Da, da, da, da

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the clockmaker Tokiwa climbed up the long stone steps to the clock room on the top floor of the clock tower. He put down the tool bag he was carrying on the ground to temporarily unload the burden, and sat down on the last step. Go up and take a rest to regain your strength.

Level three hundred and ninety-three. Changpan didn't know why the designer chose such a number when designing this clock tower. He didn't care what it symbolized or what its meaning was. In short, because of the nearly ten years of relationship with this clock tower. Accompanying him, he clearly remembered the steps of the bell tower.

Big Ben, which was built before the second industrial revolution and was born earlier than the generator, is naturally not a common modern electronic clock, but an ancient and elegant clockwork clock. Its simple and noble temperament makes Big Ben Together with the clock tower that carries it, it has become a landmark building in London and a business card of London to the world.

The above is what the tour guides and the big shots above think about it, but they have no idea that in order to maintain the power of the clockwork Big Ben, it needs to be wound up every three days. .

Of course, winding a toy is easy, just a few twists and it's over, but winding the clockwork set of Big Ben, which is connected to all four clocks at the same time? The last time the clockwork was wound, an adult could be as tired as if he had to endure dozens of bags of cement at a construction site - don't ask him how he knew how tiring it was to resist cement at a construction site. As a Japanese who came to London to work hard, Tokiwa What job has he never held before?

Three times a week, clockmakers bring their tools to the nearly 100-meter-high clock tower. In addition to winding up the clockwork, they also check whether various parts of the clockwork device are damaged or have faults that need to be repaired. Although the clock tower is His status in London is so special, but the job of winding up Big Ben has never been an easy job. Naturally, it fell to Tokiwa, who was implicitly discriminated against as an Asian.

——After all, as we all know, American civilization is basically born out of England, whether it is the thieves who claim to be gentlemen/peace messengers and wantonly collect wealth and resources from all over the world, or the thieves who claim that everyone is equal while treating everyone equally Initiate racial discrimination.

Anyway, the sun never sets in the past and has long since faded away. On the contrary, my hometown has become prosperous because of the existence of Haima Entertainment Group. Tokiwa has already thought about it. After this year, he will go back to his hometown to open a watch shop. He has already thought of a name. It’s called 9 to 5. By the way, he can also go and see his brother's grandson who was born last year.

Wind-up clocks are just decorations. The big shots above won't understand. They all muttered, finally ending their complaints and random thoughts. After resting and regaining their strength, the clockmaker Tokiwa stood up, carrying his tool bag, and asked Go to the clockwork group in the center of the clock chamber.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a man who had lifted his collar up to the bridge of his nose, covering his face like a mask, and was about to leave from the passage from the clock room to the clock face outside the clock tower!

Why are there people here!? It's only seven in the morning. Although it's not that everyone is still immersed in sleep, compared to the standard working time of nine o'clock, most people are still fighting Warcraft·Bedding Yes, there are not many people who get up early.

Not to mention that the clock tower is not open to the public at all at this time, and I should be the only one who comes to the top clock room to wind up Big Ben.

After thinking for a while, Changpan continued to ask: What are you going to do when you appear here? Who are you!

While asking, Changban didn't even have the slightest intention of catching up, and even turned his head, fearing that the other person's face would be exposed in his eyes.

He is no longer a young man in his 10s or 20s. He has long passed the age when he has a strong sense of justice. Although he still has a heart that yearns for justice, he will never be impulsive because of it. He understood the rules on the road. If he didn't see the other person's face, he would probably run away, but if he saw the other person's face, he might not survive.

Not to mention that Big Ben has no symbolic meaning for Tokiwa, a watchmaker who is not the official symbol of old London at all. His salary alone does not support his pursuit of a suspected terrorist who sneaked into Big Ben to cause damage. It's the security guard's job to take risks.

His salary as a watchmaker is only a few hundred pounds a month. What kind of life is he playing?

When the terrorist heard the clockmaker's question, he replied frivolously: A passing Jutsu...just a monster thief, remember it for me~

With his back to the end of the passage without handrails, the terrorist jumped back, then turned his back and faced the sky, and actually jumped out from the top of the nearly 100-meter-high bell tower!

Nani!? Because of the unexpected situation, the watchmaker was even frightened and spoke his hometown dialect, watching the terrorist fall in surprise. I didn't catch up with him. Why did that man actually jump off the building as if he was desperate? Doesn't that mean that he killed someone?

As he hurriedly ran to the passage leading to the clock face, Changpan saw the person who jumped from the clock tower, not to mention the body that fell to the bottom of the clock tower. Mist-shrouded, empty cities.

It was as if the person just now did not exist at all, and everything was just an extremely clear dream.

Rubbing his eyes and checking again, Changpan wondered if he was really getting old. After a moment of hesitation, he picked up the walkie-talkie on his chest and spoke to the person who worked with him downstairs. The doorman shouted: Smith? I just saw someone on the bell tower.

Nonsense, I also know you are on the clock tower, okay? The impatient voice of the doorman named Smith came from the intercom, Didn't you tell me before that you should not use the intercom for unnecessary nonsense and affect your work? ?”

So communication is necessary now! Changpan said anxiously, I just saw someone in the clock room on the top floor. I don't know how he came in or what he came for. I didn't even see his face. Then The man jumped from the bell tower!”

Jumped off the clock tower? Smith glanced at Big Ben outside. There was nothing on the ground. He couldn't help but said to the intercom, Jiban, are you awake? How could someone jump off the clock tower?

But, I really saw someone...


Halfway through his words, he heard Smith's uncontrollable laughter coming from the walkie-talkie. Knowing that the other party didn't take his words seriously at all, he didn't say anything further, turned off the walkie-talkie and said with some dissatisfaction: In London Working is simply a waste of my youth!”

Anyway, I have already reported the situation, and when the clock tower is blown up and I don't care about it, I wind up the clockwork group and leave.

On the Thames River outside the clock tower, with the sound of winter, a small boat leaning on the shore swayed. The terrorist who just jumped from the clock tower seemed to have just been loaded into a video game. The character model appears like that. As he lowered his raised collar to reveal his true face, wasn't that Hayato?

Huh~ Although I have paraglided more than once in the game, in reality it is always so fun and exciting no matter how many times I do it. He glanced at the place where he had just taken himself to glide all the way from the Clock Tower to the Thames River and was returning to him. The card on the duel disk on his wrist contained [Dragon of the Curse], Hayato added, Although strictly speaking, this is not actually gliding.

The reason why the clockmaker who came to wind up Big Ben just now did not see Hayato was because Hayato used the [Quantum Cube] that he always carried with him. With the help of that thing, Hayato can also do things like Blue God and Seth. They can use invisibility and teleportation like them, but Hayato doesn't want to use the latter unless necessary. He doesn't want to become Major Anderson.

Pretending to jump off a building, Hayato actually summoned the [Cursed Dragon] the moment he jumped out to fly away with himself in the invisible state. As for the [Cursed Dragon]? Even if it enters the state of being materialized and able to interfere with reality, most people will still not be able to see the existence of the elves, unless the card elves have the will to appear.

As for why Hayato could knock out the clockmaker so that he could not see him or notify others of his existence from the beginning, but he didn't do it? Even Hayato would not attack an innocent person casually, especially if the other person looked kind-hearted and like a good old man.

Compared to the area where the Clock Tower is located, there have been ships sailing on the Thames River for water transportation operations since Hayato arrived. There has never been a moment of stopping and it is always busy. However, Hayato let the [Dragon of the Curse] land. This boat seems to be for tourists to rent for fun. It is still so early that it will not be disturbed for the time being.

When Hayato was free, he sat down comfortably on the boat as if he were at home. He took out the metal box that Dazi had given him before and opened it.

Although the outer layer is made of solid metal, the inside of the box is carefully filled with sponge-like material to protect the items inside, and is also covered with soft flannel to prevent scratches. After opening the metal box, Hayato saw the contents inside. It was actually a duel monster card, which depicted a scene where clean water rose up against gravity and turned into a water column under the guidance of a blue-haired magician girl, and a humanoid figure was summoned out of thin air wrapped in the water flow.

Hayato also recognized this card at a glance. Even without looking at the description and name of the card, he could smoothly pronounce the original name of the card: Shall I go and reset the marathon?

Well, Hayato has indeed forgotten the original name of the card, but he remembers the origin of the name very clearly, which is the behavior of mobile game players repeatedly uninstalling and reinstalling the game and refreshing the initial version in order to obtain powerful equipment or characters. Reset Marathon, in Simplified Chinese translation, this stem is translated as Rama to Chongsong Ceremony, Rama to Chongsong is Chongzhi Mara Song (Reset Marathon).

But its original name in Japanese is——

[The Ceremony of Allah Messiah].

Although it sounds like a ritual magic card, [Ritual of Alamesiah] is really just an ordinary magic card, and its effect has nothing to do with rituals. A actually uses a brave man from another world as a card. The ritual of summoning the savior to a different world of swords and magic has the same effect.

But the question is, how could Dazi give herself such a card?

Picking up the card of [Ara Messiah's Ceremony], Hayato saw Tatsu's voice coming from the metal box in front of him:

Hayato-kun, the last gift I can give you is this card. This is my thought burned into the Oliha Stone with my memory. If you bring the Oliha Stone to my former If I back it up, I can use this memory to complete this card and deliver it to you.

My memory lasts until the moment you came to Doma Island to duel with me and join Doma. For you, it may be a thing of the past, right? But for me, that is simply the most beautiful present. Even Hayato, I'm afraid it's hard for me to imagine the joy and hope that filled my heart when I saw you crossing the world and coming to me. In my heart, you are a hero.

With such wonderful memories, I designed this card and completed it. I hope this card can help you when you need it.

The recording that seemed to have been completed in advance paused and said with a smile, I know you should still trust the elves, right? If this card can awaken the elves, it will only be you as a hero and a brave man. If you You must trust the elf, at least let me have some sense of participation.

Perhaps I have wandered around the world for thousands of years just to meet you.

The recording ended here, Hayato put away the card of [Ara Messiah's Ceremony]: As for the card, I will accept it, but hey~

Rubbing his arms, Hayato had some goosebumps, No matter how many times I hear it, this guy Datsu is still so gay. By the way, this card is actually based on the time when I appeared in front of Datsu? It doesn't matter if I am a brave man. After all, there is no duelist more caring than me, but why does Dazi think that he will be the mage who presides over the summoning ceremony? He is just a staff at most.

Besides, Dazi clearly has green hair, or green hair, while Shuizhu girl clearly has blue hair. Don’t think that Dazi, who has similar hair color, can put yourself in!

As Hayato obtained the card of [Ritual of Ala Messiah], the system also reminded Hayato in time that he had unlocked the new affix [Brave Derivative] in the system store, although he only had that one card [Ritual of Ala Messiah] in his hand. [Yi] card and no other supporting cards, but Hayato has a large amount of DP points on hand, and he can buy all the other related cards in the [Brave] deck at will, and get three of them——

Damn it? The gryphon actually costs 5000 DP to order one? System, you little cutie are trying to rob me!

Seeing the excessive prices marked in the store, Hayato decisively chose to buy one of each and call it a day. In fact, he still likes to collect more. One piece is enough. Besides, a real duelist can definitely draw one as long as he has one. No serious person can bring three. That's not because the price is too high and he is reluctant to buy it.

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