Because of the effect of [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky], I can draw six cards in one breath without having any cards in my hand!

As he spoke, Lan Shen drew six cards in his hand and said arrogantly.

In his opinion, he had already secured victory, and the [Treasure Card from Heaven] activated at this moment was the icing on the cake.

The 'god' who uses the [Fangjie] that is more powerful than the regular monsters, coupled with the resources of six cards in his hand, looked at Hayato, Blue God said arrogantly, My winning rate is better than You have to beat Semperson (1000%)!

Hayato glanced at Blue God and said calmly: Wow, it sounds like only you can draw six cards. My hand also has 0 cards, so I can also draw six cards.

When he saw the card he had drawn, Hayato raised his eyebrows.

Oh, drawing a card is different from drawing a card. It's the same as drawing six cards. Lan Shen looked at the drawn cards in his hand, I can convert the drawn cards into resources as much as possible in my turn. Use it to expand my victory, and you can only hold those six cards and be annihilated by me like you are dying of thirst in the desert holding diamonds!

The dimension summons [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen], and when its summoning is successful, the effect is activated, and a [Square Boundary] card is sent from my deck to the graveyard.

Summoning [Meteor Cube-Tianchen] on the field, Blue God tried to use its effect to send the card to the graveyard, but before he could draw the card, a yellow figure and a flying figure were suddenly thrown out from Hayato's hand. The kick landed on Lan Shen's hand!

Want to pile up? It's gray, don't pile up! Hayato turned over a card in his hand, showed it to Blue God, discarded it to the graveyard, and said, The opponent activates 'Special Summon Monster from Deck', 'Special Summon Monster from Deck' When there is an effect like send a card to the graveyard or add a card from the deck to your hand, I discard the [Gray Flow Rei] in my hand to activate it, invalidating that effect.

After the card in Lan Shen's hand was kicked by [Gray Flow Rei], it dissipated into nothingness.

Yoshi, that guy Blue God's boss was stopped! Upon seeing this, Jonouchi waved his fist and said excitedly.

Because of the previous duel between Blue God and Kaiba, Blue God’s “[Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] was buried in [Fangjie Heshen] → let [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] leave the field to trigger [Fangjie Heshen] 】Effect bo was exposed. Although they had great confidence in Hayato, they still felt that it was a good thing that the bo could be stopped and not successfully deployed.

But seeing the card in his hand being kicked away by [Hui Liuli], Lan Shen sneered: Sure enough, you guy still drew this disgusting monster, which reminded me of the first time with you. The unpleasant memory of the duel.”

But, you should only have one [Grey Stream Beauty], right? And there is a restriction that it can only be used once per round, which means that even if you recycle it, you can't use the second one. Time. Pulling out another card, Lan Shen laughed arrogantly, You have been fooled, Kobayashi Hayato, the [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] has been exposed, it is just an illusion used to deceive others. !”

My real purpose is to use this card. The continuous magic card [Square Boundary] is activated, and then I immediately use its effect to send a [Square Boundary] card from my hand to the graveyard, and Draw a card from the deck.

What I send to the graveyard is this magic card [Square Wave]. I banish it and any number of [Square] monsters in my graveyard. The number of [Square] monsters removed is the number of face-up cards on the opponent's field. Activate the effect of the monster as the target, and place a [Square Counter] on each of those monsters.

After Blue God sent the card to the graveyard, he immediately took it out along with the other two cards, and showed it to Hayato: I will exclude the two [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam] in my graveyard, and use the ones on your field to Target two monsters - [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] and [Summoned Beast - Merkaba], place a square boundary counter on each of them!

Seeing this, Hayato had no choice but to activate the effect of [Summoned Beast - Merkaba] and said, Do you want to reduce the attack power of my monster to 0 points and block the effect at the same time? In that case, I will do as you wish. The effect of using [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] is good.

Discard the magic card [Disruption Magic] in my hand, invalidate and banish the activation of the same type of magic card [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam], and because you banished [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam], the cost of the activation was removed. Cards will not return to your graveyard because the activation of [Square Wave] is invalid.

After Hayato sent the card to the graveyard, the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on the field threw the throwing spear in his hand into the ground before sweeping away his non-dimensionalized [Square Wave], killing Blue God's The [Square Wave] was directly erased and turned invisible, and Hayato also took the opportunity to pull out three cards from the deck and said:

Not only that, when [Disruption Magic] is sent from the hand or field to the graveyard, its effect is activated. I will add the three [Disruption·Green], [Disruption·Black] and [Disruption·Yellow] from my deck. One of each Miscellaneous Fish Monster is added to my hand.

After using Block Kang twice in succession to block Blue God's operation, when Blue God's hand number dropped to four, Hayato's hand increased to seven instead of decreasing, although three of them were just a make-up. [Disrupt] monsters, but can still be used as resources.

It's been a long time since I've been here~ I really miss being outside - cough, cough, cough! Hey! The guy opposite is so smelly and scary. Is that guy also a duel monster?

But it would be nice if I could shut up a few annoying guys.

It's just that Aigami looked at a stage covered by a curtain that appeared in Hayato's backfield, and three ugly monsters that looked about the same appearance as the [Fang Jie] monsters emerged from it, even though they were already inhuman. He couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and asked, Are those monsters considered [Shadowdoll] monsters?

It doesn't matter, you can only use some unused fish monsters to add to your hand to make up for the appearance. What's the use of just adding more cards to your hand? It can't help you at all with the monsters on the field, and it can't change the fact that you are about to be destroyed. The future I defeated!

[Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] and [Square Boundary Method] were all blocked from unfolding, but Lan Shen did not end the main stage, but drew another card and said: My attack There are more than one or two routes, if you have the ability, guard them all, but you can’t do it without the effect of [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] and [Grey Flow Rei], right?”

The quick-attack magic card [Enemy Manipulator] will release [Meteor Cube-Tianchen] on my field to activate its second effect, gaining control of one face-up monster on the opponent's field until the end of the turn. Blue God stretched out his hand and pointed at the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] on Hayato's field, Although it was added to the deck to coordinate with the previous bo of [Meteor Square Boundary Device-Tianchen], it doesn't matter if I couldn't complete that bo. .”

Don't you like taking other people's cards away, Hayato Kobayashi? In that case, how does it feel when your favorite monster is taken away? How do you feel?

Although he was sure of victory, Aigami felt that it would not work if he did not repay the humiliation and reluctance he had gained in the duel with Hayato. He had to let Kobayashi Hayato also be tortured, Get your [Hungry Poison After merging the dragon, I will use it to deal the final blow of judgment to you!

Hayato's current basic score is 7000 points. If he uses the body with 3000 attack power [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] to hit two combos, he can cause a full 5500 damage by destroying [Summoned Beast-Merkaba]. Points of damage can leave 1500 points of basic points for [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] to attack.

After hearing Blue God's words, Hayato's [Vicious Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] on the field was angry and unwilling. He looked back at Hayato and howled in a low voice.

Do you want to use it? Now, here? Hayato looked at the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] and asked. After receiving a positive answer, he looked up at the operator flying from the Blue God Field to seize control of the monster. Cable pressed the button to activate the cover card on the duel disk and said, Understood, then I will open the cover card. Instead of letting [Hungry Poison] be used by your [Enemy Manipulator], it is better to use it as a Fusion materials, accelerated fusion can even surpass the Minotaur!

The quick-attack magic card [Contact with God's Avatar] is activated!

The shadows at Hayato's feet suddenly spread across his entire field as he activated Gaika. The shadows that were supposed to just cling to the ground rose up like flames and mist, obscuring Blue God's sight. While swaying, he found that his [Enemy Manipulator] had missed and fell to the ground, and the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] on Hayato's field also disappeared.

Suddenly, flame-like shadows gathered in the air. Lan Shen raised his head and looked up, and saw that the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] that had disappeared before was being integrated into the body of a lizard-like monster, causing the latter's black-purple color to appear. The body actually bloomed with light as it expanded.

Blue God recognized the monster as the [Shadowlizard] that Hayato had used before. Now he also remembered why the monster felt impressive to him, because the armor on its body was clearly the same as that used by his sister Sera. One of the monster cards in the [Xinginshi] deck [Xinginshi-Tianshi Youyuanqi] is the same.

However, at the moment, he had no time to explore why Kobayashi Hayato's card might be related to Sera's card. What he was more concerned about was how [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] was suddenly used as a fusion material.

The effect of the quick-attack magic card [Contact with God's Avatar] is to send the fusion material determined by the [Shadowdoll] fusion monster from my hand and field to the graveyard, and fuse that fusion monster from the fusion deck. call.

Hearing Hayato's explanation, Blue God couldn't understand: But [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] is already a fusion monster, right? Why is there a fusion monster whose fusion material is also a fusion monster?

Who told you that [Fusion Monster] can't be used as fusion material? [Blue Eyes Ultra Dragon] can also be fused into [Ultimate Dragon Knight], although that guy Kaiba doesn't want to admit that [Blue Eyes] will be stepped on by others. This point. Hayato said, taking out a card with a purple border, The [Shadowdoll Lizard] in my hand and the [Hungry Venom Fusion Dragon] on the field are fused here. Let's see what contact fusion is. Bar!

The conditions are [Shaddoll] monster + dark attribute monster. Roll up the wings dyed red by the blood of the hero, ride the proud magic dragon, and rush towards the road of the world! The controller of [Shaddoll] will come here!

Fusion Summon! [Shenyingyi-Midrash]!

The ferocious poisonous dragon and the shadowy lizard were combined together, but what stretched out from the light was a pair of dragon wings. Riding on the black and purple body of the phantom dragon, the green-haired girl priest opened her eyes and appeared on Hayato's field.

At the same time, Jonouchi subconsciously got goosebumps: Here it comes again! Why is it [Midrash] again? It's not me who can solve it, then it's okay.




After seeing the true appearance of [Shenyingyi-Midrash], Lan Shen, who was a little nervous just now, instantly relaxed and said disdainfully: I thought it was some invincible monster, but it turned out. It’s just this kind of miscellaneous fish with an attack power of only 2200 points and a level of only 5☆? Is it not as good as the [Vicious Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] you just had?”

It's my fault that I was a little nervous, that's it? Even so, Lan Shen was actually very unhappy at this moment, because Hayato used this quick-attack fusion to successfully dodge his [Enemy Manipulator], but he failed to capture it. Along with his monster, he also lost a [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen].

Don't worry, [Shadowdoll Lizard] sent to the graveyard by [Contact with God's Falsetto] still has an effect that can be activated. Use its effect to send a [Shadowdoll] card from the deck to the graveyard. I chose this [Shadowl Beast], and then because of the effect of [Shadowl Beast], I drew a card from the deck.

Obviously he was using a fusion summon that was quite depleted of cards, but after Hayato finished a series of effects, although there was one less card in the backcourt, the resources in his hand were still at seven, and the [Sacred Shadow on the field] Yi-Midrash] also guards him in a defensive position.

That's enough. I've had enough of these red tapes. It's time to officially start hunting you. Blue God, who was a little irritated by Hayato's operation, looked at the remaining three cards in his hand. It was a The quick-attack magic cards and two trap cards with unknown meanings were of no use for the time being, so he simply entered the battle phase.

Although I haven't been able to torture you to the maximum extent, I don't want to waste my precious time on you anymore. For the sake of the salvation of all mankind, go to hell, Hayato Kobayashi, and your two miscellaneous fish monsters!

With a wave of his hand, he ordered, [Dark Square Realm God - Crimson Nopo], attack [Summoned Beast - Merkaba]! How can you withstand this absolutely overwhelming attack power?

Despair Dimensional Slash!

And seeing Blue God ordering his [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nova] with an attack power of 5400 points to attack [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], Hayato also pressed the button to activate Gaika again. Said: Very good, now, I will show you how useful the fish monster that you looked down upon before is!

Open the cover card——

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