Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 3 The time of separation

Just send it here, everyone.

In the airport lobby, Kyoko turned around, looked at her friends with a smile and said, taking the suitcase handle from Yugi, It's just a trip to the United States. It's not my first time going abroad. I don't have anything to give as a gift. Yes.

Although it is indeed not the first time to go abroad, you are the only one this time, Kyoko. Jonouchi held the pillow behind his head with both hands, Is it really okay for you to be a weak woman?

In that case, do you want to try a punch from a weak woman like me, Mr. Jonouchi?

Hearing Jonouchi's words, Kyoko also pretended to be angry, clenched her fists and threatened Jonouchi. Although Jonouchi was not afraid of Kyoko at all, she also showed a scared look and cooperated with Kyoko.

Yugi who was on the side also said to Kyoko: Although it is indeed not the first time to go abroad, but after all, I am not familiar with the place. Girls who go out alone should take good care of themselves, Kyoko.

The same concern, but the effect expressed by another person in a different way was completely different. Kyoko held Yugi's hand, looked at his slightly red cheeks, and said with a smile: You care about me so much, Yugi, it's really happy. Ah. It’s no problem, I’m not a child anymore, I can take good care of myself.”

Besides, Yugi, you helped me too.

It's not my help, it's just that I asked Professor Hopkins in the United States to help find a suitable place to live. Yugi smiled and touched the back of his head, Although it was like this at the beginning, But Rebecca mistakenly thought that I was going to the United States and volunteered to help find a house next to her house without even a chance to explain...

——Although he has been traveling around in an RV for a long time to facilitate his archaeological work, Professor Hopkins does have a fixed real estate. After all, even if there are so many relics to be archaeologically available around the world, people still have a certain amount of energy. Huo Huo Professor Pukins also goes home to rest regularly. Rebecca, who has been following Professor Hopkins for a long time, also completed her studies through self-study. Otherwise, she would not have become a genius girl who could be published in newspapers.

Humph, isn't that just right? You just avoided being attacked by a precocious brat at night, Yugi.

Kyoko had a sneer on her face. She was very proud that Rebecca's plot had been broken by her unintentionally. She was looking forward to what Rebecca, who until now didn't know was going to America, not the game but herself, would show when she saw her. Just thinking about it made her so excited that she wanted to sing a song. She was so excited!

As for why, when it came to finding a place for Kyoko, Yugi turned to Professor Hopkins instead of other people he knew in America? In fact, it is because only Professor Hopkins is the most suitable.

First of all, Becas can be excluded. Although Becas will not refuse this kind of effort, it is not impossible to even directly give a set of his real estate in a prosperous area of ​​​​the United States to Kyoko for use. After all, his family is in real estate, and He himself has never been interested in money. However, Kyoko does not want to accept such a favor. She would rather pursue her dream in America through her own efforts.

Under this premise, Becas is not a good candidate to find a house for Kyoko. After all, he is not interested in money and his vision is too high. It is impossible to find a house suitable for Kyoko's financial level.

Then there are professional duelists such as Ryuzaki and Maiko. Because the duel monster professional competition is becoming more and more mature, they have also signed contracts given by capital to become contracted duelists, and the contract includes providing housing for them. However, the place where they live is also not affordable by Xingzi. Although she has saved money for several years to pursue her dream, it can only be said that she has no worries about food and clothing but is not at the level of wealth and freedom.

Of course, Peacock Wu is willing to live with Kyoko. After all, her house is quite big. Kyoko is very welcome to play there. There is no problem in sleeping directly when she is tired. Kyoko would be able to accept it if she was staying temporarily for two days, but she was going to the United States to stay for a long time this time, so she still had to have her own house.

After much deliberation, Professor Hopkins was the most suitable. Firstly, the other party’s economic level was below the middle class, and the housing available was within Kyoko’s affordability. Secondly, because of his status as a professor and the location he chose, The houses are also close to the campus, and the security environment is relatively better - after all, there is a well-known proverb, A free America, gun battles every day.

Kyoko was also very lucky. The day after she contacted Professor Hopkins in the game and Rebecca, who volunteered to take over the task before she had time to explain, he learned that there was something wrong with Professor Hopkins at his house. Next door, there is a house for sale, seemingly because the two Winchester brothers who live there are setting out to find their missing father.

Because she was in a hurry, the price of the house was not very high, but after tax, it was not cheap. Fortunately, Xingzi had been preparing to pursue her dream for many years and could afford it. After buying the house, she can continue to earn her daily expenses by working part-time until Kyoko realizes her dream and appears on the Broadway stage.

As for whether there are other people, actually, it’s not that there aren’t any, it’s just——

Men don't know when they will die, so they always wear underwear as the only good clothes. For me, as long as I have underwear for tomorrow, it is enough. So, there is no need for a house or anything like that. . When the game contacted Rafilu, the man who he thought was a tough guy said this, and it seemed that he was still wandering with John.

Although there are some flaws, if this is the lifestyle Rafiru chooses, the game will not criticize him. It would be inappropriate to just ask him about any suitable properties.

It's just that the graduation ceremony has only been over for a month, and we are about to leave for the United States. It's too late, isn't it?

Honda said, while Tapiliang on the side knew some details and explained: Because in addition to buying a house that the seller is eager to sell, Kyoko-chan seems to have to continue taking dance training after going to the United States.

That's it. In a few months, the graduation season will be here in the United States. I don't want to compete with other graduates then. Besides, the sooner you pursue your dream, the better.

Looking at the clock in the airport lobby, Xingzi took a step back and playfully said to everyone in front of her: It's getting late, I should go to the terminal, and it seems it's time to say goodbye to everyone. .”

The next time we meet, everyone must realize their dreams.

Xingzi's words diluted a little of the sad atmosphere accompanying the parting time. Several people looked at Xingzi and said one after another:

Of course, I will definitely become the world's top professional duelist!

Although I'm still just starting out, I'm serious about becoming an idol.

That's great. You all have your own dreams. Honda scratched his head, But I will also work hard to run the car factory at home. Sooner or later, I will dominate the country's roads!

Jonouchi's dueling prowess is obvious to all. Although he sometimes suffers defeat in various unexpected situations due to carelessness and other reasons, when he is serious, he can definitely become a world-class professional duelist. He has that kind of strength, let alone There is also a series of packaging plans for professional duelists jointly provided by Kaiba Group and International Illusion Society, which will definitely make you a star among duelists.

Although it is still difficult for Tapirang to get rid of his slightly unconfident character, if he fully displays his charm, he will definitely gain great popularity and one day become a first-class national idol, not to mention Mention that he is now bound to the Kaiba Group, and his future is bright.

And Honda is not lying. As far as the game knows, the wreckage of Paradox's Truth motorcycle that traveled through time and space was handed over to Kaiba for research and was reproduced almost four months ago. Although the test machine has not yet been able to restore all its functions, at least half of it has been completed.

Although the core technology of that motorcycle was kept secret by Haima, the main structure of the motorcycle itself was specially customized by Honda's car factory entrusted by Haima Group.

It is conceivable that if one day Haima overcomes all the technical problems and completes the D round, then Haima, who is also not interested in money and full of enthusiasm for playing cards, will definitely work hard to promote it, just like a promotion duel. By then, it is not impossible for Honda's domestic factories to dominate the country as Honda said.

At the beginning of the game, Fudo Yusei from the future talked about the situation in the future Doushinoichi. Riding a motorcycle and playing cards has already existed in the future for more than ten years and has even become a mainstream duel method. , sounds very cool, and the game is also looking forward to the day when Haima completes the D round.

But the premise is that Kaiba doesn't get distracted by other more interesting topics that appear in the middle. As far as the game knows, because of the [Quantum Cube] and the Prana people at the GeneX competition a month ago, Kaiba seems to be interested in different dimensions as well. I started to be interested in it, so I put the previously unfinished D round on hold to study other things. Recently, I was building an energy tower that seemed to be used to enter space for solar power generation.

Thinking about it this way, the completion of the D round may be a bit far away. Is it really necessary to wait several decades to complete the D round as Yusei said?

After retracting his divergent thoughts, the game looked at Kyoko and said: Me too, I will definitely complete the best game. When the time comes, everyone must come and play the game I made.

In that case, I will look forward to the day we meet again. Kyoko smiled softly and glanced at the empty space next to Yugi, feeling a little regretful that not all her friends were here. On the night after the graduation ceremony a month ago, Atum returned to the underworld, not knowing when he would come back again.

Friends all believe that the day of reunion will eventually come, but it is just like a friend who has gone far away. Even if we meet again, it is difficult to avoid the sadness.

In addition, Hayato also left Doshinoichi and went abroad three days ago, so Kyoko was not the first to leave.

And just as Kyoko left under everyone's farewell, flying to the United States on a passenger plane to pursue her dream of becoming a dancer, Hayato's plane also landed smoothly at the airport on the other side of the world.

After several transfers along the way, Hayato, who left Doshino City, also successfully arrived in London, the capital of England.

Although it was his first time coming here, Hayato successfully found Westminster along the Thames Canal without a guide or map by relying on the map he had memorized unconsciously in Berser's Creed: Syndicate. Special Palace and arrived at the destination of his trip - Yin Elizabeth Tower.

However, this tower is not yet called this name. It was changed to commemorate the queen on the 60th anniversary of a certain long-lived person's accession to the throne. Now the tower is still using the more widely known common name, Big Ben, but Hayato actually prefers to call it Clock Tower.

Unfortunately, this is not the world of magicians next door. There is no magician association that studies magic in the clock tower, and there are no remains of a dragon as old as the earth underground. If there is, Hayato is still very interested in whether the remains can be made into some powerful dragon monster cards. Unfortunately, he can only think about it. The English will never agree to him demolishing the clock tower, a landmark building. .

Of course, he didn't come here to dig holes. In fact, the reason why he came to London's Clock Tower was because he received an anonymous package a few days ago.

If it was just an ordinary package, Hayato would naturally not pay attention to it, especially if it was an anonymous package from an unknown source. It would be okay if it was sent by a fan, but it would be bad if there were blades or viruses inside.

Therefore, Hayato deliberately tore off the postage stamp on the package and told Malik that it was a package he purchased online. Malik, who had indeed bought a lot of things, believed it without thinking. Hayato opened the package and found a huge package. There was only a small box and a letter inside.

The package did not disclose the sender's information, and Hayato naturally could not find out who sent the package to him on the letter. The letter only said that Hayato should come to the clock tower, and did not give him any information. He didn't give any other reason, and he didn't say where he came to the clock tower.

Hayato originally didn't want to take care of this letter, otherwise, whoever sent the letter could command him, wouldn't he be very embarrassed? But when he opened the small box that came with the letter in the package, Hayato realized that he might have to make that trip.

Taking out the box and opening it, Hayato saw a round emerald-green jade lying in the box. It was much more powerful than the Oliha Gang Fragments that Hayato, Rafiru and others had carried in the past. The complete Oliha Gang Fragment, or directly called Oliha Gang Jade!

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