Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 152 Proof of Friendship (Big boo

Open the cover card and [fight together]!

[Fight together]? Blue God's eyes widened and he looked at the card Hayato opened.

As Hayato opened the cover card, the [Disruption] brothers in his hand suddenly jumped out.

[Disturbing Green]: Let him see how powerful we are, Ani!

[Disruption·Black]: There will always be a way!

[Disturbing·Huang]: It's actually [fighting together]!?

Obviously, among the three [Disruption] monsters, only [Disruption·Yellow] still remembers the effect of [Common Fight], otherwise how could they jump out to gain a sense of presence in this situation.

And because he remembered the effect of [Fighting Together] and realized that something was wrong, [Disturbing Huang] looked at his two brothers singing and dancing in front, frowned, and protected them in front of him.

However, Hayato still immediately found [Disturbing Yellow] who was trying to sell his teammates to survive. He stretched out his hand to grab the card, grabbed [Disturbing Yellow] with him, and said: [Common Fighting] is a card that can make people This is a card where the monsters on the field and the monsters in your hand fight together and exert their power together.”

The effect is to discard a monster from your hand, target a face-up monster on the field, and cause the target monster's attack and defense to become equal until the end of the turn. Discard it in order to activate [Combat]. The monsters have the same numerical value.”

Hearing Hayato's words, Blue God became more and more disdainful: Does that mean you have to change the attack power and defense power of your [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] to the attack power and defense power of that fish monster? :Hmph, don’t you think that changing its attack power can reduce the damage you receive?”

However, in the duel in the dark dimension field, the damage you will receive when the monster is destroyed is not the monster's current attack power value, but the damage of the monster's original attack power value, even if the attack power of [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] It has been reduced to 0 points, and you will still receive 2,500 points of damage from its original attack power!

Looking at Blue God who had the word death faintly on his head but didn't know it, Hayato reluctantly sent [Disturbing Yellow] to the cemetery and said: Yes, that's so right, your [Dark Square Kaishin- Crimson Nova] is indeed much stronger than my [Summoned Beast - Merkaba], so strong, so strong.

So, bring this miscellaneous fish to increase the 'suspense' of the battle.

As Hayato sent [Disruption·Yellow] to the cemetery, a wormhole suddenly opened on the head of [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] who was about to attack on the Blue God Field, [Disturbing·Yellow] It fell out from inside and landed on [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo].

I must abandon the darkness immediately and turn to the light. Accept my help, the new Ani! Standing on the head of [Dark Side World God-Crimson Nopo], [Disturbing Yellow] said arrogantly, looking at Hayato, I fight with Lord [Dark Square Realm God - Crimson Nopo], I am invincible, Kaka kills me randomly! Cry for my strength!

That's easy to say, you bastard!

Blue God glared at [Disturbing Yellow] who kept jumping and affecting the battle of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nova]. Although the latter said accept its power, but with the Fight Together ] After sending [Disturbing Yellow] to his side, Blue God only saw that the powerful attack power and defense power of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] began to plummet!

[Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo] [5400/3000→0/1000]

And when the value of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nova] was about to stop changing, Lan Shen suddenly realized the existence of the crisis, and it seemed that he had no time to stop it.

Wait, wait a minute, don't tell me!

Well, as you just said, when a monster is destroyed by battle in a duel in the Dark Dimension Realm, instead of the battle damage, the controller of the monster will be damaged by the monster's original attack power.

Hayato looked at the [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] whose attack power was about to be reduced to 0, waving its soft tentacles towards him, and said with a sneer, And right now, the [Dark Square Kaishin] who is affected by the [Common Fight] effect The Dark Side World God - Crimson Nova] is attacking [Summoned Beast - Merkaba].

0 attack power vs. 2500 attack power. Wow, I'm really looking forward to the outcome of the battle.

This, this is impossible, how could this happen!

Although Hayato's tone was so irritating and irritating, Aigami no longer cared to pay attention to him at this moment, but looked at the attacking [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo].

There is no suspense about the outcome of the battle between [Dark Square World God - Crimson Nova] and [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] whose attack power has been reduced to 0 points. The former will only be destroyed and self-destructed.

Although the magic card [Square Method] on the back field of Blue God has the effect of reducing the combat damage caused to itself by the battle of [Square] monsters to 0, the problem is that this effect is only useful in ordinary duels. Dark Dimension In the field duel, he will not receive combat damage. When the [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nova] is destroyed, the Blue God will receive 3000 points of damage from its original attack power.

However, Blue God's basic points at this moment are only 2,000 points. The moment he takes those 3,000 points of damage, he will lose because his basic points return to zero!

How could this be! In the end, he will be defeated by such insidious means again? Obviously, I have seen the limits of human beings and given up being a human being. I couldn't win a duel before I gave up being a human being, and I still can't win a duel after I gave up being a human being. So didn't I give up being a human being in vain? !

I don't want that kind of thing! I don't want to lose, and I don't want to lose again! Thinking of this, Lan Shen made up his mind, grabbed a card from his hand and played it, My great mission has not been completed yet, and my great mind cannot... This dimension disappears! Rather than causing my base points to return to zero, it would be better for you to replace me and go to hell, 'God'!

Quick attack magic card, [Mysterious Chinese Pot] activates!


When Hayato heard this, he was also stunned when he saw a big pot suddenly appeared on the Blue God Field, and the [Dark Side World God - Crimson Nopo] who was about to fight [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] was taken with it. 【Disturbing·Huang】Pour it in together and stir-fry over high heat.

I will definitely come back!

After leaving such last words, [Disturbing Yellow] was kicked out of the pot and rolled back to Hayato's graveyard, and Blue God's base points also increased after the cooking of the food in the pot was completed.

[Blue God: 2000→7400LP]

It's actually the [Mysterious Chinese Pot]!?

What, do you think this card is your patent? Although there was no change in the skin color of Blue God's monster, Hayato felt the color on his face after he stormed through 5,400 basic points. It seems to have gotten better, I have told you that with the power of [Quantum Cube] I can read the cards in other people's memories and add them to the deck, and your [Mysterious Chinese Pot] is no exception.

It's such a gaffe that I need to use my opponent's card to continue fighting. But for the ultimate salvation, I can give up anything, including dignity, honor and even my qualifications as a human being. My goal is only to win and then save and bring relief to all mankind. The great cause of Dimensional Ascension!

The effect of the quick-attack magic card [Mysterious Chinese Pot] liberates [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] on my field, and restores my base points to the value of its attack power, which is 5400 points. Because it is When used in conjunction with your [Common Fight], the value of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] at that time has not been affected by your disgusting miscellaneous fish monster.

Both each other, your monsters can't be seen anywhere. Hayato looked at Blue God's basic score, a little regretful that he couldn't knock it down like this, but he was not disappointed yet.

This is a beautiful gesture from a higher dimension that you cannot appreciate, but you will be able to appreciate it soon, after I defeat you and send you to a lower dimension, Hayato Kobayashi! Blue God waved his hand and ordered, Even if I free one [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo], my battle phase is not over yet. There is another [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] on my field that is not being played. Over attack!

Continue to complete the unfinished battle just now, [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo], attack [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], Despair Dimension Slash!

The only remaining body on Blue God's field [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nova] waved its tentacles against the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on Hayato's field, and this time, even Hayato could not stop it. Blue God's attack could only watch as the former's sharp blade pierced the latter.

Then, the harm fell on Hayato.

[Hayato: 7000→4500LP]

Hahahaha, finally, you have been hurt for the first time since this duel started, Hayato Kobayashi! It was obvious that he only lost 2,500 basic points of Hayato, but Lan Shen looked extremely excited, Feel me Do you feel the pain, do you feel my anger? Howl for my angry blows!

However, Blue God only saw Hayato brushing away the dust that had been splashed on him when the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] was destroyed, and there was no expression of pain on his face at all.

What you call 'beating' is this kind of attack that's not even a massage? It's just a pity that my pants are worth 20,000 yen. Hayato glanced at the holes in his pants with regret. , obviously it is rare for him to wear school uniform during the holidays.

As a public high school, Toshino City High School's fees are not as exaggerated as those of private high schools, but the school uniforms are also as high as 40,000 yen, so Hayato said that his pants are worth 20,000 yen. wrong.

Hey, a piece of your clothes is worth 20,000 yuan. Have you ever thought that people in other countries can't even guarantee food? Aigami from Sanano High School didn't know that Hayato wasn't showing off just now, and said angrily, It's because of people like you that the world is so unfair!

I want to achieve the salvation of all mankind, using my rules and the method of 'dimension ascent'! With a wave of his hand, Blue God ordered again, Destroy the monsters under the attack of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] Its effect can only be activated when this time comes. During this combat phase, this card can only attack again once!

Destroy Kobayashi Hayato's remaining monster as well, [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo]. Let's do it again, the Despair Dimension Slash!

[Kamishadoi-Midrash], which once caused Jonouchi a headache, has a very powerful effect that limits the number of special summons and a resistance that will not be destroyed by the effect, but apart from these, she is only a 5 with a defense power of less than 800 points. ☆It's just a fusion monster. It can't resist the attack of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nova] and will be destroyed.

However, because it was specially summoned by Hayato in defense position, Hayato did not suffer battle damage again because of the destruction of [Kamishado-Midrash], and his base points were reduced. At the same time, he picked up the card from the duel plate. Hayato also said: Then because [Shadowdoll-Midrash] was sent to the graveyard, on this occasion I can activate her effect and add a [Shadowdoll] magic and trap card from my graveyard. Hand card.”

I will take back [the contact with the false body of God].

[Hayato: 4500LP, hand card 6→7]

Damn it, I actually left you with 4500 basic points, and you still have so many cards in your hand. Blue God looked at Hayato, intending to pursue him again, but there were no more monsters to use, so he could only reluctantly The remaining two trap cards of unknown meaning in his hand were covered, My battle phase is over, and you saved a life, Hayato Kobayashi.

However, don't think that's the end of it. In my main phase two, I put two cards, then the turn ends, and the effect of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] is activated, and both sides receive 3000 points at the same time. Effect damage!”

[Blue God: 7400→4400LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] [ATK3000]

【Square Boundary Industry】【Square Boundary Method】【Gate Card】X2

[Hayato: 4500→1500LP]

After using the indistinguishable effect of [Dark Side Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] to simultaneously reduce the base points of both sides, Aigami couldn't help but grin when he saw that Hayato's base points finally became 1500 points. Get up: Hahahaha, that's it, Hayato Kobayashi, have you seen your basic points? In my next turn, even if I don't do anything but just end the turn, I can use [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson The effect of Nopo will end your life!

You only have one last round left to survive, and your basic points are already as weak as a candle in the wind!

When Hayato heard Blue God's words, he couldn't help stroking his forehead: You said this, which made me lose any sense of accomplishment. Isn't it because I won thanks to you setting up the flag?

Hmph, do you think you can summon a monster strong enough to defeat [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nova] in this one round and then defeat me?

It can be seen that Lan Shen is very confident in his god, It has strong resistance that is not affected by the effects of monsters whose original attack power is less than 3000 points!

The problem is, my sister said I want to use the monster's effect? Hayato shrugged, pulled out a card and said, My turn, draw a card.

Unlike you, Blue God, my deck contains cards that prove the bond between my partners and me. Let me show you the cards that symbolize friendship. Playing the drawn card directly, Hayato stretched out his hand and pointed at Blue [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo] on the field, Activate the magic card, [Heart Change]!

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