Seeing the excited face of Manager Xu, Su Chen fell into deep thought.

   Is it possible that a large number of people like you, and your father’s generation, also chase their own comics?

  Are you obsessed with the old man?

   No way, no way?

   "Of course I know! Teacher Mao Xuewang, I want to know you for a long time."

   Store Manager Xu suddenly changed his tone, and stretched out his hand to Su Chen very solemnly.

   The latter had a black question mark on his face, and shook his hand with Store Manager Xu in a daze.


   Just then, Feng Yu and Otosha from upstairs also just walked down.

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, what's the matter? A visitor is here?"

   Everyone bumped into each other.

   The scene becomes complicated.

   Shop manager Xu’s face was about to bloom, and he said kindly to the two women: "Hello, I am the manager of this store, Xu Wenchang, and the two are the painters Su Chen said, right?"

   "Ah, yes, so are you the manager?"


   After a short greeting.

   The few people finally got to know each other.

   This also includes Su Chen.

  Because at this time, he also met Manager Xu again.

   He looked at the business card that Manager Xu handed him, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

   Xu Wenchang.

  Bilibili Chairman and CEO, one of the co-founders of the website.

   What is this all about?

   So, the manager, are you the boss of Bilibili?

   is that the country’s largest acg video barrage website, the founder of the dead house gathering place?

  Wtf? Normally, shouldn't that great person be Chen Tongnai? How can you be a character who cares about a little mixed coffee?

   This parallel world doesn't seem to be very parallel!

   "That's it. In fact, I'm the chairman of Bilibili who has been running Bilibili. I'm sorry to hide my identity all the time."

   Store Manager Xu has always emphasized this fact.

  Well, it may not be appropriate to call the store manager, maybe it is better to call Mr. Xu?


   Wait, there are too many elements, you let me stroke it first.

   Su Chen rubbed his temples.

   That is to say.

  In this other world.

   Bilibili’s boss is an old classmate who likes to open shops, a man surnamed Xu, who is also his parents.

   Is this crazy too?

   The world line is closed?

   Say good parallel?

   Su Chen wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead.

Other people in front of me had different reactions after seeing the business card. Yinsha and Fengyu were chatting and exclaiming, but after Su Xiaoxiao glanced at the business card quietly, he just gave a simple "Oh", flat. It seems that I just saw a glass of water.

   deserves to be her.

   It is estimated that in her mind, the founder of Bilibili seems to be the same as the manager of the pastry shop. There is nothing amazing, right.

   But then again, when I was introduced to the manager Xu, was it because of the parents of the body, I don’t know if my parents know that the other party is the boss.

   It’s okay if I don’t know.

  For example, would my parents also be big bosses who run companies abroad?

   After all, think about it carefully. If you don’t blink your eyes for a month, you can send a lot of living expenses to your home without paying attention. This style seems to have a high probability.

   If this is true, wouldn't he become the legendary rich second generation?

   How can it be repaired! Why didn't you realize this earlier?

   "Why don't you speak anymore? Teacher Mao Xuewang?"

   Manager Xu will look at him with a smile~www.novelmtl.com~Of course, he was scared by your old man... My parents know who you are? "

   Su Chen's tone was slightly bitter, and then immediately asked what he cared about the most.

   "Of course I know, and I still have business dealings with them." Manager Xu walked to the back of the counter on his own, and began to make coffee very comfortably.

  Business contacts?

   This explosive news almost scared Su Chen to death.

   Sure enough, are all my previous guesses correct?

   subconsciously cast a look at Su Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the table, hoping that the other party could also say something, but unfortunately, the latter did not move like a mountain, as usual, collapsed on the chair like a large hamster.

   is obviously not interested in the ongoing topic of the outside world.

   Okay, you deserve it.

   "Wow, Mr. Mao Xuewang is so amazing. I can't tell. You are still a rich second generation."

   The two women were also chattering, looking at him with a little surprise.

   Manager Xu covered his smile and brought the brewed coffee to several people.

   In a small coffee shop, the atmosphere suddenly became upbeat.



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