Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 71 It’s not pink, it’s magenta

Raising his head to look at Hayato, Tragodia seemed to have stabilized his control over his body. He looked at Hayato contemptuously and said, It was such an unexpected surprise that three cards in my hand were destroyed in one go. And these three cards The cards are really more dangerous than each one.

Hayato looked at the cards that were sent to the graveyard with some regret: Yeah, I quite like these cards. I'm obviously ready to use them to kill you.

With only one [Psychic Ectoplasm] and no more expansion, Hayato can easily use the [Supreme Sun] that came over to cause 1500 points of damage to Tragodia and clear its Basic points, if [Supreme Sun] is not liberated.

However, at least we can get rid of the ugly [Supreme Sun] in this way.

Have you changed your aesthetic standards because you can't get them? The double standards are too obvious! Even Tragodia couldn't help complaining. After a pause, he sneered again, But you should not have forgotten the effect of [Supreme Sun]. The reason why I can release it without hesitation is that he will still be resurrected due to his own effect in the next turn.

Although for most planet cards, the actual card can be strengthened, but [Supreme Sun] is somewhat different as the only star, and the actual card is weakened.

The real card [Supreme Sun] can only be specially summoned by its own effect, or it can be summoned by a higher level with a sacrifice, and its resurrection effect is not only limited to the situation when it is destroyed, but also requires discarding a card in the hand when special summoning. price.

On the other hand, the [Supreme Sun] held by Tragodia not only has no restrictions on the summoning method, but even if it is sent from the hand to the graveyard, it can be specially summoned directly at no cost in the next turn.

It's a pity that although Hayato brought [Name of the Grave] or Tomb Finger in the deck this time, he didn't draw it just now. Otherwise, he would have eliminated [Supreme Sun] from the graveyard and there would be no need to worry about it. In this round, he appeared again.

And as if feeling a little uneasy without the powerful monsters present, Tragodia took out a card from his graveyard area and placed it on the field: But in the darkness before the sun rises again, let me use this card. This monster will add more despair to you.

The effect of [Diablos, Lord of Darkness] in my graveyard is activated when this card exists in the hand or graveyard and a dark attribute monster on your field is released. Special Summon this monster.

The chains are all broken, and the power that controls the shadow world. The pink light is a symbol of destruction. Appear here, [Diabolos, the Demon Lord of Darkness]!

As Tragodia placed the card on the duel plate, a shadow surged from the ground beside him, transforming into a four-winged dragon beast wrapped in chains, and an uncontrollable powerful force was cracking through it. The skin radiates light across the body.

[The Demon King of Darkness-Diabolos] [8☆/Dark]



Arrogantly setting the monster in attack position and not afraid of Hayato's attack, Tragodia summoned [Dark Demon Lord-Diabolos] and wanted to say a few more harsh words, but was interrupted by a roar from beside him. . Frowning, Tragodia looked at [Dark Demon Lord Diablos].

The deck it is using at the moment is the deck used by Tianma Yexing. It is based on the [Lava] deck used by Tianma Yexing before it was controlled by Tragodia. It has made certain adjustments and added many Tragodia intentions. The deck that drives Pegasus to travel through the night to collect powerful cards, in order to absorb the power of those cards that have awakened the spirits.

[The Lord of Darkness - Diablos] is also obtained in this way. For this card, Tragodia hypnotizes Pegasus into the night and kills its user. It does the same thing for other cards, but only this one has it. The monster with the character king is particularly arrogant and refuses to give up its resistance, constantly resisting itself.

I thought it just held a grudge for killing its user, or didn't want to lose its power, but after summoning [Dark Demon Lord Diablos] for the first time in a duel, Tragodia discovered that If it weren't for being bound by rules, [Diablos] might have been unable to resist attacking him, and even at this moment he was still glaring at him fiercely and yelling at him.

Looking at [Diablos] impatiently, Tragodia did not take it seriously as it could not escape his control: It's so noisy, you pink guy!

Hayato glanced at [Diabolos, the Demon Lord of Darkness] and couldn't help but said: That's not pink, it's magenta.

Upon hearing Hayato's words, [Diabolos] immediately gave a thumbs up and nodded kindly to Hayato. And when Tragodia saw that Diablos, who was supposed to obey his command, was so friendly to Hayato Kobayashi on the opposite side, he suddenly felt the same kind of [Suppressing Pluto] that Pegasus had experienced before in the night flight, but was NTRed by Hayato Kobayashi. Feel.

Hmph, that's not important at all. On the contrary, do you still have the time to care about such boring things, Hayato Kobayashi?

Your [Predator Plant] deck seems to be a deck that uses Fusion Summoning as the evolution method, right? In order to place another dangerous monster like [Predator Plant-Rhinoceros], I must immediately use your [Fusion] magic The card is out of print, so you won’t be able to fusion summon it anymore, right?”

Also blocked are ritual summons. Without ritual magic cards, there is no way to ritual summon. What else can you do with the two miscellaneous fish monsters on the field? Can you summon them from a higher level?

Oh, I forgot, it was you who used your own monster effect to give up the normal summoning ability this round, and you have no cards in your hand. Just die in helpless despair and unwillingness, Hayato Kobayashi!

Next turn, I will use my restored power to take away your cards and your own monster to take your life!

Listening to Tragodia's harsh words, Hayato smiled contemptuously: Idiot, who told you that you can't perform Fusion Summoning without a magic card? Let you understand why Fusion Summoning is the most noble summoning. Let’s do this! Watch and learn, I will only demonstrate this once, let’s experience ‘contact fusion’!”

Tragodia was stunned by the never-heard term: Contact fusion?

Activate the effect of [Predatory Plant - Sundew Lizard], which can only be activated during my main phase. The fusion material monsters determined by the dark attribute fusion monsters including this card on the field are removed from my hand and field. Select and send it to the graveyard from among the monsters with prey counters placed on the opponent's field, and Fusion Summon that fusion monster from the fusion deck!

Nani!? Tragodia was stunned for a moment, but then said contemptuously, Huh, it's useless. As long as [Dark Lord Diablos] exists in the monster area, the opponent cannot release this card. , and will not be the target of the effect.”

Although I really want to say that the effect of [Predatory Plant - Sundew Lizard] is noble and not a target, I did not say that my target is that [Dark Demon Lord - Diablos]. He pointed with his hand. Tragodia, Hayato said playfully, The fusion material I chose is [predatory plant-drosera lizard] and the opponent's duelist, no, the duel monster [Tragodia]!

The target is actually me?! Hearing that Hayato once again selected the card's effect target as himself standing on the field, Tragodia couldn't help but recall the nightmare of being tied up and played with by [Rhinoceratops], and she regretted why she had to He personally said, No, don't, that's my power!

It's mine now!

Watching the [Predatory Plant - Sundew Lizard] spit out its mucus-covered tongue to forcefully take [Tragodia]'s card from Tragodia's duel plate, Hayato stretched out his hand to catch it and put it with The cards of [Drosera Umbrella Lizard] were raised above the head, I never lie. If I say that the strongest dragon after evolution, I will definitely summon a dragon monster. As the [Dark Demon Lord-Diabo you summon) Ross]’s response!”

As Hayato took out a card with a purple border and raised it above his head, a shadow appeared behind Hayato, and was immediately recognized by Kaiba and Ameluda.

That monster, is it the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]? Ameruda, who had a fight with Hayato's colleague, recalled it and said, It seems that it can be captured when summoned by fusion with two dark attribute monsters on the field. The attack power of the monster specially summoned by the opponent.

No, it's not [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]. No one knows dragon monsters better than me. Although that monster is similar to [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon], it is absolutely not the same. Kaiba rejected Yameluda's suggestion. Guessing, watching the phantom crazily devouring the plundered energy and transforming itself into a more powerful form, That dragon is evolving!

The material is a [predatory plant] monster plus a dark attribute monster with an original level of 8☆ or above. The most ferocious, poisonous, eternally hungry, greedy and powerful dragon will descend here, and the one who surrounds its birth is none other than Trago Dia, those dark powers in you don’t belong in the first place!”

Fusion Summon! Meet the most powerful dragon after evolution!

Playing the card, Hayato shouted the purple dragon's new name:

[Desire Poison Fusion Dragon]!

Bathed in the dark power that Tragodia had worked so hard to collect, the poisonous dragon stretched its body and grew wildly.

The sharp claws became longer and longer, and the solid jade that stored power changed from pale red to completely scarlet, shining with an ominous light.

From the back, a pair of wings of thorns grew out and coiled like a flower bag. Just waving them spreads a purple poisonous mist that corrodes everything, plunders everything, destroys everything, and swallows everything.

[Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] [10☆/Dark]



What was born by seizing the power of [Tragodia] was the next evolution of [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon], and it was also the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] that gave birth to the [Predator Plant] deck in Hayato's hands. ]!

So in theory, Hayato is playing a pretty authentic Pure [Predatory Plant] deck this time!

The attack power is 3300 points, which is better than [Blue Eyes-- Keppei exclaimed subconsciously, but he stopped talking under the death gaze of the seahorse next to him.

Higher than [Blue Eyes White Dragon]! However, although Kaiba controlled Keppei, he failed to guard against Ameruda. His [Blue Eyes White Dragon] was once again used as a comparison of attack power. object.

Tragodia, on the other hand, seemed languid after the original card [Tragodia] was super-fused by Hayato. Unlike the previous [Rhinoceros Dragon] which was just a simple sealing power, this time the [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] was attached to the card of [Tragodia] when it was born, and was absorbed crazily before being sent to the graveyard by Hayato. With its power, it was almost sucked into dried lobster.

Barely pulling himself together, he looked at the [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] with an attack power of 3300 points. Tragodia said that he was not afraid of the opponent, but that was a lie. Looking at this monster, Tragodia was more powerful than the ten in front of him. Billions of murderous monsters are even more terrifying and terrifying!

But it still said stubbornly: It's just a monster with an attack power of 3300 points. Even if you attack, even if the target is the [Lava Burner] with the lowest attack power on my field, you can't kill me in one breath. .”

Tragodia's words are similar to If we all swarm you, you may not be able to kill us all before your inner strength is exhausted. He said the most cowardly words in the most arrogant tone.

After all, in its view, the attack power of [Lava Burner] is 2100 points. Even if it attacks it, it will only cause 1200 points of damage to itself. Although the remaining 300 basic points are like a candle in the wind, it is completely viable. Live.

But Hayato smiled contemptuously and opened his arms: Hoho~ Aren't you going to run away? You saw me summoning [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] and you didn't run away in fear? No, you are already afraid, you are afraid I, Hayato Kobayashi, am as if a snail has encountered a snail-eating beetle and am so trembling that I can’t move!”

Then, let me show you more fear! The effect of [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] is activated once per round, targeting one monster on the field. Until the end of the round, the monster's attack power becomes 0. The effect is invalidated!

It is naturally impossible for Hayato to target the [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] on his field, and [Dark Demon Lord-Diabolos] has the resistance not to be targeted, so his natural choice is Tragodia's [Lava Burner] in attack position on the field!

'Hehehe, I want to eat a hot dog~' Translated, the cry of [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] seems to mean this, and a wire-controlled floating cannon was released from it - a thorn with sharp teeth. Wings, pierced into the body of [Lava Burner], and squeezed out every drop of the power of the strong [Lava Burner] in just an instant!

【Lava Burner】【ATK2100→0】

Entering the battle stage, use [Gross Poison Fusion Dragon] to attack [Lava Burner], and put Furukawa bread with Akiko jam on it!

Hearing Hayato shouting the name of a move that sounded like it could kill people, [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] took a deep breath, spit out purple dragon breath and attacked [Lava Burner]!

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