Kaiba glanced at the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon] in his hands, and frowned.

In the last round, he used the effect of [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] to add [Chaos Form] and [Blue-Eyed Chaos MAX Dragon], which were currently covering the backfield, to his hand. His plan was to attack in this round. Clear out the remaining basic points of Blue God and kill them.

However, because Blue God suddenly played such a [Masque of the Sacrifice Seal], the ritual became unable to be activated even if the liberation was sealed, and the cards in the hand that could have been smoothly unfolded appeared in an instant. Stuck stuff.

But it doesn't matter, Kaiba is not that easy to fall into despair.

If that's all you have, you can't limit my [Blue Eyes] at all. Her power and my formula for victory are much more perfect than you imagine! Kaiba said, putting him in this round The drawn card was played and said, I activate the magic card, [Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer].

As Kaiba inserted the card into the magic trap area, Blue God saw a small hammer fall and touch a card in Kaiba's hand, making the two cards disappear.

Choose any card in my hand, return it to the deck with [Multiple Mallet] to shuffle, and then draw the number of cards returned to my hand + 1 card. I will return [Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon] to the deck, and then draw two cards.

Hearing Kaiba's words, Lan Shen smiled contemptuously: That's it? But even if you put the card back and draw it again, is it possible that you can create another [Blue Eyes White Dragon]? It's a confirmed reality It cannot be changed. It is an indisputable fact that there are only three [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] in your deck, and now that one of them [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] has been excluded, your only hope of defeating me is It’s also a fact that it has been cut off!”

Even in a duel in the dimensional field, the higher-level summons of monsters will be replaced by dimensional summons that do not require sacrifices. You can directly summon [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], but it will be useless. If you only have two [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], you will lose. It’s determined that you won’t be my opponent!”

I've seen it, Seto Kaiba, I can see it clearly! He pointed at Kaiba who was reaching for the deck to draw a card. Blue God said proudly, Your fingers are trembling, right? Fear me, fear me who wields the [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] that you cannot resist!

After hearing Lan Shen's words, Kaiba frowned and said impatiently: It's so noisy, Zaiyu, you should go see an ophthalmologist.

Although his fingers were indeed trembling slightly, when Kaiba raised his head and looked at the tall [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], there was not even a trace of fear in his eyes, but only an undisguised excitement and excitement. excited.

Although it is not in a complete state and has not exerted its full power at all, being able to fight [Obelisk] together with [Blue Eyes] is a rare and exciting experience even for me.

Kaiba couldn't help but recall that before Duel City began, after he obtained the [Obelisk's Titan Weapon] from the woman Isis Isildar, he specially used one to test the power of the God Card. A deck with weak cards, and then handed over his original deck to the duel robots.

In that duel, even though he gathered the three-body [Blue Eyes] and fused them into [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], he still used [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] to completely smash the duel robot, confirming that even if The power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] cannot surpass [Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon].

But now, the tide has turned. Blue God used [Obelisk's Titan Weapon] to suppress him, and he had to rely on the power of [Blue Eyes] to defeat it.

In other words, the outcome of this duel is no longer the most important thing to Kaiba. The most important thing is to prove that the power of [Blue Eyes] surpasses [Obelisk's Titan Weapon]. Winning or losing has become something that can be picked up after completing that step.

It is true that [Blue Eyes White Dragon] has been expelled from me by you with despicable means, but as long as I want, [Blue Eyes] will definitely answer my call and come back to me, because no one can drive [Blue Eyes] away from me. 】Take it away from me, you know, you bastard!

Putting his fingers on the top of the deck, Kaiba suddenly pulled out the card above and shouted, Cross the distance between dimensions and come back to me, [Blue Eyes]! Draw!

As Kaiba pulled out the card, it was clear that he had only drawn one card at the beginning, but before Blue God could say something to ridicule Kaiba for not knowing what he meant, he saw white light blooming in Kaiba's hand!

In the light, Lan Shen vaguely saw the shadow of a giant dragon surrounding Haima, but he seemed to see that the person beside Haima was not a giant dragon, but a white-haired woman hugging him tenderly. But when he looked carefully, he saw that All he could see was the light shrinking towards Kaiba's hand, forming a card.

Looking at the new card that appeared in his hand, Kaiba raised the corner of his mouth, raised it above his head and said, Have you returned with new power, [Blue Eyes]? Then there is no need to hold back and show it to the world directly. Your new attitude!

Show me the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in my hand, and then use the white dragon's own effect to special summon it!

In response to my call, your noble and awe-inspiring soul will form a new body of the strongest dragon, and come with power beyond dimensions!

[Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

Placing the card in his hand on the duel plate, Kaiba raised his hand and made a fist.

Impossible! The brand new [Blue Eyes]!? Lan Shen glanced at Kaiba Field, but did not see the Blue Eyes Sub-White Dragon that Kaiba just mentioned appeared anywhere, It's just a bluff——


A sound of something breaking was heard, interrupting Blue God's words, causing him to subconsciously shoot towards a black sphere on Kaiba Field - the one he had previously activated to remove Seto Kaiba's [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and send it away. The [Black Core] who went to another dimension looked over.

I saw that cracks were forming one after another on the black ball, and they were still spreading and expanding. A sharp white claw suddenly stabbed out from the inside and reached the surface of the ball.

With a high-pitched dragon roar, another dragon claw broke through the blockade of the sphere. The spirit dragon, whose body was illuminated with white lines that seemed to be a symbol of the power of another dimension, poked its head out, and violently tore apart the sphere that blocked itself!


Impossible, is that [Blue Eyes White Dragon]? He actually came back from another dimension with his own power?!

Lan Shen stared at the white dragon in front of him with wide eyes. But soon, Lan Shen noticed the difference between the white dragon in front of him and the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] he knew, No, this is not [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

Of course this is [Blue Eyes White Dragon], but she is not the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] you know, but a new form after I recalled her from another dimension and evolved through the bond with [Blue Eyes] ——[Blue-eyed Asia White Dragon] Da!”

There is no doubt that there is a red thread of destiny connecting me and [Blue Eyes]. My soul has been taken away by the overwhelming power of [Blue Eyes]. This feeling is simply 'love'!

Kaiba withdrew his obsessed eyes from [Blue Eyes Asia White Dragon], and when he looked at Blue God, his eyes returned to sharpness, [Blue Eyes]'s own destructive power emerged from the outside under the guidance of another dimension, making [Blue Eyes Asia White Dragon] It has a powerful destructive effect that can crush all the monsters that are my enemy once per turn without attacking!

Lan Shen, who was shocked by Kaiba's idiotic speech, quickly recovered after a brief absence. He glanced at [Blue-Eyes Yabailong] and said: The effect is indeed powerful, but it can't change anything at all, [Oubele] Sk’s Titan Soldier] But God will not be destroyed by such an effect!”

I know that kind of thing better than you, but I didn't say I was going to use this effect. I just wanted you to understand how powerful [Blue Eyes] is that defeated you!

Kaiba despised Blue God and pressed the button to activate the Gaika, I want to activate the Gaika in my back field, [Fusion]!

[Fusion]?! Lan Shen watched in surprise as the card on Kaiba's backfield was opened, revealing the magic card that symbolized the noblest summoning method, but what he felt more in his heart was actually wanting to complain.

It is certain that [Chaos Form] is covered, and then there is this [Fusion] in front of me. Seto Kaiba only covered three cards in total in his last turn. As a result Only that [Half-Seal] is a serious quick-attack magic card that can be used in the opponent's turn. The other two are all ordinary magic cards that Tu Yile uses to bluff people?

You're cheating on people by using [Tornado] to sweep the backcourt, *expletive from Prana*, how could the dueling monster environment become like this!

Complaining in his heart, Lan Shen still put on a contemptuous attitude on the surface, smiled coldly and said: Idiot, you said that only two [Blue-Eyed White Dragons] can [fuse], and in the end they can only summon It’s just [Blue Eyes Double Explosion Dragon] with an attack power of 3000 points.”

Even if it has 3000 attack points and cannot be destroyed by battle, and can attack monsters twice in one battle phase and monsters that are not destroyed by its attacks will be eliminated at the end of the damage step, in the final analysis it is nothing more than It’s just a fish monster, no match for [Obelisk’s Titan Soldier]!”

Listening to Blue God's provocation, Kaiba crossed his arms across his chest and said coldly: I didn't say I wanted to use two [Blue Eyes] to fuse. The fusion material selected for this [Fusion] magic card is other than mine. In addition to the two [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on the field and in the hand, there is also a [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]!

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon], when it exists on the field or in the graveyard, the card name can be used as [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], so what is being done at this moment is the fusion of three [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]!

【Blue Eyes White Dragon→Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】

Let you meet the strongest and most ultimate dragon in history, transcend the boundaries of time and space, come here!

In response to the call of the two [Blue Eyes] on the field, the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in Kaiba's hand also appeared. Together with the other two white dragons, it surrounded Kaiba and rose into the air to merge into one body under the power of [Fusion]. A pure white holy light burst out that covered this chaotic and dark sky.

Under the gaze of Blue God, who couldn't help but tremble, a three-headed dragon appeared on the field again, not in the form of the evolved strongest dragon, but in the form of the original strongest dragon!

Tough! Invincible! Strongest!

Kaiba's palms raised above his head clenched tightly,

Fusion Summon! [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

Roar! X3

【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【12☆/Light】



The Ultimate Dragon Returns, which is the top level of Duel Monsters and is higher than the God Card, is 12☆. It is clear that Kaiba can be fusion summoned due to the previous [Fusion Release] and was returned to the fusion deck. The [True Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] came, but as if he wanted to put out evidence to refute Blue God's previous disdain for non-effect monsters, Kaiba finally chose the [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon].

It was actually summoned, the fusion of the three-body [Blue Eyes]! Lan God looked in disbelief at the [Blue Eyes Ultra Dragon] that came to the seahorse field to fill the gap with the help of the [Blue Eyes Sub-White Dragon] that evolved into a new form. He said Already seen the ending.

Once [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] attacks, even the God of Destruction [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] will be unable to resist it with its attack power of 4500 points, and will be destroyed by its battle, and in [Obelisk's case] The moment Lisk's Titan Soldier was destroyed by the battle, Blue God would also be damaged by the attack power value of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] due to the duel in the dimensional realm!

That damage is as high as 4,000 points, which will instantly wipe out the only 1,800 basic points that Blue God has left!

No, no, I don't want to lose again! Lan Shen, who didn't want to face another defeat and couldn't accept that he was going to lose again, had despair in his eyes. I still have a great mission to complete, to fight in the dimensional realm. If I win or lose, I will, I will—

The magic card, [Ultimate Explosive Bomb] is activated, allowing the [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] on my field to attack three times during this battle phase, and when it attacks, the opponent cannot use magic until the end of the damage step. The effects of traps and monsters are activated!”

Playing the card in his hand, Kaiba blocked even the possibility of Blue God's final struggle. He waved his hand and ordered, Enter the battle stage, then go ahead, [Blue Eyes], vent your anger!


The three heads of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] opened their mouths at the same time, and the light converged towards them, and then three torrents of light spurted out, bringing with them the unrivaled, unstoppable, and unstoppable ultimate power. The power blasted towards the only monster on Blue God's field - [Obelisk's Titan Soldier].

Faced with such an offensive, [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] refused to even pretend to resist, and immediately turned sideways, allowing [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]'s triple attack to land without any weakening. On the body of Lan Shen who just dared to call him a waste!

Although in the movie version, Kaiba had the [Blue-eyed Asia White Dragon] when he first played cards with Blue God, in this book, Kaiba never had it. He was just waiting for the duel with Blue God to appear. As early as Duel City Photo It was arranged like this when I was young

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