Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 144: There is no need to be too clear about the Haima Group

Gaika? Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da, the 'god' will not be affected by trap cards. Your [Blue Eyes White Dragon] cannot escape the fate of being destroyed!

Blue God was not afraid at all, not worried that Kaiba could use Gaika to make a comeback, although when he used [Osiris's Sky Dragon] before, Jonouchi used an [Angel's Dice] to reverse the situation.

But now, aside from the fact that Seto Kaiba is not Katsuya Jonouchi, there is no way he can use those gambling cards that use dice coins. Even if he uses the same [Angel's Dice], so what, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Obeli] There is a full 1,000 points difference in attack power between Sk's Titan Soldiers.

Hmph, idiot, I never said that the card I used was a trap card targeting gods. Kaiba snorted coldly, The quick-attack magic card [Half-Seal], take the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on my field as the The target activates. It gains the ability that cannot be destroyed by battle until the end of the turn, and in exchange, its attack power becomes half.

The [Blue Eyes] deck is an out-and-out attack deck. When dealing with Kaiba, who uses such a deck and has a straight-forward dueling style, Hayato will mostly use some non-face-to-face decks to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, such as one round. Rokuji Kang's pure [Ryuuki Takumi], the [Half-Dragon Maid] who abducted [Blue Eyes] with [Super Fusion] and joined them, etc.

However, nothing is certain. Hayato once used the [Cyber ​​Dragon] deck to duel with Kaiba when he was in the mood. It was also in that duel that Kaiba learned from Hayato this quick attack that is very suitable for the attack deck. Magic card [Half Sealed], add it to your deck.

Generally speaking, the usage of this card is to weaken the enemy's monster to create a breakthrough point, and to use the seemingly positive but actually fatal loophole of not being destroyed by battle to continuously target one monster. [Blue Eyes] is in Kaiba's When used, Zhongben is good at multiple combos, and can even maximize the output with the help of [Half Seal].

However, there is also the drawback that Kaiba is using it like this at the moment. It sacrifices half of the attack power in exchange for not being destroyed by the battle. However, the original attack power is reduced and you will suffer greater damage. At this moment, Kaiba is taking advantage of the dimensional field launched by Blue God. The duel was avoided.

The body has shrunk visibly to the naked eye, but a green aura rises from the body of the one on the seahorse field [Blue Eyes White Dragon], forming a curtain around the body. Looking at [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] who was about to smash it down with his fist raised, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] stepped forward without fear!


The iron fists of the white dragon and the giant god collided in one place. The huge difference in attack power should have led to a huge difference in combat power, but as Shengru Kaiba said before, The difference in performance between duel monsters is not the decisive factor in the difference in combat power. , the battle between the white dragon and the giant god was actually evenly matched?

No, in the roar of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], the iron fist of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] was forcefully pushed back! It’s [Blue Eyes White Dragon]’s momentum that is stronger!


Obviously no combat damage was generated, but as [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] was pushed back by [Blue Eyes White Dragon], Lan Shen felt a chest tightness and couldn't help but groan and take a step back.

Fortunately, the lifting platform that the two of them were originally on transformed into a huge circular stage connected together after the duel began. Otherwise, Lan Shen might have lost his footing and fallen from the air because of this step back, and died. It would be bad if he just frightened the children in the Kaiba Dome.

As for what kind of technology is used in the Haima Dome, even the lifting platform can be freely changed? There is no need to make things too clear about the Kaiba Group.

On the other hand, Kaiba's side, although it was the side using the weak [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with weak attack power, relied on its own momentum to suppress the [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] used by Blue God. It was simply Just like Char driving the Zaku II to suppress the Regeneration Gundam driven by Livonz, as long as the opponent doesn't change players midway, he doesn't know how he can lose!

Damn, why is this happening!

Lan Shen couldn't understand why even though he had an advantage in attack power, he couldn't bring any damage to Kaiba, but he was instead affected by the impact. Obviously the power of the God Card should be absolute among Duel Monsters!

How come [Blue Eyes White Dragon], which is not even an effect monster, can exert such power and suppress the 'god'?!

Hearing Blue God's words, Kaiba glanced at him and sneered: Ah, I almost want to take back what I said before about you being a third-rate duelist. With God joining us, you should be a fourth-rate duelist with a third-rate duelist. That’s the right deck.”

Kaiba's words were full of contempt, In the early days, due to the rules set by that despicable card dealer Bekas, duelists only valued the attack and defense power of the cards, and did not care much about the stars. levels and effects, and the rules introduced during the Duel Kingdom period gradually changed duelists’ understanding of cards.”

Stars and effects gradually occupy a considerable position. If the effects are powerful enough, even monsters with 0 attack power and 0 defense power can become very popular. After a pause, Kaiba continued, But if The designated effect monster is definitely stronger than the normal monster, even worse than a third-rate duelist.

In Kobayashi Hayato's [Gaia], [Black Magician] and Muto games, even that mediocre person has [True Red Eyes]. The more truly powerful the duelist is, the more he can bring out the duel monsters hidden under the surface. the true power of.”

And in my hands, [Blue Eyes] can surpass even a god!

Kaiba spoke with a matter-of-fact expression, as if it was natural that he should exhale after inhaling, because in his opinion, he was not boasting, but just stating the facts.

But to Lan Shen, Kaiba's words are not credible at all. Isn't the strength of the card the decisive factor affecting the outcome? If that's the case, why don't you ask Hayato Kobayashi to duel me with a fish deck with all sub-monsters' attack power below 1500 points?

After taking a look at [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], Lan Shen suddenly thought of something: I see, that's the reason!

Although the 'Three Phantom Gods' are held and controlled by Duel King Kobayashi Hayato, if I remember correctly, you have used [Obelisk's Titan Weapon] before. It is for this reason, so Did [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] hold back in the battle with [Blue Eyes White Dragon] just now?

That's absolutely true! Lan Shen gritted his teeth, Damn it, even the 'God's Card' is unreliable! A scammer, a runaway kid, and this guy whose loyalty is not absolute and absolutely disloyal!

The 'God Card' is a waste, and [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] is also a waste!

Having determined that the accident just occurred due to [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], Lan Shen inserted the last card in his hand into the magic trap area, took out five cards from the graveyard and said:

My battle phase is over, so I'll let you escape for now, but in my main phase two, I'm going to activate this magic card, [Pot of Greed], to remove the five monster cards in my graveyard. Return to the deck, shuffle and draw two cards.”

What I want to return to the graveyard are these five cards, three [Fang Jie Yin-Vijamu] and two [Meteor Square Jie Tool-Tianchen].

After adding two cards, Lan Shen took out two more cards from the graveyard: Then there are the effects of these two cards, [Fang Jie Ye] and [Fang Jie Mage]. Except for the activation of [Fang Jie Ye], from my In the deck, add a [Fang Jie] monster—this [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam] that just returned to the deck to your hand.

Then banish [Square Method] to activate its effect, and add a [Square] monster in my graveyard - the last remaining [Meteor Square Weapon-Tianchen] to my hand.

In the blink of an eye, Blue God, who had only one card left in his hand just now, used his own methods to replenish his hand back to four cards. Although it was not as efficient and shameless as Kaiba's [Life-Destroying Treasure Card] just now, it was still. It’s a pretty good development.

Seeing that there was another [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] in Blue God's hand, Kaiba couldn't help but remember that the premise of the Bo expansion used by Blue God before was that Blue God wanted to summon [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen]. Come out to trigger its effect: Although the [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] in the graveyard was recovered, you have already performed a normal summon this round and cannot summon it out.

Hmph, you don't need to tell me. Blue God said unhappily. He glanced at the card in his hand and couldn't help but sneered, You should worry more about yourself, Seto Kaiba!

You said that [Blue Eyes] can surpass even a 'god' in your hands? Indeed, if it is the previous [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], it does have a higher attack power than a god, even if it is an unfinished [ Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] also has the same powerful power.”

Lan Shen sent the [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] he had just recovered to the cemetery, activated a card and said, However, those two monsters require 'three' [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to fuse them together. In other words, just remove one of the [Blue Eyes] on your field!

Discard a card from your hand, activate the magic card [Black Core], and remove all face-up monsters on the field! I choose one of the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on your field!

Stretching out his hand, Lan Shen pointed at the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the seahorse field that was not affected by [Half Seal], I order you to stand down in the name of God!


Kaiba's eyes widened as he saw a pitch-black ball flying from Blue God's backcourt, accurately hitting the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on his own court that he had no time to avoid. The powerful [Blue Eyes] was actually blinking. Suddenly, he was swallowed up by the pitch-black sphere and disappeared from Kaiba's field!

[Blue Eyes]!

Seeing his [Blue Eyes] disappear from the duel plate, Kaiba's face turned gloomy and said to Lan Shen: You actually used such an unflattering trick on my [Blue Eyes]. Do you think this tactic is against me? Will I work?

Oh, of course simply banishing it won't have much effect. As long as you use cards like [Burial from Another Dimension], you can easily recycle the banished [Blue Eyes] into the cemetery. Lan Shen paused. , said contemptuously and arrogantly, However, in the dimensional field duel, the monsters that are excluded will be sent to another dimension and cannot come back!

Another dimension? I'll send you to another dimension!

With his own self-control, Haiba did not say the above words, and suppressed his anger: You are finished, Zaiyu, if you want to anger me in this way, you have already succeeded. I am going to do this to you. The bastard wields the whip of total defeat!”

Ah, I know, it's [Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon], right? Hum, I have to say that it is also a very powerful monster. It has a powerful attack power comparable to [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], and even its defensive power If it’s 0, it’s just a minor flaw that’s innocuous.”

Lan Shen was not concerned about the threat of Kaiba, Now that one of the [Blue-Eyes White Dragons] is gone, you can only fuse [Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon] by using [Fusion], not [Obelisk's] [Giant God Soldier]'s opponent, ritual summoning [Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon] is the only way you can defeat it.

One of the cards in your backfield is the [Chaos Form] retrieved before, right? Then [Abyss Blue Eyes Dragon] also retrieved a dragon with level 8☆ or above in the last round, so it's in your hand, [Blue Eyes] Chaos MAX Dragon]. But, can you summon it?

Put a card down and my turn ends.

[Blue God: 1800LP, 1 card in hand]

[Obelisk's Titan Soldier][ATK4000]


Kaiba frowned when he heard Blue God's words, but didn't think too much. Instead of thinking about the meaning of Lan Shen's words, he just wanted to summon the [Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon] in his hand and crush Lan Shen.

The sacrifices that need to be liberated for ritual summoning are in Kaiba's own hands. The ritual monsters and ritual magic cards are also ready. He only needs to complete the card drawing and enter the main stage to summon [Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon].

My turn, draw cards...

After pulling out a card, Kaiba was about to press the button to activate the card, but saw Blue God press the button to activate the card faster than him.

During your preparation phase, I am going to activate this permanent trap card, [Masque of the Sacrifice Seal]! As long as this card exists, neither party can release the card! Blue God said with a proud look on his face, That one is Malik. The guy used this card to disgust me last time, this time it’s my turn to use this card!”

Because of this card, you cannot liberate your own monsters and cannot summon [Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon]. Even if you summon the second [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], it will not be [Obelisk's Titan Soldier]. opponent!

Do you dare to disobey me who possesses [Obelisk's Titan Weapon]?

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