Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 70 Why does it hurt to wipe your eyes with your hands?

It took a long time before Tragodia came over from the torture, and looked at Hayato with anger and fear in his eyes.

It feels like something is wrong. I am the villain, right? Why is it the opposite Kobayashi Hayato who uses torture methods?

Considering that the effect of Tragodia itself, the monster [Tragodia], was negated by Hayato Kobayashi's [Predatory Plant - Rhinoceros], there is no longer any remaining card in its hand. If necessary, insert the magic trap area: Activate the continuous magic card [Candy House], my turn ends.

[Tragodia: 1000LP, 0 cards in hand]


【Lava Burner】【ATK1500→2100】

【Candy House】【Add Card】【Add Card】

As the round ends, the effect of [Forbidden Cloth] disappears, and the attack power of [Lava Burner] returns to its original value, but the effect of [Tragodia] is still inactive. As long as [Predator Plant-Rhinoceratops] exists and [Tragodia] with a predator counter placed on it will always be suppressed by it.

Is this the so-called strongest dragon after evolution? Looking at the [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] whose attack power has also returned to 2700 points, Tragodia sighed, It's really mouth-watering and terrifying. Powerful.

No, what Hayato Kobayashi said before was obviously just casual. He actually thought this monster was a dragon? Amaluda complained, looking at Keppei aside, Did you just play bondage play? You were so high that your brain went crazy?

I don't know, because I'm just a cute little kid.

Kaiba crossed his arms across his chest and said disdainfully: Hmph, what is the strongest dragon? Even if we don't mention that she is not a dragon monster at all, that boring effect is meaningless at all. She is not my invincible [Blue Eyes White Dragon] ]’s opponent.”

The reason why you are like that is simply because the ability whose effect is invalidated does not suppress your deck very much.

Listening to the conversation between Ameluda and Kaiba, Hayato put his hands on his hips and said proudly: Hmph, that's right. [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceros] is the strongest dragon, even if it doesn't use the ability to invalidate monster effects. Its attack and defense values ​​are also higher than those of the two monsters on your field.

Die wailing under the power of Teardrop's lackeys!

Although I don't quite understand what 'the running dog of tears' means, but since you are so proud of the power of your monster, then watch with your own eyes the ending of your own monster self-destructing due to excessive attack power.

Tragodia said harsh words, while Hayato put his finger on the top of the deck and pulled out a card: My turn, draw a card.

Because of the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower], you need to discard the number of cards previously drawn with its effect during your preparation phase. Seeing Hayato draw a card, Tragodia immediately urged, and because he wanted to Hayato, who was a little unhappy after discarding the cards in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said impatiently, You don't need to tell me.

The number of cards I drew before with the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] was three, so now I discard three cards in my hand.

[Hayato: 3000LP, hand 5→6→3]

It's not over yet, the effect of [Predatory Plant-Cordyceps Sinensis] in my graveyard is activated. During my preparation phase, remove this card from the graveyard and use two [Predatory Plant] monsters in my graveyard with level 4☆ or lower. Activate for the target. Taking out a card from the graveyard, Hayato banished it after revealing it, and continued, The target monster is Special Summoned on my field.

Special summon two monsters at once? Tragodia squinted his eyes and looked at the [Predatory Plant-Cordyceps sinensis] displayed in Hayato's hand, When was that monster card sent to the graveyard? Is it the previous one [Scapecution]? Darkness]?”

That's right. However, powerful cards often come with huge risks. During the turn when the effect of [Cordyceps] is activated, I cannot perform normal summons. Putting [Cordyceps] in his pocket, Hayato took out two more from the graveyard. Monster card, Resurrection, my love, my monster.

[Predatory Plant-Drosera Fusarium], [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur]!

In addition to the [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] that Tragodia had seen before through the body of Pegasus Nocturnal, there was another one that was resurrected from the cemetery that was the same as the [Predatory Plant-Cordyceps Sinensis] that appeared for the first time. Monster.

[Predatory Plant-Nepenthes pterosaurs] [ATK300]

[Predatory Plant-Drosera Fusarium] [2☆/Dark]

【Plant family/effect】


Obviously you can use the effect of [Predatory Plant-Cordyceps Sinensis] to resurrect as many [Predatory Plants] with higher attack power as possible, but Hayato only chose two miscellaneous fish monsters with a combined attack power of less than 1,000 points. This made Tragodia was a little confused.

Since the previous [Cordyceps] was a card sent to the graveyard with [Darkness of Scapecution], then this [Drosera] would have just been sent by Hayato with the effect of [Nightmare Mirage]. The card went to the graveyard, and the same goes for the [Nepenthes Winged Dragon]. The previous one was banished face-down by Hayato with the effect of [Dead Soul Fusion].

Hmph, you are not the only one who can special summon monsters from the graveyard. The [Supreme Sun] that was destroyed before was special summoned again on my field due to its own effect. Seeing Hayato's summoning, Trago Dia also summons a card from the graveyard to the field.

The Demon of the Sun reappeared, but with a slight difference, the resurrected [Supreme Sun] was actually specially summoned by Tragodia in defense position.

【Supreme Sun】【DEF3000】

After both sides completed the special summons, before entering Hayato's main stage, Tragodia said with a sneer on his face: In your preparation stage, I want to use this [Candy in the back field. [House] effect. It can only be activated during the opponent's preparation phase. It will increase the attack power of all monsters on the opponent's field by 600. Let's give you some sweetness first.

A mini house made of cookies, cream, and candies stood on Tragodia's backfield, and icing sprinkled from it onto the three monsters on Hayato's field.

[Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops][ATK2700→3300]

[Predatory Plant-Drosera Fusarium][ATK600→1200]

[Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] [ATK200→800]

A card that actively increases the opponent's monster's attack power? Keppei frowned and said in confusion, [Predator Plant-Rhinoceratops]'s current attack power is already higher than [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. As long as it attacks [ [Lava Burner] can easily cause more than 1,000 points of combat damage, clear the opponent's base points, and end the duel. Is this some new type of suicide that I don't understand?

Just like how Hayato used the opponent's card and successfully used it as a negative lesson, in addition to not using the opponent's card, it's best not to happily accept the buff effects from the opponent. After all, no one knows the opponent's backcourt. Could the card under the upper cover be a [Magic Barrel] or something like that?”

Kaiba paused and added: Especially when the other party is still praising your monster as 'so strong, too strong'.

The increased attack power of [Candy House] will not be taken back at the end of the round, but miracles and magic are never free. Indulge in the sweetness and rot. Tragodia smiled evilly and raised his hand to pretend. Holding, After the effect of increasing the attack power, all monsters on the opponent's field with an attack power higher than 2500 points will be destroyed, and each destroyed monster will become a part of me and restore my basic points!

Die to me, that [Rhinoceratops]!

As Tragodia screamed full of resentment, the icing sugar attached to [Rhinoceratops] absorbed water and agglomerated, and actually squeezed out the water in [Predatory Plant - Rhinoceros], and the vines and flowers withered and shattered. , [Rhinoceratops] was also destroyed and sent to the cemetery.

At the same time, the magic power that had been sealed and plundered by the power of [Rhinoceratops] returned to Tragodia.

There was one monster that was destroyed, so my basic points were restored to 500 points. The feeling of comfort made Tragodia want to sing a song, but it still resisted the urge and said.

[Tragodia: 1000→1500LP]

Feeling the power of death return to his body and the magic power filling his body again, Tragodia regained his confidence. As an elf, it has long been an immortal existence. It is not afraid of anything. What it is most afraid of is the seal. After all, it has been locked in the stone slab for three thousand years, and the power-depriving effect of [Rhinoceratops] is the most disturbing. It was afraid and couldn't help but recall the fear it had.

But now, although those obstructive vines are still hanging on my body, with the blessing of magic power, my body is so light and there is nothing to be afraid of!

Thinking like this, Tragodia saw that the [Supreme Sun] beside him was also wrapped with vines.

【Supreme Sun】【10☆→1☆】

Before it was destroyed, was the effect of placing a predation counter activated? Tragodia remembered the effect of [Rhinoceratops]. In addition to the permanent invalidation effect, it also had the ability to place a predation counter. But in On the premise that [Rhinoceratops] has been destroyed and sent to the graveyard, placing a predator indicator is completely meaningless.”

Really? Let's wait and see. Hayato just smiled coldly and did not tell the answer.

In just a preparatory stage, Hayato and Tragodia used several cards one after another. The onlookers were so itchy that Kaiba seemed to be addicted to cards and wanted to drag Tragodia away immediately to replace him. Start playing cards with Hayato.

[Predatory Plants] This is the first time he has seen Hayato use this deck. Although it looks very vicious, compared to [Hellfire Machine], which liberates other monsters without permission, and repeatedly jumps across the hand graveyard, it can't kill them all. The [Half-Dragon Maid] and [Gaia] that always appear together with [Super Fusion] are already so much better. He really wants to play with Hayato who uses this deck. This is a rare deck for head-on combat.

Just as Kaiba was thinking this, he heard Hayato say: That [Supreme Sun] actually popped up again. It's so ugly that it makes me want to vomit just looking at it.

That's what I want to say, but activate the effect of [Nepenthes Pterosaur] and get that monster that actually looks pretty cool because it's mine soon!

The effect of [Nepenthes Pterosaur], I remember. Hearing Hayato's words, Tragodia thought about it for a moment, but his expression changed. Until the end of the round, an opponent with a level lower than it is obtained. Control of the monster? Damn it, is this a prey counter placed for this effect!?”

Didn't you just say that my monster is ugly as hell?

You must have remembered it wrong. How could I say that to that handsome monster? It's like people will feel ugly in front of a certain smoke mirror before they smoke it, and they will try their best to find the parts of the other person that are quite handsome after they smoke it. , the double-standard Hayato pretended to be innocent and said, Also, that is clearly my monster!

Hearing that Hayato had regarded [Supreme Sun] as his own monster without permission, Tragodia was angry, and watched as the burning vines wrapped around him were pulled towards [Supreme Sun] on Hayato's field. , but Tragodia activated Gaika in the backcourt without hesitation: Unlike that idiot kid Pegasus Ye Xing, this monster has no special meaning to me.

Instead of you taking it away and then turning it around to use it against me, it would be better for me to completely drain it of its use value now!

Trap card, [Dark Deck Destruction Virus]!

Seeing that [Supreme Sun] was about to fall into Hayato's hands, as Tragodia's backcourt cover was opened, dangerous dark toxins appeared on [Supreme Sun]'s body, and along its contact with the ground Spread instantly, affecting Hayato's backcourt, hand, and even his deck? !

Liberate a dark attribute monster on my field with an attack power of 2500 or more. Only by declaring the type of card to be a magic card or trap card can I activate this [Dark Deck Destruction Virus]. I declare a magic card. Trago Dia sneered and said, Check all the magic and trap cards on the opponent's field, the opponent's hand, and the cards drawn by the opponent within three rounds based on the opponent's turn.

Within that, all cards of the declared type will be destroyed!

As Tragodia's words fell, [Supreme Sun] suddenly exploded, completely detonating the virus that had spread before, destroying the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] opened in Hayato's backcourt and returning it to Tragodia. Go to Gordia's graveyard, and the [Predation Generation] that was being placed was also destroyed.

At the same time, the three cards [Heart Change], [Psychic Ectoplasm] and [Super Fusion] in Hayato's hand were also affected by the virus, destroyed and sent to the cemetery, leaving Hayato with no cards left in his hand!

After Tragodia activated [Dark Deck Destruction Virus], just when he was about to say something, he suddenly paused, stood frozen for a moment, and then said to himself unhappily: Tsk, after seeing me liberated [Supreme Sun] actually started to struggle? It's too late to start resisting me now. It's useless, your value is as my puppet dances under my control, Pegasus walks at night.

Tragodia's words made Hayato raise his eyebrows: 'Pegasus Yakou is resisting Tragodia? ’

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