Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 5 Xia Di is just having fun, the real director is Da Zi

What the hell?

Dazi patiently said again: Hayato-kun, I am asking you, do you want the world or not?

I'm not deaf, I heard what you just said. Hayato looked at the map on the screen, What kind of world are you talking about?

If the 'world' you are talking about means the world of Saionji Temple or the world of Swordsman, then I will definitely want it, but are you asking me if I want to conquer the world?

Although he didn't quite understand what Hayato was talking about, Dazi still explained to Hayato, but it sounded like he was telling a riddle: The 'world' I'm talking about is the 'world' that you can understand, Hayato-kun. But it’s not the ‘world’ you know either.”

Why don't you leave it here or here?

Seeing that Hayato still didn't understand what he meant, Dazi seemed to know that what he just said was indeed too general and confusing, so he explained again: Hayato-kun, do you know where this map is from?

Hayato shook his head: I don't even know where the end of the universe is, how can I know where this map is? I don't have the leisure to memorize all the maps of the world.

And Dazi smiled: Actually, even if you memorize all the maps of the world, Hayato-kun, you probably wouldn't know where this map is, right?

Huh? What do you mean?

That's what it means literally, because this map was never a map of this world from the beginning. It was obviously just an image composed of green numbers 0 and 1, but Hayato read a touch of indifference on Dazi's face. And disdain, What is stored in the 'Oliha Stone' is an updated memory of me. With the help of it, I know everything that the other me went through after completing this backup, until he and I Hayato, let me duel you and invite you into Doma.

I was invited to enter Doma. I was originally wondering when Dazi prepared such a stone. He obviously disappeared into the depths of Oliha Gangshen after finishing with me. Hayato remembered. Regarding the meeting between himself and Dazi on Doma Island, Was this stone made at that time? There are no other memories later?

At least I didn't find that I had written the subsequent events into it. The memory lasted until Hayato-kun you 'lost' to me. But I guess that was your disguise, Hayato-kun, just an excuse to join Doma. That’s all. After all, later on, even if it wasn’t written into my final memory, I could tell that it was definitely you, Hayato-kun, who wiped me out.”

Dazi easily saw the flaw in Hayato's duel with him. Even an artificial intelligence could see this. Thinking about it this way, Dazi definitely saw his own thoughts at the time. However, this is not the key. The key is It was because of your appearance at that time, Hayato-kun, that I made this Oriha Stone to record important information.

After a pause, Dazi continued: In my memory in the Oriha Stone, I see the hope and future of the new world because of your appearance, Hayato-kun, but that is not only because of your own character, Hayato-kun. The radiant and flawlessly beautiful soul is all because of the message accompanying you, Hayato-kun.

Do you still remember how you arrived in front of me?

Hayato thought about it for a moment and thought it would be okay to tell Dazi, and said: At that time, I ran from the human world to the elven world because of a guy named Anubis. With the help of three legendary dragons I just returned to this world, and in order to accurately locate it, I chose the card of [La's Winged Divine Dragon], which has a lot to do with me, but I didn't expect that she and the other two gods would fall into the hands of Dazi at that time.

Wait a minute, the information accompanying me is not a map of this world? Hey, Dazi, could this map be the one I thought of?

In Hayato's surprised eyes, Dazi nodded and said: That's right, Hayato-kun, this map is not of this land, or even of this planet, but a map of the elven world next to the human world. .”

When you appeared in front of me, I captured the clearest and strongest breath of another dimension from the elf world. With the skills that I have preserved and continued for thousands of years, I successfully captured the elf world through reverse deduction. The specific coordinates have even completed the map of the Elf World!

On the screen, Dazi said excitedly like a living person, At the moment when all this was completed, everything I set before my death ran as scheduled, bringing this Oliha stone into your hands, and I tried my best to I will guide you to find me, who is the backup in the computer, and convert the data into exact coordinates and maps.

Then you can conquer the world of elves and be used by humans!

After hearing what Datsu said, Hayato rubbed his temples, but was not surprised. He has long known that Dazi is dissatisfied with the elves, especially the legendary dragons who were the rulers and gods of the elves thousands of years ago. The fundamental reason is that they came to interfere without authorization as beings from another world. The fate and future of this world. And now Tatsu can say words like conquer the elves, which is very consistent with Hayato's impression of him.

But, how can he be sure that I have a way to travel to other dimensions?

In these ten thousand years, I have been observing human beings in various ways, so I know many things. As if he could read minds, Dazi said, If you, Hayato-kun, go with the soul of the Pharaoh, If you’ve been to Egypt and seen that stone slab with past memories engraved on it, you might have also seen me in Egypt three thousand years ago, right?”

I have noticed that the person named Xia Di has always been educated to be loyal to the Pharaoh, and has never had ambitions for his own selfish desires. He has also obtained the qualification to use two [Millennium Items] at the same time, but... With such an innocent and naive heart to save the world, he actually dared to plan such a rebellious thing.

[Quantum Cube], did he take such a name? In order to achieve the salvation of all mankind through the so-called 'dimensional ascent', he planned for so many years, but died unexpectedly when the soul of the Pharaoh was about to resurrect. It's really ridiculous.

Not only the ridiculous way of death, but also because even I know very well that a single individual may still be able to have a pure soul and ascend to a higher dimension, just like you, Hayato, but all Human beings are linked together through synchronization and rise in dimensions together? That will only pollute a flawless existence like you, Hayato, and the impact on you will be immeasurable.

However, the [Quantum Cube] whose true function is actually the 'dimension gate' is still very useful, and it is in your hands now, right, Hayato-kun?

Looking at Hayato, Dazi on the screen smiled, and his voice was a bit confusing: I should have already had a debate with you about whether the future of mankind can transcend the end. I am just a digital life and I can't change you. But as long as human beings continue to develop, their desires will eventually exceed the upper limit of the earth, right?

So, do you want to set your sights on the world of elves? With the coordinates and maps of the elves, as well as the [Quantum Cube] that opens the door to dimensions, you can definitely conquer the world of elves easily. Dazi said with some excitement. , Even those 'legendary dragons' who are regarded as gods can be replaced by him!

Without interrupting Datsu, after listening to him finish all his thoughts, Hayato looked at Datsu on the screen and said, Conquer another world, what kind of resistance will you encounter in the process?

It doesn't matter, Hayato-kun, you have the courage and ability to become a king, and the event of opening up to another world can greatly promote the spiritual growth of mankind. I will also do my best to help you, Bai It’s beneficial without any harm!”

Datsu was quite sincere when he said this. Although it sounds like Datsu is doing something that is not beneficial to him at all. Generally speaking, the more this happens, the more vigilant he needs to be, but Hayato thinks that Datsu's words are okay. Believe it or not, he really wants to help Hayato conquer the elf world.

That is really full of temptation. Conquering other worlds or something, even the famous kings in history have not been able to do such things. If I agree to you, wouldn't I be writing history?

Hayato smiled, but Datsu couldn't see even a trace of heartbeat from his calm expression.

However, I refuse, not because I like to say no to self-righteous people, but because your proposal was wrong from the very beginning, a very important point.

Seeing Hayato raise a finger, Datsu didn't quite understand what he said he was wrong about.

Is conquering the elf world a harmless thing? What a mistake! When you think about that kind of thing, have you ever heard the screams of the elves? Hayato spoke righteously, with a serious look on his face, Unlike you, I trust the elves, they are my beloved relatives, friends, and brothers, so what do you think of the elves?!

After hearing Hayato's words, the smile on Dazi's face on the screen also disappeared, showing an angry expression: Elves, how can you trust them? You are confused by those elves, Hayato-kun.

If I had known about the existence of the Elf World and the danger of Oriha Gang when I was in Atlantis, I would have launched all my strength to attack the Elf World without hesitation!

Consider the feelings of the elves in the elf world? There is no need for these card elves to entrust your precious trust! Hayato, you are too gentle and kind! They are necessary sacrifices for the development of human civilization where you are. You will remember to eat them yourself. How many slices of bread have you had?

Thirteen pieces, I am a Japanese foodist. Hayato looked at Tatsu on the screen, The distrust of elves is just your individualism!

But human beings cannot live on the earth forever. These limited resources cannot tolerate human beings' endless selfishness. Do you want the end of Atlantis to happen to humans again?

Facing Datsu's questioning, Hayato replied without hesitation: Human wisdom can be surpassed even by that kind of thing!

No, that kind of thing is impossible, even for you, Hayato. If it could really be done, the 'dimensional ascent' of that person named Xia Di would have been successful long ago. Dazi looked at Hayato on the screen, Shaking his head, Hayato-kun, you don't want to sacrifice the elves, but you also want to preserve the future of mankind. You are doing something greedy!

I'm neither as radical about elves as you are, nor am I desperate for humans. Hayato looked at Dazi and said, Although I told you once, I'd like to repeat it here. The end of humanity. , it’s up to me to decide!”

After hearing Hayato's words, the data stream that constituted Dazi's image surged again and again, as if symbolizing his fierce inner struggle. After a long silence, Dazi on the screen sighed: Even if you have full trust in the elves, but those The despicable elves will not appreciate it, and they will never hold back when given the opportunity to invade the human world and harm humans.

You are so gentle, Hayato, so kind. After a pause, Dazi shook her head helplessly, But sure enough, my vision is right. You have a heart that is more dazzling than the stars in the sky, like the sun. A pure and perfect soul. You are the hero I recognize.

It sounded like Datsu had easily given up on persuading Hayato and scrapped the plan he had just highly recommended to conquer the elf world.

Then, accept this small gift. This is the last help I can give you. I hope you can continue to lead human civilization toward the future without regrets.

This is the last blessing from the emperor of the long-lost Atlantis civilization, a long-lost soul.

As Datsu's voice came from the speaker, Hayato saw that the data stream on the screen had become much smaller. The data stream that originally spread throughout the room had shrunk to only the size of Datsu's avatar on the screen in front of him, and It continues to decrease, so that the constructed image of Dazi gradually becomes abstract.

Also disappearing was the map on the screen next to Dazi. As a robotic arm held a metal box and handed it to Hayato. When the robotic arm stopped in front of Hayato, the power supply in the entire room seemed to It was as if he was completely exhausted and fell into darkness again.

Hayato hesitated for a moment, then opened the stopped mechanical arm, caught the not-so-heavy metal box, and saw the entrance from behind him open again. Not forgetting to take away the Oliha Gang Jade that Datsu said seemed to preserve part of Datsu's memory, Hayato walked out of the secret room and returned to the clock room on the top floor of the clock tower.

Seeing that the entrance to the secret room was once again hidden by the closed brick wall, Hayato hesitated for a moment whether to destroy the secret room, but in the end he did not do anything. He just leaned against the wall and was about to open the metal box in his hand.

Da, da, da, da accompanied by the sound of boots stepping on the stone steps, it seemed that someone was walking towards the clock chamber on the top floor of the clock tower.

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