Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 153: The Evil God of the Dark Square Realm-Crimson Nopo·Three Gods in One...The name is so l

Magic card, [Heart Change] da!

That's a hammer's 'proof of friendship'! After hearing the card Hayato wanted to use, Blue God couldn't help but complain.

This is no wonder to him. After all, there is no proof of friendship like [Change of Heart] in the world. Rather than being a symbol of friendship, it is more like saying it is a symbol of NTR.

After all, compared to the [Enemy Manipulator] obtained by reading Seto Kaiba's memory that Blue God used before, the effect of [Heart Change] is purer and more powerful.

Select one of the monsters on the opponent's field to activate. Until the end of the round, I gain control of the selected monster. Hayato said, inserting [Heart Change] into the magic trap area and pointing at the only monster on Blue God's field. ——[Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] said, And there is only one monster on your field that can be the target of [Heart Change].

Although he looks ugly, he is actually quite handsome because he is coming to my side soon. [Dark Side World God - Crimson Nopo] is really a powerful monster, but it is mine now. !”

As Hayato finished speaking, a pink brainwashing ray was shot out from the [Heart Change] opened in his backcourt, hitting the [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] that had just caused a lot of damage to Hayato. , pink heart shapes popped up in the evil-looking eyeballs all over his body, and he was about to go to Hayato Field.

And once this only monster is taken away, the advantage that Blue God has finally gained will be wiped out. Gaikali in his backcourt cannot let him win in [Dark Side World God-Crimson Move] Protect your own card from Po]'s attack.

However, there are cards that prevent [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] from being taken away.

Use [Change of Heart]? Huh, I already knew you would use this dirty card. The cover card in Lan Shen's backcourt opened with a wave of his hand, I open the cover card, forever Continue the trap card [Tyrant’s Pressure]!”

Hayato didn't pay attention to the cover card that Blue God opened, but looked at Blue God and said: Dirty? What about the [Enemy Manipulator] you just had? You are only allowed to bully other people's monsters, and others are not allowed to bully you. A monster, right? What a double-standard dog.

Hmph, that's what you would say, Hayato Kobayashi. You and I are different. [Enemy Manipulator] requires me to liberate monsters in order to exchange control of the monsters on your field. What about your [Change of Heart]? The monster can take away my monster without any effort!

Hearing Blue God's answer, Hayato shook his head: So? You are saying that 'dimension ascent' can save all mankind and allow mankind to leave this world and go to a new world that does not require sacrifice, but even you are still He’s doing something like sacrificing his own monster to achieve his goal.”

Blue God was speechless and unable to answer Hayato's words. He ignored Hayato and took down the card of [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nobo] from the duel plate and said: [The Tyrant's Pressure] needs to be released on my field. Only one monster can be activated, so as long as [Tyrant's Pressure] exists on my field and the original owner of the monster on the field is mine, it will not be affected by the effects of trap cards other than this card.

And because [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nova] was liberated by [Tyrant's Pressure], it will be sent to the cemetery, so that your [Change of Heart] cannot take away its control!

When Mingming had his first duel with Hayato, Blue God was still accusing Hayato of always liberating monsters easily, thinking that it was one of the bad traits of human beings that caused the world to become so bad. But at this moment, Blue God was very familiar with it. Freed his own monster.

And watching Blue God liberate the last [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] on the field, Hayato looked at Blue God's remaining basic points, raised his eyebrows, and said: Although the monster given to you is not The resistance will be affected by the trap, but in contrast, you also sent your monster to the graveyard. You and your operation made me laughable by releasing the monster in order to protect the monster.

Hmph, this is just a necessary sacrifice for me to defeat you. In the final analysis, [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo] is truly my 'god', and it is appropriate to enter the cemetery to dedicate your strength to me. Blue God glanced at Hayato, sneered and showed his fangs, Besides, I have realized that its power still has room to become stronger!

Thanks to your previous reminder, it reminded me of the power of the 'Three Illusion Gods'. It seems that in your understanding, there is the possibility of merging into a stronger form, right?

Although I can't see clearly what the fused posture is due to the inexplicable light, it's enough to know that there is such a possibility. Don't think that only you can use the power of [fusion]!

With a wave of his hand, Lan Shen opened another card in his back field and said with a ferocious smile, Although my three bodies [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo] were given away by you in various ways. I went to the graveyard, but I also have a card that can be fused in the graveyard, and it’s this card!”

Trap card [Dead Soul Fusion] is activated! Use the three-body [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo] in my graveyard as the fusion material and remove it face-down, and then the power of the three-body [Dark Square Kaishin] will be Combined into one, how did you win this ultimate 'god' without three 'Three Illusion Gods' in hand!?

I'm going to knock you down into the dark dimension!

As the Blue God raised his hand and pointed into the air, holes opened on the ground beside him, and the [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo] in the three-body Blue God's cemetery all appeared, and their bodies dissipated into small golden cubes. They gathered in one place and turned into a larger, more deformed and twisted posture!

The gathered evil consciousness will lead the world to despair without light. Come down from the darkness now!

[The Evil God of the Dark Square Realm-Crimson Nopo·Three Gods in One]!

[The Evil God of the Dark Square Realm-Crimson Nopo·Three Gods in One] [10☆/Dark]



The already ugly body of [Dark Square World God-Crimson Nopo] grows and extends, as if all the tentacles of the three-body [Dark Square Realm God-Crimson Nopo] have been spliced ​​into one body, and at the same time The eyeballs on their bodies have also increased in value a lot. Although they are not as high as the [Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon], there are more than ten of them, which makes people's skin crawl.

With the appearance of this monster, Hayato noticed that the expanding speed of the [Quantum Cube] behind Blue God actually accelerated a lot again, almost doubling in size in the blink of an eye!

Hahahaha, because of the birth of this ultimate evil god, even the dark side of the dimension is cheering and looking forward to the arrival of humans! Blue God opened his arms and said excitedly, It will be done soon, you and this world are all They will all be swallowed by the [Quantum Cube] and arrive in a world without light and full of despair and darkness!

Offer your life as a sacrifice for the coming of the evil god, Hayato Kobayashi!

Blue God looked at Hayato expectantly, hoping to see emotions such as fear and terror on Hayato's face. Those emotions that were considered unnecessary and needed to be abandoned in the original Dimension Ascension have now become the perfect source of pleasure for Blue God now that he has fallen into the dark side of the dimension due to negative emotions. nourishment.

However, he only saw disdain on Hayato's face.

The ultimate evil god, is this it? Looking at the [Evil God of the Dark Square Realm - Crimson Nobo - Three Gods in One] with disdain, Hayato curled his lips, To be honest, you are probably the worst evil god I have ever seen. Even if we don’t mention the ‘God of Oliha Gang’ and the ‘Great Evil God of Darkness’, even the [Snake God-Yi] that guy Dazi used in the duel has a stronger sense of oppression than a monster like you.”

This is not a monster, it is a god! Lan Shen emphasized, [The Evil God of the Dark Square Realm - Crimson Nobo·Three Gods in One], but it will not become the target of the other party's effects, nor will it be affected by the other party's effects. With its strong resistance to destruction, under [The Tyrant’s Pressure], it has gained the ability to ignore the effects of any trap cards!”

It's just the majestic resistance plus the avoidance of pitfalls. I've tasted it enough. Hayato waved his hand and said disdainfully, Then, this is your trump card? The same attack power as [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]? You are not the fusion of three gods, you are clearly the fusion of three [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

Hey, Hayato Kobayashi, don't think I didn't hear what you said! Kaiba's voice came from the loudspeaker in the distance, What level is that guy worth comparing to my [Blue Eyes]?

Don't waste time, get rid of him quickly, Hayato-nii! Keppei's voice came from the loudspeaker, and it could be heard from his tone that the expansion speed of [Quantum Cube] has become faster, and Keppei is quite Nervous, If we can't deal with that person in this round, the Kaiba Dome will be destroyed!

Hmph, that kind of thing is simply impossible. [Dark Side World Evil God - Crimson Nobo·Three Gods in One] is the strongest evil god! Blue God looked at Hayato and said provocatively, After inheriting [Dark Side Stage God -Crimson Nova] not only has the effect of adding an additional attack after destroying a monster, but [Dark Square Evil God - Crimson Nobo·Three Gods in One] also has the powerful effect of cutting your base points in half when declaring an attack. .”

The next round is your death!

Although he was arrogantly provoking Hayato, Blue God was very stupid and did not tell the full effect of [Dark Square Kaishin-Crimson Nopo], deliberately concealing the final ability.

He wanted Kobayashi Hayato to follow his inherent thinking and subconsciously think that [Dark Square Kaishen - Crimson Nopo - Three Gods in One] also inherited the effect damage caused by [Dark Square Kaishin - Crimson Nopo] at the end of the round. Ability, forcing Hayato to use all means to reduce his base points, but the final effect of [Dark Square Realm Evil God-Crimson Nobo·Three Gods in One] is actually that when Blue God receives effect damage, the same amount of damage will be returned to the opponent.

The local duelists are so rude, they all like to play effect damage, right? In that case, don't blame me for playing dirty tricks!

The [Dark Square Realm Evil God-Crimson Nobo·Three Gods in One], which was born based on the needs of Blue God, has the ability to return the same effect damage. In this way, once Kobayashi Hayato uses effect damage to reduce Blue God's basic points and basic points, Hayato, who has a lower score than Blue God, will have his base points cleared before Blue God because of his own attack!

With such a powerful force, Lan Shen felt that he was invincible at this moment!

After hearing Keppei's urging, Hayato waved his hand helplessly so that Keppei, who was looking here, could see. He looked at Lan Shen and said: What a pity. I originally wanted to wait a little longer to see what you can do, but since Keppei is urging me, I have no choice but to kill you in this round.

I heard it! So Hayato-nii, you usually call me by the wrong name on purpose!

Ignoring Keihei's voice coming from the speaker, Hayato looked at his hand. There were seven cards in his hand that were extremely resource-rich. Although there were two [Disruption] miscellaneous fish among them, it was enough.

The continuous magic card, [Purgatory's Dream] is activated. As long as this card exists on my field, the level of the [Hellfire Machine] monster on my field that was originally level 2☆ or above will be changed to 1☆, and it will be given to the opponent. The combat damage is reduced to half. After activating a card, Hayato took it out of the magic trap area and sent it to the graveyard, But what I want to use is its second effect.

Send the face-up Purgatory's Dream on my field to the graveyard, send the fusion material monster determined by the Hellfire Machine fusion monster from my hand and field to the graveyard, and send the fusion monster from my hand to the graveyard. The fusion deck is fusion summoned. And when the monsters specially summoned from the fusion deck only exist on the opponent's field, up to six monsters in my deck can be used as fusion materials!

Put [Hellfire Machine·Nava], [Hellfire Machine·Lilith], [Hellfire Machine·Admiral], [Hellfire Machine·Baal], [Hellfire Machine· Belphegor] and the six monsters [Hellfire Machine Asmodeus] are sent to the cemetery!

Seeing Hayato boldly sending six cards from the deck to the graveyard with the momentum of I want to improve the deck, Blue God's eyes widened and couldn't help but said: Wait a minute! Didn't you say that you used Is the deck 'pure [Shadowson]'?!

Idiot, do [Shadow Shadow] and [Hellfire Machine] need to be so far apart? Hayato pointed to the air, God is angry at what humans have done and intends to send down a wave of fire that will destroy the earth! Come down, the Creator Star The body of God walking on the earth!”

Fusion Summon! [Hellfire Machine Tiera]!

Behind Hayato, colorful but chilling flames ignited. Although the fusion materials used were six, the phantoms of ten monsters appeared behind Hayato, forming a rebellious force. Ten monsters in the shape of the Kabbalah tree of life converge towards one point.

As the BGM Wrath of God played on Hayato's duel board, a giant god with a bull's head and a dragon's body, which was several times taller than Blue God's [Dark Square Realm Evil God-Crimson Nobo·Three Gods in One], arrived!

【Hellfire Machine Tiera】【11☆/Fire】



Lan Shen glanced at the monsters on both sides, and for a moment he was once again confused about who was going to destroy the world.

I always feel that Kobayashi Hayato's card is ten times or even nine times more dangerous than my own [Dark Square Realm Evil God]!

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