Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 143 [Obelisk] and Seahorse

Trap card [Square World], this card can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. Blue God drew a card from the deck and placed it on his field, Put one from my deck [ Fang Jieyin-Vijam] is specially summoned, and the attack target is transferred to that monster.

[Fang Jieyin-Vijam][ATK0]

A monster with 0 attack power? Humph, do you want to rely on your boring rules to avoid damage? Kaiba glanced at [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam] with disdain, waved his hand, Then first kill the one that looks disgusting. The fish monster has been crushed, [Blue Eyes]!

[True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] turned its head in the direction under Kaiba's command, and the dragon's breath directed at [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] from its mouth swept towards the tentacle-type [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam] , penetrate it easily.

Because of the rules of dueling in the dimensional realm, Blue God did not suffer any combat damage from this attack. Even the 4500-point attack power of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] could not shake Blue God's basic points at all, and [Fang Jie Yin- Vijam] also moved to Blue God's backcourt under Kaiba's watchful eye.


What a pity. My monster has moved to a higher dimension where it cannot be defeated.

Noticing the unexpected expression on Kaiba's face, Lan Shen proudly explained: [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam] has a powerful effect that cannot be destroyed by battle, and it can be used at the end of the damage step of fighting the opponent's monster. Activate the effect and place it as a magic card in the magic trap area, and on my turn, it can return to the monster area with its own effect.”

However, before that, a square counter will be placed on the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] on your field that has fought with [Fang Jie Yin-Vijamu], and the monster's attack power with the square counter placed will become 0. The effect is invalidated and attacks cannot be carried out.

Nani? Kaiba frowned and looked at the white dragon on his field. He saw that the three-headed flying dragon had been contaminated with filth at some point, and golden particles like rust were constantly floating out of its pure body. In an instant, it was as if Unable to move like a statue.

[True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] (Square Realm Counter: 0→1) [ATK4500→0]

Your [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] can be said to be the ultimate in strong attack, but so what if it can attack three times. It was de-dimensionalized by the power of [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam] and is now just a weak and withered body. It's just like that. Blue God looked at the completely powerless [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] and said proudly, Just like catching a fly ball from above the pitcher, I can catch your attack at will. It turns out Seto Kaiba only has This level?

Really, is that what you think, Zaiyu? You used some unsightly trick to manipulate my [Blue Eyes]. It would be too naive to think that this would be enough to block my attack. Bar!

Under the gaze of Blue God, Kaiba played the card in his hand, Quick attack magic card [Fusion Release], return the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] on my field to the fusion deck, and fuse it with materials from my graveyard. Special summons!

Come back, [Blue Eyes]!

The [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that turned into a statue suddenly dissipated, turned into three balls of light and fell back to the seahorse field. What appeared in front of Blue God was the three-body majestic and noble white spiritual dragon, among the duelists. The most powerful dragon clan with the highest reputation - [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】

First the fusion of three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] hand cards, and then the special summon of [Fusion Release], this set of bo is simply This set of bo that can deal up to 22,500 points of damage in total made Lan Shen couldn't help but be stunned, You... Guys, you must have glued the cards together, otherwise why could you draw all the cards into your hand so accurately at the beginning!

Hmph, you, a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck, can't understand it. As long as I think about it, [Blue Eyes] will naturally come into my hands. Kaiba kept the last card in his hand, opened his arms and said, Fear, tremble, and then be crushed by the power of [Blue Eyes]!

There are two more [Meteor Square Boundary Weapon-Tianchen] on the Blue God field. They are no match for [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Once they are destroyed, they will cause a total of 3200 points of damage to the Blue God. . After that, the attack of the third body [Blue Eyes White Dragon] will wipe out the remaining 800 basic points of Blue God, which is simply a surefire victory.

The attack of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] will destroy the two [Meteor Square Boundary Weapon-Tianchen]! Kaiba waved his hand and ordered, Destroy Burst Stream!

Two dragon breaths were spit out, instantly destroying the defenseless mechanical monsters on Blue God's field. As the [Meteor Square Boundary Tool-Tianchen] was destroyed, Blue God's basic points also dropped and their attack power decreased. value.

[Blue God: 4000→2400→800LP]

Obviously in an ordinary duel, even the attack of two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] will only cause 2800 points of damage. If Lan Shen activates the effect of [Meteor Square Boundary Artifact-Tianchen], he can suffer even less damage. Damage, and if [Meteor Square Boundary Weapon-Tianchen] was in defense position, it would not suffer any damage at all. However, because of the dimensional field duel launched by Lan Shen, he suffered greater damage.

What Blue God has to face next is a direct attack from the remaining [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the seahorse field. This time, there is no monster that can resist it, forcing Blue God to activate the cover in the backcourt. Card.

Seeing [Blue Eyes White Dragon] open its mouth, Lan Shen opened the cards in the backfield and said: When your [Blue Eyes White Dragon] directly attacks me, activate the trap card [Physical Strength Enhancer-Super Z], I If I need to receive more than 2,000 points of battle damage, I can only activate this card during the damage calculation to restore my base points by 4,000 points.

Then, you will lose 3,000 basic points due to [Blue Eyes White Dragon]'s direct attack! Kaiba waved his hand impatiently, Destruction's Burst Stream!

Crush! Jade Shatter! Big cheers!

The destructive bursting wind bomb fell, but Lan Shen relied on the activated trap card to hold on and was not killed instantly. However, he still couldn't help but kneel down on one knee because of the pain he could feel in the dimensional field duel.

[Blue God: 800→4800→1800LP]

Hmph, I made you lose a life, you idiot. Kaiba looked at Lan Shen's remaining basic points, and was a little dissatisfied that he couldn't kill such an idiot in one round. From that mediocre duel in the city Judging from the records retrieved from the game, if Blue God had 4,000 basic points at that time, he would have killed OTK in one go. If he couldn't kill Blue God in seconds, wouldn't he be inferior to that mediocre player?

Lan Shen didn't know that in Kaiba's eyes, he was just a target used to test the damage. He was still happy that he had successfully blocked Kaiba's attack.

'Although the monsters on my field have been cleared, it doesn't matter. [Fang Jie Comes to the World] can activate its effect in the graveyard and quickly gather three [Fang Jie Yin-Vijamu] on my field as a sacrifice for liberation. The condition is that the basic score is 2,000 points lower than the opponent's, which I am already satisfied with! ’

‘Then, [Obelisk’s Titan Soldier] will come to the field from my hands and easily defeat those [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on Seto Kaiba’s field! ’

If you replace this card in your hand with a card like [Instant Fusion], it will be a sure win, but it's a pity that you can't change it. After looking at the card in his hand and thinking this, Kaiba said with annoyance: My battle phase is over, and then in the main phase two, activate this magic card - [Life-cutting Treasure Card]!

“I draw cards from the deck until I have five cards in my hand, and then as a price for this powerful effect, I need to discard my cards during my fifth preparation phase after activating [Life-cutting Treasure Card]. All the cards in hand.”

Seeing Kaiba, who just had the last card left in his hand, draw out five more cards, Lan Shen couldn't help but said: What price is that!?

But, your battle phase is over, you can't-- Halfway through his words, Lan Shen stopped in time and did not say any more, because he suddenly remembered that none of his defeats so far were in the battle phase. Except for Malik's time, it seemed that all of them were killed because of the opponent's cards in the second main stage.

Even a fool should remember after suffering losses so many times. Lan Shen decisively stopped his behavior of jumping out and setting a flag.

Kaiba didn't pay much attention to Blue God. After drawing five cards, he glanced at one of the cards, pulled it out and said: Activate the continuous magic card [Blue Eyes' Illusion], and use one monster on my field once per round. Activate it for the target, return it to my hand, and then Special Summon a [Blue Eyes] monster from my hand.

Retrieving a [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] from the duel plate, Kaiba watched as one of the white spiritual dragons around him disappeared, and added, And when the monster returned to his hand had the original card name of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], In this case, you can cancel the restriction of [Blue Eyes] and directly special summon one monster.

Embrace the power of the abyss and move towards evolution, [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon]!

The [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], which had previously disappeared on the seahorse field, returned in a more gorgeous appearance after a brief absence. Its powerful wings evolved into angel-like wings, and its figure became much slender and slender. More feminine.

【Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon】【8☆/Light】



The effect of [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] can only be activated when there is [Blue-Eyed White Dragon] on my field or in my graveyard. When her summoning or special summoning is successful, I will add a ritual magic card or a ritual magic card from my deck. [Fusion] is added to the hand, I choose this [Chaos Form].

Put down three cards and my turn ends. Then, due to the effect of [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon], I activate it during my end phase and add a dragon-type monster with level 8☆ or above from the deck to my hand.

Taking a card from the deck, Kaiba declared the end of his turn.

[Seto Kaiba: 4000LP, 3 cards in hand]

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】X2

【Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon】【ATK2500】

【Blue Eyes' Illusion】【Gaika】X3

Watching Kaiba end his turn, the impatient Lan Shen reached into the square on his wrist that represented the deck area, pulled out a card and said: My turn, in this round, I want to let God comes to bring you despair, Seto Kaiba! Draw a card!

Then I activate the effect of [Square World Coming] in the graveyard. If my base points are more than 2,000 points less than the opponent's, I will activate [Square World Coming] in the graveyard and activate it from my hand, graveyard, or deck. Select one [Fang Jie Yin - Vijam] to Special Summon, and if it is activated when only the opponent has monsters on the field, you can select up to two more [Fang Jie Yin - Vijam] to special summon!

And [Fang Jie Yin-Vijam], which is regarded as a magic card on my back field, will also return to the monster area with its own effect at this time!

Taking out [Fang Jie Yin] from the cemetery, Lan Shen clenched his fist and crushed the card into golden particles that dissipated. On his field, there were three clusters of small golden cubes gathered together, turning into three [Fang Jie Yin- Vijam], and instantly gathered three monsters that can be used for liberation!

Is it coming, [Obelisk]? Kaiba narrowed his eyes slightly and watched Blue God raise a card in his hand above his head.

Free the three [Fang Jie Yin-Vijamu] on my field, and summon this invincible monster from my hand! The [Fang Jie Yin-Vijamu] that just appeared in front of me turned into golden particles and dissipated and surged. The card in his hand was filled with the power of the god, and the Blue God shouted excitedly, If it comes to the world, scorching winds will sweep across the earth, and all living things will turn into corpses!

[Obelisk's Titan Soldier]!


The crimson sky was surging, the ground beneath his feet was trembling, and everything in the world seemed to be torn apart with the crack that appeared between Kaiba and the Blue God. From in front of the Blue God, the tall blue giant stretched his hands to expand the crack several times and stood on the ground!

【Obelisk's Titan Weapon】【10☆/God】

[Phantom Beast Tribe/Effect]


This is the power of 'god'! Looking at the god he summoned in front of him, Lan Shen laughed proudly, I won, the victory of this duel is already in my hands! Hahahaha!

You have to have this kind of monster with constant values ​​to be trustworthy. [Sky Dragon of Osiris] is just rubbish. With such a wonderful start, there is no doubt that I have won! It really makes me feel so happy that I want to sing loudly. One song!”

Glancing at the three monsters on the seahorse field, Lan Shen waved his hand arrogantly: Entering the battle stage, crush those monsters for me, starting with that nasty [Blue Eyes White Dragon], [Obelisk's Giant magic】!

Holy Hand·Critical Strike!

Seeing Blue God commanding [Obelisk's Giant God Soldier] to attack him, Kaiba snorted disdainfully: Idiot, the name of the attack should be 'God Fist Crush', but it's really What a tragedy, [Obelisk] is actually being commanded by such a third-rate duelist, doesn’t it mean that he can’t use his true power at all?”

It's boring. It's so disappointing to fight you like this.

Blue God didn't understand, and just thought that Kaiba was trying to be tough: Humph, have you been frightened by God, Seto Kaiba? Although [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is a first-class and powerful duel monster, its strength is [Obelisk’s Titan Weapons] must be stronger!”

You are the idiot, a mere third-rate duelist. Let me tell you, the performance difference of the dueling monsters is not the decisive factor in the difference in combat power! Kaiba pressed the button and said, Open my Gaika -

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