Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 4 And reuniting with people you don’t want to see

This ball of jade, which Hayato temporarily named Oliha Gang's Jade, in terms of the feeling it gives Hayato, is no different from the previous Oliha Gang Fragments. It is a wishing device that seems to get rewards when you make a wish.

But Hayato didn't dare to make a wish on this thing. There was no wish that needed the help of this thing to come true. Secondly, he had not forgotten what happened to Atlantis because of Oliha.

Although he brought this thing to the clock tower mentioned in the letter, Hayato didn't know where he should go next. It was still early, just early six in the morning. On the street, Hayato saw nothing but the Thames Canal. There were not many people to be seen outside the mist formed by the rising water vapor.

Although the industrial revolution has long since ended, for the English people who have a humid climate and rain all year round, and who must bring an umbrella when going out, the name Fog City should still accompany London.

Anyway, now that he's here, Hayato doesn't want to go anywhere else. Besides, he has slept on the plane for a long time and is not sleepy at all. He plans to just go to the Clock Tower for a walk. Anyway, it is open to the outside world. If you look at the interior of the development, it will take almost ten years before it enters the maintenance period due to disrepair.

But the problem is that he learned from the entrance of the clock tower that the opening hours here are actually from two o'clock in the afternoon to ten o'clock in the evening. Now let alone checking in to visit, even the ticket office is empty and no one is working - okay Well, asking people to go to work at six o'clock is indeed a bit embarrassing.

However, this is not a problem for Hayato. It does not mean that he intends to use the invincible ladder to evade fares. When there is no one on duty at the ticket gate, no one will open the door for him even if he pretends to repair the light bulb. After he is sure After checking the surrounding surveillance locations, he sent out a few elves without entering the surveillance range and asked them to twist the surveillance cameras to another direction, forcibly creating a blind spot for surveillance.

Then after confirming again that there was no one around, Hayato sped up and ran. He pushed his feet on the wall a few times and easily climbed over the wall. He successfully entered the clock tower scenic area. At this time, Hayato sent The elves also turned the surveillance camera back to its original angle.

Are tickets such an inconvenience? As long as you enter the scenic spot without being seen by anyone, doesn't that count as fare evasion?

Climbing up the narrow stone stairs, the spiral stone steps are so endless that Hayato can't even remember how high he has climbed as he walks. No matter he looks up or down, he can only see The same spiral staircase made Hayato regret that he didn't come to visit in the future after the elevator to the top was built in the clock tower.

It took Hayato several minutes to complete the nearly four hundred steps. At the top of the clock tower, he saw a complex device connected to the clocks on the four sides of the clock tower. The huge mechanical device covering an area of ​​about ten square meters was moving with The clockwork power is running on its own, driving the clock hands on all sides of the clock tower to rotate. The dial of the clock is divided into hundreds of pieces by an exquisite Prussian blue iron frame. The sun shines through the mist outside the clock tower and shines on the cat's eye stone. Classic Victorian Gothic church feel.

However, what attracts Hayato the most is not the scenery inside the bell chamber, but a very inconspicuous small mark carved on the side of the closed maintenance passage from the bell chamber to the higher roof - [Oliha Gang's The pattern of Enchantment.

Why is there this mark here? Without hesitation, he climbed up this seemingly abandoned maintenance passage. At the end of the door leading to the top, the keyhole was rusty, as if it had not been opened for decades. , giving Hayato an unusual feeling. Out of curiosity, he clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

The magnetic field rotates a million times, dueling blasting punches!

The power of [Psychic Ectoplasm] was released from the card and merged with Hayato's body. The power of Hayato's other elves also gathered into his fist, I will blast you away. !”

No piggyback!

As we all know, in this old card world, ten out of nine people who want to solve problems without playing cards but by other means will not end well, but playing cards is actually a means of sealing, just like The battle between Bo-O Meng next door was actually to prevent the trainer himself from going out personally, and the card game was also to prevent the duelist from going out himself and tearing apart the powerful enemy.

Not only Bekas, who shamelessly uses his mind-reading ability in duels, holders of the Millennium Artifact and holders of extraordinary abilities, but also Baron and Jonouchi who are not only good at... Rather, duelists who are extremely good at I summon my fists to attack directly type of battles are all people whose power has been sealed due to the restrictions of duel monsters, and Hayato knows a thing or two about this.

With a boom, the rusty but actually quite solid iron door was somewhat deformed under Hayato's punch, and the lock part had detached from the door frame. Hayato just pulled the deformed door lightly with his hand. The iron door opened, revealing... a wall behind the door?

This door was abandoned because the back was blocked! Hayato couldn't help but complain in his mind, but he did not move his eyes away from the masonry wall in front of him. Instead, he looked up and down, trying to find something.

Soon, he found a gap in the rough wall. It seemed normal to have such a small gap in a brick that had been there for a long time, but Hayato was keenly aware of the size of the circular gap. It seemed to match the Oliha Gang Jade he was carrying.

After Baitan Moruo gave it a try, Hayato casually took out the ball jade, pointed it at the extremely inconspicuous gap in the wall, and stuck it against it. It is obvious that the ball jade is not a metal object and cannot be magnetic, and the gap in the wall has no structure to fix the object. However, when the ball jade in Hayato's hand came close to the gap, it aligned and adsorbed on its own. Fitted together tightly.

Click- The sound of something starting up came from behind the wall, as if the gear structure started to operate. Hayato seemed to be using the Oliha Gang Jade in his hand to wake up the mechanism behind the wall.

At the beginning of the brick wall, one brick retracted behind the wall, revealing a small hole. Then one after another, ordinary-looking bricks spontaneously moved and shrank, slowly forming a wide circle on Hayato's head. shaped channel. Then, Hayato saw that there was darkness behind the wall.

Although he was not a professional in fighting, Hayato still groped around on his body, reached into the card box on his waist, pulled out a card, and said to the [Hell Flame Curse Dragon] in his hand: Here, borrow some fire.

Some flames spit out from the mouth of [Hell Flame Curse Dragon], and its card turned into a small lighter at this moment. Hayato stretched it upward, but it failed to dispel the darkness inside, but at least it confirmed that it should be safe inside. .

Without hesitation, Hayato climbed into the open secret room. The next moment Hayato entered the secret room on the top of the clock tower, the circular passage he passed gradually narrowed, and finally returned to its original solid and plain shape. The strange wall not only left the Oliha Gang's Jade that Hayato used when entering on the other side, but Hayato was also left in this darkness.

However, this darkness did not last long. Soon, not far from the front of Hayato, a green light suddenly lit up. Looking there, Hayato found that it was a very old screen, basically the same as he used to see in the textbook. The picture of the world's first computer seen online is not much different.

Not only the screen, but one after another light came on. Some were the light of the display screen that was the same as the screen, and some were the power indicator light of some kind of switch. The rays of light barely illuminated this closed and small space. It was so bright that Hayato could clearly see that there was actually a lot of antique electronic equipment placed in the secret space above the clock chamber on the top floor of the clock tower.

On the screen that was first lit up, large green 0s and 1s suddenly appeared, forming a face that was very familiar to Hayato.


Making a gesture of opening his eyes, the figure on the screen that moved at a very low frame rate turned his eyes to Hayato and said, and his voice was also emitted from the audio equipment in the room: Open this The person holding the door to the room is actually not me, but a stranger?

It could be heard that Tatsu was very confused, and what surprised Hayato was that Tatsu, who acted like an idiot when he was face to face with him, actually looked like he didn't recognize him at the moment, and even though it sounded a little strange, , but even through the screen, Hayato could still feel that Datsu didn't seem to be lying, but that he really didn't know Hayato.

Wait a moment, I'm reading data. As Dazi said on the main screen, large data streams composed of 0s and 1s also appeared on other surrounding screens, forming many familiar scenes for Hayato. , from the duel between himself and Jiaojiao in the duel kingdom, the duel between himself and Kaiba in the duel city, and even the duel between himself and Datsu in Domana, etc.

A pillar rose up on the ground. Hayato saw that the Oliha Gang's Jade he had used to open the entrance to this room was on the pillar. At the same time, Darzi on the main screen seemed to have completed what he called reading data. , he spoke again, but this time the voice felt a little familiar to Hayato.

I see, I completely understand all this. I didn't expect that my plan of ten thousand years would be completely destroyed by you, Hayato-kun~

Tsk, that's the familiar and annoying tone. Sure enough, you are Tatsu. Looking at Tatsu on the screen warily, Hayato frowned and said, Originally, I thought I had already identified you with Oliha. Gangshen was completely wiped out together, but you were allowed to survive? You didn’t value your own life and continued to linger, but you actually led me to appear in front of you again. Are you here to take the initiative to die?

Unfortunately, I'm afraid I can't let you get what you want, Hayato-kun, because I can't die a second time. Or maybe I and the 'Datsu' you know are fundamentally not the same existence.

Da Zi on the screen showed a helpless expression, and spread her hands with some lag, You should have seen the decorations here. Do you want to try to guess what 'I' is?

What are you? Hayato looked around with some confusion. Those electronic devices that were old but still barely functioning gave him a feeling, as if they were a computer set?

You seem to have guessed it? You are indeed the Hayato-kun I recognize~ Dazi said with a smile, Before defeating me, you should have known about the role of the Doma I created in the development of human history. The guiding role of Thomas. The Industrial Revolution in England, the Renaissance in Italy, and even Napoleon in France’s unification of Europe all have the shadow of Thomas behind them.”

In order to do these things, I not only relied on the foundation accumulated over thousands of years to control the families that led these events, such as the Medici family in Florence, the Bonaparte family in France, etc., I also created a family here in London that I Back up, to lead the guidance of human history.

That's me in front of you, another Dazi who is based on the spirit of Dazi at that time and is engraved in the electronic system. Maybe you can call me 'artificial intelligence'?

After hearing what Datsu said, Hayato suddenly understood where the sense of déjà vu he had felt from the moment he entered this room came from, and couldn't help but complain: What Zola? Import yourself into the computer, right?

No, wait a minute. When did you appear? The Industrial Revolution in England? Hayato said strangely, Siemens in Germany had to wait until the 19th century to make a generator. You were in the 18th century? Has the computer been invented in the last century?

To be precise, I existed when this clock tower was built. Although the 'Big Ben' you know was only built in the 19th century, the prototype clock tower already existed in the 13th century. , the subsequent construction is just a modification of the original bell tower.”

And the generator you mentioned was only made in the 19th century. A more accurate statement should be the generator that appeared in human hands under the promotion of Doma in the 19th century. Dazi on the screen corrected, in disguise. He answered Hayato's question.

But Hayato became more and more strange: The bell tower has been renovated, and you have been on the bell tower without being discovered?

As long as all the people involved in and supervising the renovation and construction of the clock tower are from Doma, wouldn't it be fine? Dazi said lightly, as if he should exhale after inhaling.

Although he was shocked by Datsu's words, Hayato thought about it and felt that these things had nothing to do with him. Besides, the Doma organization had already collapsed with the death of Datsu himself. No matter how horrifying the past history was, It was also a matter of the past. He looked at Dazi on the screen and said, So, that's all you have to say, right? I actually don't care too much about past history.

However, I don't mind killing people who have been killed in the past again.

With that said, Hayato raised the duel plate and was about to pull out the card and attack Tatsu in front of him.

Kodashi saw Hayato's movements through a camera or other equipment, and quickly waved his hand: Stop, stop, don't be so excited, Hayato-kun, the reason why I, or the dead me, took that 'Oliha Gang' Of course there is a reason why I sent the stone to you and then asked you to come to me.

After a pause, another screen was brought to Dazi by a robotic arm. Several maps were displayed on the lighted screen. Dazi's voice sounded again: Hayato-kun, do you want the world or not?

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